Friday, August 31, 2012

A Day to Forget

Day 261:

Wow Boy'O.  Talk about a rough 24 hours... Beginning last night with a flight from Washington Dulles at 10:00pm - a flight that didn't get in until after 1:00am, it's been a busy, busy day, Boy'O.  The purpose behind the effort was to get in front of the would-be customer and see to it that they got the deal done before close of business (5:00pm) on the last day of the month.  Didn't happen.  And unfortunately it was because my company was to rigid with it's terms.  SO much so it saw the customer walking away from the deal.

Empty handed, I left my customer's offices both angry and frustrated.  Not only that, but I had 40 minutes to make my flight and I was 20 minutes away.  When I got to the airport and checked in with the United crew, they'd given away my 1st class upgrade and stuck me in a middle seat.  What's more?  I was literally the last person on the plane and in fact, they were holding it for me!  Lucky for me, the folks at United were really interested to see me at least make that plane.  I owe them for that.

On the other side of things, you and Mommy, your Grandpa K9, and MeMeow all packed up our Tahoe and rolled out to the Jersey Shore for the Labor Day weekend.  Unfortunately for them, a 3 hour drive turned into a 6 hour drive and, when cruising with an 8 month old, that means you're going to have a few moments of cranky-Conor!

So there it is... Everybody is having a less than memorable day.  I was at least able to finish the day with a steak and a friend at a favorite restaurant of mine, and not only that but on the Harley and with the beautiful blue moon.  Gorgeous night for riding, and I can't remember needing it more.

I also need some sleep, Boy'O.  And that's where I'm headed now...

I love you,

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Up in the Air

Day 260:

Wow Conor...  It's been a really trying week.  Starting out the week in Florida, getting home only yesterday afternoon, and now turning around to fly back to Tampa on a 10:00pm flight... That is the PITS!  And the only reason it bothers me at all, is just because I have to be away from you, Son.  I truly don't want to miss a thing, but sometimes, life just gets in the way.

Still, I'm optimistic as to the reason why I'm traveling...  I'm doing what I do, Boy'O.  I'm getting business done...  I should be in Tampa around midnight and my head should hit the pillow around 1:00am.  My meeting starts at 9:30am and will likely take the better part of the day, but if all goes well I'll be on the 6:00pm flight home, and running First Class at that!  The benefit to traveling often is the recognition by the airlines for using their services, and so they'reupgrading me on both legs for free... Not so bad I guess...

In other news, you're teething like baby shark, Son!  And with the teething comes a lot of drool... Seems as though you're ALWAYS drooling!  It's as though we gotta keep you in a bib full time!

Short post, Son...  It's almost 2:00am and I'm just getting to the room after an accidental midnight drive to Clearwater under a perfect full moon.

I love you, Conor.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thanks be to Grandparents

Day 259:

Well Conor, I'm finally home.  After almost three days on the road, tons of rain and gusty winds, driving from coast to coast in the great state of Florida, I came home to Virginia.  I was only able to peek in on you while you were napping upon arrival, but that would have to be enough.

Needless to say I had tons of work to do, Son, so sitting at the house in the afternoon wasn't even an option.  I had to drop off my gear, grab my keys, and head into the office.  Arriving around 1:00pm I was weary from travel (and even more so now) but determined to get some things done ahead of the 3 day weekend...  Still, as determined and as focussed as I could be, it was hard not to think about getting home in the evening to hang out with you...

As mentioned before, this week is the week that your Nanny, Ms Zeny, takes off for the week and so we've been hodgepodging daycare for you all week.  Mommy on Monday, Breanna on Tuesday, and today, your Grandparents!  In fact, todays' picture is in tribute to your Grandpa K9 and his service to our United States Marine Corps.  Your MeMeow bought you this bib and I just had to put it on you!  Though here's the deal, Son.  With all due respect to Marines everywhere, if you're joining the corps, Son, you're doing it with a degree and then heading through OCS.  No conversations, no arguments.  I'd be so proud should you serve the country, Son.  But you'll do it as an educated man and an officer.

Tangent, sorry...  Anyhow, you were in good hands today, as you will be tomorrow, and then you're mine all mine on Friday!  Though now, I'm just done, Conor. Wiped out and in need of a good night's sleep.  And so off I go.

Until tomorrow, Boy'O.  I love you...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On the Road and Dreaming

Day 258:

Well Conor, it's a been a long couple of days.  Aside from the emptiness I feel being away from you, I've put a ton of work in and made several meetings all over Central Florida - from Orlando to Clearwater.  Each meeting gets a little bit tougher, but I'm good for it, Son.  Though still, in between these meetings, and considering how much I've been driving, it's given me a LOT of time to think.   A lot of time to think about you...

I like having time to think, Conor.  It's a luxury not otherwise afforded in the day to day life of work, home, responsibilities, errands, chores.  When you do finally get some down time, all you wanna do is turn your mind OFF.  Get numb to some groovy tunes or a mindless movie.  But that's the real reason I've always loved the road, Son.  It gives me time to consider.  It gives me time to appreciate.  It gives me time to day dream.  

Being alone with your thoughts can be both liberating and dangerous.  In my case, I have a tendancy to over think things and then I become frustrated.  When I become frustrated I become unclear.  It's a Catch 22 it seems, but necessary.  At least for me.  Still, I love thinking of the endless possibilities I have with you, Boy'O.  I love thinking about what will be, where to go, and how to get there.  And so the road alone offers that opportunity.  For that I'm thankful.

The other side of it is though, I'm away from you...  That part I don't like.  Not one bit.  Selfishly I could spend every living moment with you, but that would mean we would both be a couple of the most maladjusted human beings on Earth!  So instead, this will have to do.  But I swear to you, Conor, no matter how far away I am, you're always on my mind.

Time to get into character, Boy'O... I've got business to do!

I love you, Conor.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Eye of the Storm

Day 257:

On the go again, Boy'O.  Back in Florida...  A rough night (another blasted headache) in conjunction with an early start, heavy traffic to the airport, extraordinarily long security lines at Dulles, running to my gate, a delayed flight, and a monsoon when I finally touched down in Florida... I've been tested today, Son.  Still, I have great hopes for the meetings I'm here for, Boy'O.  Three companies and back on Wednesday.  And not a moment to soon because I miss you like crazy already!

Traveling is something I've typically enjoyed, Son.  Even for work. It's merely a change of pace.  Seeing new things, having new experiences.  I most enjoy traveling with friends or colleagues, but am just fine to go it alone, too.  This day will see me running things solo while tomorrow I'll be joined by my boss and another colleague as the meetings we're in town for are bringing in the brass to play with... That's to say, people who make decisions, Son.  In my current profession, when you can meet with C-Suite executives of companies valued at North of $100m in revenue, never go it alone.  

Yes, Hurricane Isaac is making a mess of a few things in the Central Florida region and so traveling, alone no less, isn't as much fun as it could be.  Especially considering how much I miss being home with my family.  You, Mommy, and even those darned dogs, Son.  It's hard being away these days, even in the grandest conditions.  Though I put on a determined face and tell myself that in the end, I'm only doing any of this for one reason  - You.

I was born for the road, Conor.  I love it like few ever will and I'll travel absolutely anywhere without giving it much of a second thought.  But I'd really prefer to do all that traveling with you, Son.  And maybe, just maybe, someday we will.  Because no matter the reason; be it work, fun, or other, there's a great big World out there just waiting to be seen, Son.  It's just waiting...

Wish me luck in my meetings, Boy'O.  I'll let you know how I did tomorrow...

I love you, Son.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Day of Nothing

Day 256:

What a slow and sleepy Sunday, Boy'O...  The day began with a heavy, albeit steady, rain that persisted into the late hours of the morning.  This was just perfect for you and Mommy as after you'd finished your morning bottle the two of you were all to happy to get back to sleep... Me?  Well, when I'm up, I'm up, and all I can think about when my eyes open is that first draw from a mug full of hot, steamy coffee...

I rather enjoy a rainy Sunday morning, Conor.  There's something cleansing about it.  Relaxing.  The house is quiet and still, and even your dogs aren't so inclined to mill about.  And so I sat at the dining room table, my very favorite spot in the whole house, coffee in my cup, some mellow music to fill the room, and my trusty computer.  In these moments I find clarity, Son.  You see, I'm constantly afflicted with an abundance of thoughts floating around in my head that simply need to get out.  When I get these thoughts on the page, I feel accomplished; even if not another soul ever reads them... And so on this easy Sunday morning I decided to get back to my "Red Wine, Big Whiskey" blog, and even started a new blog following an early morning run in with a raven while walking the dogs...

To spend a few hours just punching away on my machine, well, let's just say there's a sense of both satisfaction and relief after.  And what's more, I generally write about things I want to learn more about because it provides me the opportunity to research and reinforce what I already know while filling out the details.  Today, for example, I wrote about my love and appreciation of bourbon, and in so doing affirmed much of what I already knew while better understanding the distillation details.  I suppose it sounds a bit like an oxymoron... Why would I be writing about something I don't yet know about?  Because putting things in black and white is something I love to do, and once I've written it down, I don't forget it...

By the time you and Mommy eventually decided to start your day, I was famished, Boy'O!  We pulled ourselves together, grabbed some lunch, ran an errand or two, and then back to the house.  And while the day was still threatening rain, both you and Mommy once again retreated to the bedroom whilst I flipped between our Washington Nationals and pre-season football.  In fact, it was a perfect day to relax, and so I did...

That all comes to an end tomorrow morning though, Conor.  For tomorrow I'm flying into the eye of the hurricane, literally... I have business in Florida over the next few days, and so I'm flying into Orlando for a meeting, and then on to Tampa for several more on Tuesday. Here's to hoping my flight leaves on time, Son!  And that your old man doesn't get swept away in the storm...

I love you, Conor.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ride a Motorcycle, Give Blood...

Day 255:

... though never at the same time, Son.  That's the trick.  Three to four times a year I give blood, Boy'O.  I had an appointment with the American Red Cross today, and so I took the Harley for a spin on the way.

I do this because I'd like to think it could help somebody, and I love nothing more than helping people, Conor.  But I also do it in the hopes that another would do the same, and in the event I'm ever so badly injured that I need blood, there'll be plenty of Type O on hand to get the job done.  We call this "paying it forward", Boy'O.

Giving blood helps civilians and soldiers alike, Son.  And for all it is to give blood, which is to say a minor inconvenience of time and just a quick pinch in the arm, I feel as though it's the very least I can do.  In fact, lately I've been thinking of ways to do more for others, Son.  Doing more for those in need gives a great sense of fulfillment I find.  And for an able bodied, moderately skilled, hard working and determined individual like me, be it giving blood, welcoming home returning service men and women with the USO, or building a house - all things I've considered - I can do more, and will...

 I now only one job above all others which requires I be exceptional doing it; being your father.  To be a good example, a good steward of minding manners, tempering life's many frustrations, and showing above all that doing the right thing isn't because it's what somebody told you to do or what somebody else expects of you, but because YOU believe it's right.  I believe giving blood every now and again is the right thing to do...

Speaking of giving blood, our Redskins are on, Son!  I gotta watch the game!  Because right now, supporting our football team is definitely the right thing to do!

I love you, Conor.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Draft Day!

Day 254:

One of the things I've been consistent with through generally the same group of friends, many of them since high-school, is Fantasy Football, Boy'O.  It's no secret that some of my fondest memories of my childhood were either playing or watching football... And on Sundays in specific, my Dad, your Pop-Pop, would have me set up right along side of him as we watched the Washington Redskins, the Houston Oilers, or the Chicago Bears.  You see, back in those days you could only see the game that was on in your local market, so naturally you became a fan of that team.  Though being born in Washington DC, the Redskins were always Number 1.

None the less, professional football going back as far as the 1970s was always my favorite game, Son.  Where it's true the game has changed so much, what with modern day personalities being both celebrated and exploited through social media and the like, it seems the players for the most part have lost their sense of pride and in many cases only do what they do for the almighty green-back.  And of course this is in part to free-agency, which I'll explain to you the first time you ask me why your favorite player from our Redskins has up and moved to play for a division rival.  Nonsensical and unnatural, but I digress...

Yes Boy'O, the game has changed so much, though with those changes came the advent of Fantasy Football!  A silly competition where by 12 guys go through all the players in the NFL and select which ones they want based on the merit of their play.  Throw in a scoring system and a couple of bucks to keep it interesting, and BOOM!  Fantasy Football.  It's addicting to the point of sickness, Son, and truth be told it flat out annoys me at times.  Though still, it keeps me in touch with a group of friends I would have otherwise lost touch with through the trials of adulthood, so it does have some merits.  In fact, at one time I was in 8 leagues!  It took FAR more time than it was worth and so I've gradually twiddled it down to only one.  That league we call the "All-Stars", and the action for the league begins tonight at our place!

I'm having the guys to the house tonight to go through the draft, drink a few beers, and talk some smack.  Of course, more than anything though, they all want to meet YOU!  And so tonight is their chance...  Yes Boy'O, it's guy food, cold brews, and old school camaraderie the likes of teenagers that would make most adult women simply roll their eyes and affirm how absolutely simple we guys are.   But it is fun and I am looking forward to getting lost in it for a few hours.

That said, I'll sign off, Son.  Gotta go and pick you up to get home and get preppin'...  For tonight, let the testosterone roll...........

I love you, Son.  So much.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Boys Night Out

Day 253:

Well well well Boy'O, tonight was a fun day for the Lion Heart and me!  I got you out the door for daycare this morning and that was fun! A nice clear morning, driving down the road with the windows rolled down feeling the cool air on our faces listening to a bluesy tune.  Then I picked you up after school and did much of the same only this time it was off to Costco for some Friday night supplies.  When we came home we played and laughed then enjoyed some rice cereal and squash followed by a bit of apple sauce and after dinner it was some fun times in the bath!

By the time I'd gotten you ready for bed, you were as content as I'd ever seen.  In fact, the picture above was taken with you curled up in your bed, ready for me to read you a bed time story and then see you off to sleep... And sleep you have, Boy'O.

You see, Mommy's been neck deep in a proposal for several weeks and so she found some reprieve out  to dinner with an old friend tonight.  It's been a nice night for the boys while Mommy gets a bit of down time.  Unfortunately however, I'm wiped out having gotten another blasted headache that kept me up all night, and so immediately following this entry, I'm in the rack, Son.

Still, I very much enjoyed the change of pace, Conor.  I rather enjoy the empowerment of being the go-to for you while Mommy's not around.  At one time it was a challenge, though now it's just a rhythm.  And if I've got anything going for me, Boy'O, it's rhythm!

In other news, I saw your girl Charlie Jane today!  She's so pretty Conor, and I'm so happy you're going to grow up together.  No doubt there will be many, many good times ahead.  Aunt Marti is doing great, and Uncle Justin is on Cloud 9.  A very good day indeed.

I'm off to bed, Son.  Hopefully to sleep through the night!

I love you,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Conor and Charlie, Sittin' in a Tree...

Day 252:

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
--Joshua J. Marine

In my 39 years, Conor, I could have never imagined where I am today.  There was a time when I would look around at so many great friends with wonderful children and I would wonder to myself, "will I ever be a Father?"  I always assumed I'd be an Uncle; be it paternally or fraternally, I always knew there would be a couple of  kids whose lives I'd be apart of though more importantly, a couple kids who would be apart of my life...  But I never imagined what's become of that wonderment, Son.  Never once.

Today, August 22nd, 2012, a young lady you'll know your entire life was born.  Today Son, we welcomed to the world Charlie Jane Anderson!  She was born this very afternoon, 8 lbs, 5 oz. and 21 inches long.  She's perfect, Conor.  And I'm afraid to tell you, your marriage has already been arranged! Sorry...

It's as exciting a time as I can remember, Boy'O..  First you, then Kailyn, then Andrew, then Brantley, then Ryan, and now Charlie Jane!  Six little ones all within 8 months!!  And all of you guys will know one another, at least through the formative years.

Yes Conor, almost any challenge I've ever faced has been met with vigor and determination and for that, I've been oft rewarded... But this is more than I could have ever imagined...  And indeed, my life is meaningful...

I love you, Conor... And all your cousins, too.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wiped Out and Working Hard

Day 251:

Well Son, last night was not a good one for me, and this time it had nothing to with you...  From time to time I get a rare yet hereditary seasonal condition known as Cluster Headaches.  Typically these suckers come with the changing of the seasons and I can only ascertain they've returned now due to the sudden change in temperature.  You see Boy'O, these things have everything to do with the body's Serotonin levels and how those levels balance themselves as a result of circadian rhythms.  When those rhythms get thrown off the nerve distributing the serotonin cannot do its job and when that happens, the headache that occurs is considered to be two to three times that of a migraine.  And here's the kicker; these headaches typically only occur from sleep.  It's a hard way to wake up, Son.

Last night I had two of them...  One at 2:30am and one at 4:00am.

There's no way to manage the headache, Boy'O.  All you can do it ride it out.  There's no sleep to be had, and so I spent the night wide awake and in a ton of pain.  By the time it was all over it was time to wake up and get to work, Son.  On top of that I had as busy a day as you could imagine... A tough day.  And yet, as soon as I returned home and saw you, it all just kind of went away.  I felt better with your smile and I laughed with your laugh.  Not to bad at all...

So now I'm hoping these headaches, hereditary as they may be, pass you by, Son.  I wouldn't wish these bastards on my enemies and so I of course hope they pass you by.

Otherwise, I don't suppose there's anything else to talk about, Boy'O.  Just an early night in the rack and the hopes that I don't get another one (or two) of these suckers tonight...

I love you, Son.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Coming Along

Day 250:

An unseasonably cooler day today, Conor.  With temperatures not much higher than mid-70s, especially given the blazing hot temperatures of July, it was a particularly good day to work outside, Son.  Unfortunately I was stuck working inside.  However, I did have a couple guys come to the house to work on our deck and I'm sure they enjoyed the cool day!  Not only did they enjoy the day, but they delivered fantastic work!  They got rid of those troublesome stairs, straightened up the railing, fixed a few of the deck boards, and patched the existing holes as best they could.  It's a whole new back yard!

While being pleased with the work to the yard I was also out to meet your Uncle Justin to go through a construction project we've been eyeing in Fairfax.  I've had my eye on this house for several months, Son, though the owner has been largely indisposed having to deal with a number of family issues.  Now that he's through them, he's not even listing the place anymore and really only working with Uncle Justin in the hopes we're able to pull something together.  We'll see.  There's a ton of moving parts in this effort.  But more than anything I had a lot of fun walking the property with your Uncle, measuring out rooms and gaps, talking about relocating walls and doorways... Just imagine what would be a fine painting, only it's nothing more than a blank canvas that's been tacked into a really great frame. That's what we're dealing with.  And though it sounds like a ton of fun, it's a hell of a lot trickier than you might think, though certainly it's worth making a run at...

After an hour or so walking the house and talking through the endless possibilities, Unc J had to head off to have dinner with your Aunt Marti ahead of your cousin Charlie getting here in a few days, and I had a nice ride home with a head full of images and ideas.  Every one of them centered around you, Boy'O.  You in the great room, you in the gigantic kitchen, you in the oversized 2 car garage and work shop, you in the yard...  Even if it's not this house, Conor, it'll be a magnificent house, Son.  And as far as I'm concerned, it'll all be for you...

In other news, I had an appointment today with Dr. Vessali, my dentist.  I'm particular about dentists and doctors, Son, and I've been seeing the same dentist twice a year for 12 years.  And each time I see her she's like an old friend.  Asks about you, the dogs, my job, your Mom.  There's something to be said about a person in the medical profession who can make their patients seem so welcome...  Even if she is a dentist!  And the good news, Boy'O??  Still no cavities.  I'm blessed with a great set of choppers, Conor!  With any luck, so will you be...

Time to finish out the Nationals game and then it's off to bed.  I'm back on my workout tomorrow and am gonna need all the energy I can get!

I love you, Conor.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Putting in Work

Day 249:

Well Conor, after an extremely early Saturday morning you showed real grace in finding it in your heart to allow a much later start to Sunday.  I almost fell out of bed when I woke up to realize it was almost 9:00am and still you slumbered!  Easily the latest I've personally slept since before you were born and clearly I needed it, because I could have just as well rolled back over and drifted back to sleep another hour...

Still, the late start made for a busy day as I'd created such a list for myself that not getting after it would mean I'd be working out laborious chores throughout the week and after work.  And I can tell you, Son, this is going to be a very busy week all on its own, so I didn't need anything more to do...

After a breakfast with you and Mommy it was off to Home Depot (a favorite store of mine) to get, among other things, my very own chainsaw!  Now to some this may sound silly... There are those who would question anybody getting excited about a chainsaw...  But for me, Boy'O, I'm a man who loves to work with his hands.  I enjoy the work (whilst at my own leisure) and look forward to throwing my old deer skin gloves on and getting down to it.  To that end, there's an old saying, Conor.  "The right tools make any job easier." and if there's anything in this life that's absolutely true, it's that.  Though still, there are many people who should NEVER operate such machinery, Son.  A chainsaw is a dangerous, albeit effective, instrument.  In the hands of the wrong man, well, let's just say bad things could happen.  And believe me when I say this, Son - I know these men... You will too.  In fact, I'm sure we'll have this conversation again someday, but I digress...

For me a chainsaw is a tool I appreciate and operate safely and efficiently...  In this case, the plum tree in our front yard was so badly damaged by the summer storms in late June that it just had to be managed.  Rather than take the tree down, and recognizing there's still a solid trunk which is doing quite well, I merely sculpted the tree and sealed the open cuts with a a tree wound repair.  This makes the tree more attractive while also ensuring it remains healthy and to be sure, I had a good deal of fun doing it also!

Immediately following the tree work I grabbed the steel rake, a pair of shovels, threw on some good tunes, and got to work planting and mulching four fountain grasses in the easement between our house and the neighbors house.  This work was merely cosmetic, more so than the work I'd done to the tree to insure its survival, but even still it was therapeutic for me, Son.  Once again, throwing in a set of earbuds, cranking up some great tunes, and getting after some good hard vigorous work in the Summer's heat allows for a good sweat and a gratifying finish to a job well done.

Why am I explaining all of this?  Because when you someday read this you'll remember; as backbreaking, challenging, or dangerous as some jobs can be, there's nothing quite like feeling you get when you achieve your goal with little more than determination combined with the sweat of your brow and the strength of your back.  Hard work never killed anyone, Son...

That's all for tonight, Boy'O.  I love you, Conor...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday, Sinatra, Sharks, and the Skins

Day 248:

Well Conor, today would start quite a bit earlier than I usually care for Saturday's to begin.  I've never been a huge advocate of sleep, but I do like getting at least 5 hours... Though today, you were intent on not allowing that to happen.  Beginning at around 3:30am, you were just up.  Wide awake and talking out loud, no intention of falling back to sleep.  For piece of mind and in the hopes of catching a few more winks, Mommy picked you up and brought you to our bed.  This is a practice that's becoming more and more frequent and one that I fervently disagree with.  Though you do seem to fall back to sleep more easily.  Still, our Queen size bed just isn't big enough to feel comfortable with you sleeping in between us, and so Mommy got up and moved to the guest room leaving me to fend off your flailing baby attacks alone...

Okay, so it was a bit of a sleepless night for me, Son.  Mommy's off in dreamland in the guest room and you're now bright eyed and bushy tailed as the rooster crowed in the early morning light.  I looked at the clock and it read 5:45am.  I tried in vein to rap you up and get you to fall back to sleep, thinking to myself that if I could only get another 30 minutes, I'd be ready to face the day.  Alas no... I surrendered to the squealing!  As well I wanted to let Mommy sleep, at least one of us should get to snooze away the early morning, so I threw on a tee shirt, but you in a tee shirt, and marched downstairs to get your morning bottle.  It was 6:00am - earlier than I get up on workdays...

Then I thought, you know, this isn't so bad!  Just me and my main man and whatever us boys can get into!  So I threw some Frank Sinatra on Spotify (internet radio), made you a bottle, me a strong cup of coffee, and we drank and crooned and laughed the Sun up, Son!  But now what?  It's not quite 7:00am, we still don't have television... Or do we?!  Sure we do!  Apple TV!

So off we went to the basement to see what we could find on our pirated internet television... And what's this?  The Best of Shark Week??  Yes please!

When Mommy finally joined the living it was just after 8:00am and we'd already had a full day, Boy'O.  But why stop there?  So up we went to get you fed, me fed, Mommy some coffee, then it was off to the tennis courts for the Gregg Court Invitational... Unfortunately Son, tennis not being my game and in fact, having not played a day in my life until a week ago, Mommy handed me my ass 3 games to 2.  But a rematch will be had, you better believe it...

And now, after a day filled with chores and outdoor work, including minor carpentry and major clean up, it's off to see Uncle Paul and Aunt Jennifer and to watch our Washington Redskins take care of the Chicago Bears in the 2nd game of the 2012 preseason!

Yes sir, it's been a good Saturday and it's only getting better, Conor.  A Sinatra, sharks, and Skins kinda Saturday...

I love you, Conor.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Quiet Friday Night

Day 247:

Life sure has changed since you've been in the World, Boy'O.  There was a time that when the foreman's whistle blew I was out to have a good time with friends from all over the place in bars we'd never been to and with people we'd never see again!  And let me tell you, Son, those were some great days!  But do you know something, Conor?  For as much as I loved those days, I don't miss them.  Not even a little bit.

Simply put, life is based in the experiences you have, or in some cases the experiences you allow yourself to have.  For me, meeting you meant it would all change.  And of course that's the case for anybody who decides to be a parent.  Truly.  But for me, I made the decision, or rather I allowed my heart to make the decision for me, that no matter what I was going to be the best Father I could ever be for you.  The rest of it be dammed, I had to shrink... Figuratively speaking.

These days good times are spent with you, Son.  They're spent enjoying your company, watching you grow, hearing you laugh, and seeing you smile.  These days fun is spent with a few choice people.  And not because the masses were ever bad.  They weren't.  I loved every moment I've ever shared with the fun and exciting people in my life before you, Son.  But the fact is, it was a selfish life.  One that was spent living for me.  An unquenchable lust to go new places, see new things, and meet new people.  Now however, life is about keeping with the chosen few.

Don't get me wrong, Boy'O.   My zest for life will never die.  Never.  Only now that zest is met by a select few but more importantly, you Conor.  Any experience I have with you is all the memory I'll ever need.  And i promise you, Son, we'll see the World.

Tonight was a great night, Conor.  Your Uncle Doug came to the house and we simply relaxed with a few Irish Ciders, some home cooked latino cuisine prepared by your mother, and some fine conversation steeped in anything from politics and religion to motorcycles and hot rods and finally to big goofy red dogs and beautiful bouncing baby boys.  Just what I needed, Son.

So life may have changed, Conor, but I sure as hell haven't.  And I'm having as much fun now as I ever have.  And I have you to thank for that...

I love you, Boy'O...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Some Days You're the Hammer, Others You're the Nail

Day 246:

A rough start from the jump today, Conor... And as the day rolled along and as positive and as upbeat as I try to remain, I'm afraid it's sometimes in vein.  I have a tendency to be a bit cynical, Son.  Though I believe I'm hardly one you would call a cynic...  I still see good in so many things in fact, but I also see the bad or, more specifically the bupkis, for lack of a better word.  The more something smacks of contrived and disingenuous excuses, the more I realize what I'm dealing with is a person's inability to accept responsibility for whatever it is that's not gone the way they've wanted it to.  Suddenly it's my problem...  This is the point when I fall back to cynicism, Son.  The point where I start calling things as I see them.  And often in an argumentative tone.

Knowing I do it doesn't necessarily excuse it. Still, I could always roll along and just forget about the transgression, but where's the spice in that?  So today, Conor, between heavy traffic and a late start at work, dealing with legal council and language nuances in reviewing the terms and conditions of my contracts, sideways conversations with prospective clients who ask for the World but offer nothing in return, by the end of the workday I'd just had it... All I could think about was some time with the Lion Heart and a glass or two (or three) of wine.

The ride home wasn't awful.  Talk radio and animated opinions to feed my angst, but no matter, it was all radio personality stuff related to local area sports teams of which I fervently believe my opinion is the only one that matters, and if these yahoos would give me their jobs I'd improve both the credibility and the ratings of the radio station in question, but I digress...

The point is, while on my way to get you from school, little else more than the prospect of seeing you and NOT being at work would improve my somewhat dour mood.  Though of course when I saw you, and you me, and that huge smile comes across your face and I'm suddenly completely disarmed.

Ahhhhhh, my dude!  And I am, for the moment, happy.

We drive home without incident, fall into the daily routine of walking dogs, feeding dogs, playing with you, Mommy feeding you, Mommy bathing you whilst I make dinner; the routine.  And as a part of that routine I crank up the tunes, Son.  In this house it's music first, then whatever must be done can be, but to the beat.  Except for one little thing...  The internet radio I'm used to using wouldn't work.  Couldn't get a connection to the internet?  What's this???

I scramble throughout the house seeking out multiple mechanisms to confirm that, in fact, we're dark, Son.  No internet.  For me, this is cause for panic!  How else am I going to write this blog?  I followed all the standard operating procedures in terms of resetting the network, powering down the some 10 different mechanisms in the house... Nothing.  Last resort?  Call Verizon FiOS and get some help.  Except they weren't much help at all... And guess where I am now, Son.  Full blown cynic!  And when the poor gal on the other end of the line told me it wouldn't be until Sunday before a repairman could get to the house (it's Thursday), I blew a gasket...  More, I deflated completely before becoming extremely snarky only to later realize that any of this was no fault of the lass on the other end of the line.  Hence the reason I try so hard to stay positive, Son.  Of the good and bad within us all, the one that wins is the one you feed, Conor.  And today, the bad was having a buffet!

Anyhow, here's to great neighbors as Geoff and Kelly Crowe were all to happy to give us the network details of their WiFi access point, and so, the day is saved and the blog is written...

And with that, Son...  No television, pirated WiFi, it's time to count some sheep.  And hope upon hope that my Friday is better than my Thursday!

I love you,Son.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

Day 245:

Well Conor, while this whole process has not been all that frustrating yet, I can definitely see it going that way.  Three houses we've found, three houses we've made offers on, three houses we've lost.  And what it seems to be is that anything decent within the range of which we're comfortable spending and as specific as what we're looking for is gobbled up inside days of when it hits the market.  Supposing we're two people (two and a half people) with exceptional taste and motivation, it would seem we're not alone!

Regardless, I'm a fatalist, Son.  "If it's meant to be, it will be."  And so we'll trudge on.  In fact, it would seem so much of what's already happened, in so far as going after three houses and losing all three, is opening doors into how to mitigate against it happening again through just a little better preparation.  A few phone calls, a good plan, and let's see where this thing takes us in the next month or so...

As for you, well, all anybody can say about you at your daycare is how awesome you are... They say, of the 10 other kids in their care, you're the happiest, the best eater, and you cry the least.  As far as I'm concerned, that's news to trump the loss of a great home.  And where house hunting is concerned, we'll get the right one, Son.  We'll find the house for you to grow up in.  To make memories in.  To have fun in...  We'll find that house, Son.

I love you, Conor.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Hunt Continues

Day 244:

We're back on the hunt for a house, Boy'O.  The house on First Street in Fairfax City wasn't meant to be.  The bungalow on Maple Road has no traction.  And so Mommy has found yet another house, albeit a few miles further West...  And this would be the behemoth on Eagle Chase...  And maybe on your 8 month birthday we'll have all the magic we need!!

Before heading out to the house though, Mommy and I decided to take in a little Mexican food at Anita's in Chantilly; not all that far from the Eagle Chase house.  It was here we would experience yet another Conor the Lion Heart first...  Sitting in a high chair all on your own!  Not only did you sit in the high chair, you LOVED the high chair!  Such freedom!  Such independence!!  And with an appetite to match, Son.  You went through your sweet potatoes, apricots, and rice before our food ever hit the table.  And Anita's is fast!

After some enchiladas and an ice tea, off we went to meet Uncle Justin and Aunt Marti and see the house in question...  And I believe it was worth the drive, Son.  This is a big house.  Like, really big.  Though surprisingly priced and with no irreparable flaws.  Some appliances here, coat of paint there, some new drawer pulls on the cabinets and "Wallah!", a home fit for a King!

This is a place which would take years of design work in terms of getting the yard right, the rooms configured correctly, etc.  But the location is great, the surrounding schools are fantastic, plenty of shopping, and plenty of friends.  Good times to be had, Son.  Provided we get it...

And so with that, Mommy and I are talking while Uncle Justin and Aunt Marti are doing their jobs in so far as getting all the comps, writing the contract, etc.  But most of all, we have a place picked out for for you, Son, and if it's meant to be, it will be.  As are all things...

I love you, Conor.  Fingers and toes, Boy'O!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Cool and Clean

Day 243:

And just like that, it was like a different house, Conor.  Starting with your Uncle Doug getting here around 10:30am today to fix the air-conditioning - of which I had to drive home to let him in because I'd neglected to turn the furnace and forced air back on so there was no way for him to test the mechanism short of breaking a window and letting himself in!  But that was my fault and, for as much as I can I take responsibility for my mistakes...  Believe me, Son, not everybody does.  Never the less, no harm no foul!  When I'd arrived home Uncle Doug was already finished with the repairs and simply awaiting my key.  And low and behold, it worked!  A good thing too, because the thermostat in the house read "84 degrees"!

No sooner was I pulling away from the house, in came the cleaning ladies!  And not a minute to soon, Boy'O.  This house was beginning to feel as though it'd been overrun with shedding dogs... Because it has!  Let me tell you, Son...  The older you get, the more you appreciate the little things, and it's a pretty good feeling to come home to a fresh clean house...

So after a hard day at the office (and it was) coupled with a bit of running around, coming home to a cool and clean home felt great!  So much in fact, I decided to cook ribs, corn, and squash for dinner!  Why is that relevant?  Because ribs take some time, Boy'O.  But I came up with a plan and executed, as is my way (most of the time)...  I seared the ribs for 20 minutes a side on the grill under high heat all the while preheating the oven to 325 degrees.  When they came off the grill it was into the oven for an hour and time for a walk, Son!

Me and Mommy geared up with you again and off we went, cruising the neighborhood on our way to another round of tennis.  Admittedly it took a bit longer than I would have liked to stretch out but you know what they say, getting' old ain't for wimps...  After 5 games and a good sweat it was back to the house to shower, feed you, bathe you, pull the ribs, and sit down to a great and healthy dinner... And on a Monday night no doubt!  Yes Conor, it's true some days are better than others, but then others are just great.  Today was one of the great days, Boy'O.

And on that note, I'll retire to the sights and sounds of the pennant bound Nationals playing the dreaded San Francisco Giants... This day just keeps getting better.

I love you, Son.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Funday

Day 242:

Well well well, Son...  Today was a day of sun, fun, and family time the likes of which we've not seen for weeks!  No thanks to whatever illnesses we've all been carrying around.  No sir, today we were all healthy and ready to get our errands run, get the house picked up ahead of the maids coming tomorrow, and spend he day having some fun.  And all despite the air conditioning having blown its start capacitor  yesterday!

To that end, your Uncle Doug came to the house this morning to diagnose the issue and determine a course of action.  Fortunately the needed part is really only about $12.00, though the trouble with that of course is the part is a "specialty" part; not something we can pick up at Home Depot or Sears.  Bottom line, the place to get that part isn't of course open on Sunday, and so Doug will get the part tomorrow and complete the repair.

All this in mind, if your A/C is gonna break in August, this would be the day for it to happen.  The weather was Summertime sublime and absolutely perfect.  Excellent weather to get out of the house.  Excellent weather to do things together!  I mentioned running a couple of errands, then it was off to the pool for a few hours.  We swam and played and had a ball and then walked home to get you fed,  change clothes, and then it was off to the tennis courts!

As a part of Mommy and my efforts to lose weight, get healthy, and have more fun together, we're once again taking to sport, Conor.  And really, you're all the example we'd need!  You eat well!  You're getting stronger!  Seems it's time we do the same after years of just, not.  The food you're eating is an example as to what we SHOULD be eating... Today's diet was pears, potatoes and spinach, blueberries and bananas, and of course, some good old fashioned rice cereal... So we're cooking better, drinking more water, and feeding our need to compete.  It's a great corner to turn, Conor.  And it's all thanks to you...

I love you, Conor.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Long Day Away

Day 241:

This could actually be a much longer post than it's going to be, Conor.  A lot happened today...  It was a celebration of your Uncle Justin getting married and welcoming my niece, your cousin, into the world.  What also happened was our air conditioner taking a dive and in fact, it's dead.

f course, I found out about this while I was on the river in the Potomac close to Maryland, so there was nothing I could do.  But when I finally arrived home I could feel it, alright...  The house was an inferno!

Still, we can get by for a day or two, not to worry.

Short post tonight, Son.  I'm beat.

I love you...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Leaving the Bad Behind

Day 240:

Well Conor, we've all been fighting this thing.  It's been weeks and we're all still beating back the bug that's managed to stick with us in some form or fashion, Son.  Never the less, we're a strong and noble people!  We can beat it back, right?  Keeping up with your steroid sessions and nebulizers, you're breathing much easier and getting better day by day; as we all are.  Yes sir, things are looking up!  And health and happiness is only a matter of time...

It's a Friday and Aunt Jennifer was going out of town for the weekend so your Uncle Paul was naturally a bit trepidatious...  Part of that would be a fear of being left home with two very smart, very affable boys who still aren't able to hold a conversation!  Uncle Paul needed some adult interaction, and so we took the challenge and rolled to Falls Church.

The venue?  Clare and Dons.  The entertainment?  A great little band covering David Allen Coe, Johnny Cash, CCR, and more!  Not bad!  The company??  Uncle Paul, Adam, Amanda, Rob, Jess, Nathan, Andrew, and Ryan... Now THAT's a party!  Though needless to say, now I'm tucked out, Son.  Time to cash in on the night...  But I'll see ya in the morning, Boy'O.  Promise you that.

I love you, Conor.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Welcome Back Football

Day 239:

It's late Summer now, Conor, and that means a number of things, at least where I'm concerned...  First, my very favorite season, Autumn, is just around the corner.  Next, the heat of the Summer subsides, the blue jeans come back out, and the air gets just a little drier and crisper.  And last, it's football season!!!

For me, Son, football season represents so much of my youth.  When I was a boy, as early as I can remember, I spent every Sunday in the Fall either playing pick-up football with my friends, or watching NFL football with my Dad.  So many of those moments, particularly watching the games along side your Pop-Pop while he'd scream and real at the television whenever a favorite player would break one loose for a big gain or lay a guy out with a big hit, are my fondest memories.  My first sip of beer, nachos at the ball park, you name it, it was my youth... And I loved it.

For so long I've wanted a child of my own, for so many reasons!  But this one...  Football Sunday.  It's way up there, Son.  A little guy (or gal - I wasn't particular) to sit and watch the games with.  To talk to about what's happening on the field.  To get excited with on game day.  To spend time with as I did with my Dad...  And so today, as the 2012 football pre-season kicked off, but more specifically as our very own Washington Redskins took the field, I was living in my own personal Shangri-La...

What's more, being a Redskins fan has been a painful endeavor in the last 20 or so years as they've not been very good at all...  But for the nearly 20 years prior, our Redskins were one of the most dominant teams in all of football, and I've never forgotten those days...  In fact, the year I was born, 1973, the Redskins played in the Superbowl against the undefeated Miami Dolphins!

If there's anything history teaches us, Son, it's that everything works in ebbs and flows.  What goes around, comes around...  20 years of epic football, 20 years of awful football.  Maybe, just maybe, we're on the upswing, Conor.  And if that's the case, we're gonna have some fun!

Hail to the Redskins, Conor.  Hail Victory!

I love you, Buddy.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Toothy Grin

Day 238:

A rough start today, Boy'O.  Not in the sense you were in any way unhappy, but certainly in the sense that, whatever you've been fighting off in terms of this precarious Summer bug, had finally made its way into your lungs.  Your breathing was labored, you were snotty, and just, yuck.

Again, this doesn't seem to affect you all that much as you're more than generally a really happy kid, but it's enough to raise an eyebrow and that meant a trip to the Pediatrician.  Turns out the concern was warranted because the doctor wanted to get aggressive on this thing and stay ahead of any possibility of developing asthma.  Fortunately, neither Mommy or I have any allergies to speak of and no history of asthma anywhere in either side of the family...  I've never been allergic to a thing in my life, nor has Mommy, and so all indications are that you'll also be a strong and healthy boy.  That said, it's more likely than not just a bad cold, but tamping it out any way possible is just fine with me.  The doc prescribed a steroid and ordered we continue with the nebulizer treatments.  No problem, Son.  We'll get you back to healthy living in no time!

Well, aside from the Yerkes-Three battling back the bugs, more interesting is that you finally cut your first tooth!  I got a very excited phone call from Mommy this evening on my ride home saying she couldn't believe it and in fact, all she'd been thinking about all day was when you would cut your first pearly white... And then, while feeding you, there it was!  A tiny shimmering white chopper breaking through the gums, and as sharp as a White Shark tooth, too!

It really is the little things, Conor.  I'm a very, very lucky man to have you and to celebrate those little things with you, Son.  Life has a really interesting way of giving you exactly what you need when you need it, and in my life, Mommy and me having you has put a great many things in focus... Right down to cutting teeth.

I love you, Conor.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Busting Out

Day 237:

You, Conor, are coming into your own, Son.  Day by day a little bit more of that personality comes out.  This morning was one that saw you awake and raring to go as the rooster crowed.  This evening heard giggles and continuous laughter from the time you walked in the door and right up and through bath time.

I believe yours will be one charisma and happiness.  You're seldom unhappy and when you are, it's simply because you're ready for a little something bigger than a bottle; at least these days.  Still, you're seemingly always laughing and making happy little coo's and giggles.  Whenever you see me, from no matter how far away, you smile.  And each and every time I melt a little...  I know it won't be like this forever, but for now it's all I need to make it through each and every day.

Life is good, Conor.  It's full of good things and good people and good sights and good music and good times.  And truth be told, I never knew how good life could be until you came along.

As for the last two weeks treating me like you treat diapers, I'm on the up and up, Boy'O.  Feeling better save for a spot of congestion and a nagging headache...  But by the weekend, I should be 100%.  And it's a good thing too, because I have a TON of things to do in this house!

Off to bed, Son.  I love you.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Beating Back the Bug

Day 236:

After almost exactly two weeks of muddling through this bug or infection or whatever it is, I'm FINALLY back to my old self!  (Minus a bit of a raspy voice).  I feel better, am eating better, breathing better, and coughing and sneezing far less.   But as predicted, Mommy now has the bug!  She saw herself at the doctor's office this morning and is on a set of scripts all her own.  Meanwhile you're as healthy as you've ever been and eating like a champ!

In other news, I got your Chevy Tahoe back tonight!  Sister Tahoe is all cleaned up, dent free, polished and shined, and almost as good as new...  Which, for a 7 year old truck with 130,000 miles on her, is impressive to say the least.  She's been such a faithful steed, Conor.  For as much as I enjoyed driving the Suburban for a week, I really like our Tahoe and am happy to have her back

You know Son, with as much as I've talked about being sick and staying positive and working hard and anything else I could transfer as a lesson of life, I'm almost at a loss for words tonight...  Just tired and ready for bed.  Sometimes, you just have to put your mind to rest.

Let that be your lesson tonight, Boy'O.

I love you, Conor.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sicky Sunday

Day 235:

While I awoke several times through the night coughing and wheezing, Mommy did her best to both ignore me while also ignoring her own developing cough.  And though she made it through the night, the morning would be vastly different.

When I finally came to after mucking through night sweats and hacking coughs, I awoke feeling much better.  Seems the medications I picked up yesterday evening were getting the job done.  Though because Mommy wasn't prescribed the same, she would receive no such reprieve and in fact, we simply switched places.

I've stayed steady with the meds and my ills have definitely subsided a great deal; despite the cough and  mild congestion, I feel fine.  But Mommy still has a ways to go and may even be heading to the doctor tomorrow.  It's all wait and see for her now.

As for you, well, you're just generally congested it seems.  We keep giving you the nebulizer treatments and they seem to work for a time, but you're forever fighting something.  Never the less, your pediatrician seems totally unconcerned and simply attributes your seemingly never ending cold to day care.  One thing is for sure, it's not affecting your mood or your growth, so I guess I'm not all that concerned with it either.

So here it's been a solid two weeks for me being ill through work, through our vacation, and through everything in-between, but it would seem that I'm back.  And just in time, too.  For tomorrow, I'm up at 5:30am and we're walking and running, Son.  Yes sir, I'm "Reshaping Daddy" (or a similar title), a new blog I'm going to begin writing, also daily, talking through the workout and dietary habits of a man who's committed to reshaping himself.  The days of over indulgence are coming to an end for me, Conor. It's time I set myself set-up for longevity.  And Mommy says she'll be joining me in my efforts, just as soon as she's healthy...

Change is good, Conor.  Especially once you realize the problem is you.  Then it's simply a matter of fixing the problem, right?  So here's to dropping 40lbs, Son.  And living a longer, happier, healthier life with the Lion Heart.

I love you, Conor.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Sick Get Sicker

Day 234:

Homecoming day, Conor.  It was time to pack up and leave the beach... Unfortunately I'm still sick, and lemme tell ya, Boy'O, I've never been this sick...  Coming up on two weeks I've had this thing!  Whatever it is...

The drive out of Sea Isle, New Jersey took far longer than usual as it was detoured through a more central area of New Jersey to see the Smith family Matriarch,  Ms. Dani Smith; Mommy's Grandmother.  Sadly Grandma Dani is in the care of professionals as a result of advanced Alzheimers, and so the visit was all to brief for Mommy, MeMeow, and Grandpa K9.  Though she's evidently in very good hands and Uncle John frequently visits his Mother.  For as difficult a situation as that one is, it would appear this is the best possible solution, and so there's piece of mind which, in my opinion, is invaluable.  As for me, I stayed outside with the dogs so as not to leave them in the hot car!  Still, I sent my best as they all disappeared into the bright and lively building.

When the trio made their way back to the vehicles, off we went to cruise South bound in the direction of home on the I-95 corridor.  Fortunately the traffic flowed and there were no real hiccups getting home.  Unfortunately however, with each and every mile I felt myself getting a little sicker and a little weaker...  It would become one of the longer rides I've ever taken as I was coughing and hacking the whole way home.

I know I've mentioned in previous posts that I seldom get sick, and the general consensus amongst men with children is, they go to daycare and they come home to give you anything from a common cold to freakin' Typhoid.  And because of the birthing relationship between child and mother and the sharing of an immune system, you and Mommy seem to be impervious to it all!  Meanwhile,, I'm being handed my hat by bugs and bacteria alike and quite frankly, I'm over it.

No sooner did we pull into the driveway and unload the vehicles, I was back into the Suburban and off to INOVA Urgent Care.  Nobody can tell me what I have, as I've already been through a round of antibiotics and to no effect.  So the Doc upped the medicine to a stronger antibiotic, prescribed some crazy cough medicine in pill form, and a nasal decongestant to blast up my schnoz...  If this doesn't get it, I suppose I've got cause to be concerned.

Regardless Boy'O, the power of positive thinking can overcome a lot more than the common cold.  Since you've been in the World, I truly believe I've turned a corner in terms of working through positive thoughts, loving more, forgiving often, and letting go the disappointments of the past.  I've been known to be a pessimist, Conor.  A doubter.  Somebody who struggles to find truth...  Be they interpersonal situations or a crisis of faith, makes no difference.  Until you decide to make the change, until you find a way to dedicate the time to something greater than yourself, no counselor, no book, no philosopher, and no religion will ever amount to a hill of beans.  Illness and physical self is no exception.  So maybe, just maybe, this outlook gets me on my feet again!  Though I'm sure the medicine will help...

Fingers crossed and positive vibes, Conor.  I'll be right as rain in no time flat...
Out with the bad, and bring on ALL the good!

I love you, Son.

Friday, August 3, 2012

A No Win Situation

Day 233:

It's been an up and down vacation for me, Boy'O.  I've spent the better part of two weeks fighting some kind of illness and, where I normally would find a way to beat it back and / or ignore it, this kinda thing can be more than just fighting a bad cough.  Especially when you're on vacation...

It was another day of dragging my feet today, Son.  I've tried hard to put this behind me and find a way to enjoy myself but at every turn there seems to be yet another obstacle in my path.  But that's okay, Boy'O.  While there are those who would allow themselves to be taken down by the little bugs, I refuse to go quietly...

Yes, I spent the better part of the day in bed, resting, rehydrating, and letting my body jump into overdrive to do whatever it could to chase thing out.  Meanwhile, Mommy was at the beach and your Mom-Mom and MeMeow were here to look after you while I tried to rally for one more good night.  I finally got up and moving around 2:30pm and just in time to see your Uncle Teddy, Aunt Margie, and cousin Max who stopped by to visit for a few hours.  By this point, aside from a sore throat and a bit of a runny nose, I at least felt as though I was capable of having a great time tonight.

The whole house packed up and headed over to the Gallo's for dinner and drinks.  With both the Gallo's and the Rummel's little guys now out of camp, and given all the adults and our festiveness, it was a packed house!  Kids and parents and grandparents and friends at every turn...  But we of course made the best out of it... I showed Tyler the art of the full stretch and how to throw a slider, worked with Emily as to how to take care of you or someone your size, and even worked with Porter and Bowman on their tennis swings!  In between coaching though, I managed to have a cocktail and join the guys for some great conversation... Throw in some Frogmore stew and a key-lime pie, not that bad of a night...

It's interesting to me how many are reading this blog, Conor.  I'm often surprised when someone simply says, "I read your blog to Conor.  It's great... I hope you can keep it up!"

After 233 straight days, not getting it done is not even an option.  I'll hold up my end, Son.  And as matter of fact as this forum is, as candid as I can be about you, what you mean to me, how you impact my day or my life or even my outlook on life, I know full well this blog is not perfect.  I'm anything but an English scholar and in fact I think I've only re-read maybe 5 or 6 of these posts.  If spell-check doesn't pick it up, grammatically speaking, neither will I.  Having said that I've received some constructive, if not unsolicited, advice from a few folks and to be sure, I take it all in stride...

The fact is, writing is an art and art is expression.  Plain and simple.  I'm a humble man, Conor, and I can take constructive criticism and advice.  About this forum I write to you or anything else in my life that could use direction.  But to be sure, there's a level of courage it takes to put your thoughts into words and once it's down and published, there's absolutely no taking it back.  Nobody is more aware of that than the writer.  Nobody.

It's the effort in the art form, it's the courage of your convictions, it's dedication the likes of which many will never, ever know.  It's love, Son... And whether or not my punctuation is always perfect, or if I capitalize the wrong word, or if my sentence structure isn't grammatically perfect, or my capitalization is off, it really doesn't matter... Not to me anyhow.  And certainly not in a blog that I write without the benefit of an editor.  No sir, I do this because I love to do it and because I love you.  I do this because in my 39+ years, I've started a great many things I've never finished.  Some I regret, others I don't.  But when I met you, Conor, and when I started this blog from a Virginia NICU in the dead of Winter in an effort to keep my mind clear and focussed, both on you and the task at hand, I started something that, short of death, I will assuredly finish.

When it's all said and done, on December 14th, 2012, I will take the day to culminate my thoughts of the year.  I will finish this project and I will be proud.  And at that time, I'll turn it over to an Editor.  A PhD in English Literature from Catholic University, who'll correct the many, many mistakes before these 365 days of thoughts and love make their way to a hard back book of which you'll be presented on December 14th, 2032 - your 21st Birthday.  By then, the only two people who'll ever have cared about what's been written here, will be me and you.

I love you, Conor.  So very, very much.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Under the Boardwalk

Day 232:

Today was really the first day in the week we had a plan, Son.  Mommy and I decided to meet Karen and Rick Sterns, Jen and Kate, and their kids for a day on the Ocean City Boardwalk for putt-putt and pizza to start the day, and so we gathered the troops and headed out for the boards.  The afternoon would see us spending a day on the beach, and the evening would have us for dinner at the Sea Isle City Yacht Club.  Not to bad...

There's something so nostalgic about walking the boards for me, Son.  See, I never went to camp.  Not ever.  For many people it's the one reprieve their parents would receive each and every year.  The opportunity to live kid-free for a week or two and get back to what got them there in the first place!  And for many people being dropped off and left to their own devices when they were kids was as much a learning experience as any they would ever have in their youth.  I suppose to each their own, though I wear my camp-free lifestyle like a badge of honor, Son...

In my day, we as a family were together Nationwide.  From Illinois to Texas to Florida to Virginia to Pennsylvania to New Jersey to Montana and any where else we may have gone, we were never left to our own devices or the responsibility of the camp counselor.  But we were always made to be inventive.  I believe this is what's made me the man I am, as I'm sure camp is to so many others.

I loved life on the road.  Traveling.  Driving.  Riding.  Seeing new places as a young lad as well as in being an older man, and I've never second guessed why it's so easy for me.  It's obvious.  Meanwhile, it's just not for others...  And that's okay.  It's not for everybody.  But for me, seeing the World is tantamount to only one thing; being your Father.

Never the less, in our tripping across the country during the Summer months from both Chicago and Houston to the East coast and mid-Atlantic, you learn to entertain yourself in a multitude of ways.  Be it reading, road games, songs, map study, whatever.  It's camp in motion.  I remember the red clay of Alabama, the Carolina pines, the Blue Ridge in Tennessee, and the boards in New Jersey.  So today while walking those boards with you, the same boards I've been walking for all the years I was a lad, to all the years Mom-Mom has been living in Ocean City, NJ, having you there brought me back... And in a big way.

I've no idea what route I'll go with you when you're finally at a point when you can decide to go to camp or not - or rather that you'll want to.  If that's the case I'll certainly accommodate.  But given my druthers, I see us traveling the country and the World, Son.  The day you were born I promised you Patagonia and Antarctica, and that's a promise I intend to keep.  And when I think about it, we can go much, much further than that.

I love you, Conor.  Thanks for each day, Boy'O.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day of the Dad...

Day 231:

I went bed in an effort to beat this thing really early last night, Boy'O.  And I slept hard.  But not in a good way... In that "I'm sick and working on kicking this illness back to whence it came" kinda way... Sweats, coughs, shakes, the works...  When you started crying at 4:50am I was still in no shape to manage you so, like the trooper she is, Mommy hopped up and went downstairs to your room in an effort to get you back to sleep.  Rather than rocking you to sleep and coming back to bed she simply elected to snuggle up with you in one of the twin beds and catch a few more Z's there...  The next thing I remember I heard those excited early morning Conor squeaks coming from the other room, and at 6:30am Mommy was up and getting you ready for a bottle...

Thankfully, I felt better.  Still not my old self, but certainly strong enough to offer reprieve.  And after 2 days of taking the brunt of the work, it was time I manned up and got to work.

I sprang out of bed, threw some water on my face, grabbed you away from Mommy so she could enjoy her coffee, fed you a bottle, gave you back to Mommy, walked the dogs, fed the dogs, made a list and went to the grocery, stopped at Mallons to buy some homemade sticky buns, came back to the house and snatched you away from Mommy once more to change you and get you settled into your car seat so we could head off to breakfast with Jen, Katie, Rick,  and Karen, got you packed up and out the door, and all by 9:00am!

I fed you at breakfast, fed you at home, laid down and took a nap with you during the early afternoon thunderstorms of the day, and then it was off to the beach, Son.  And we were just getting started!  After a little better than an hour at the beach, it was back to the lab to get ready for the nights party, and guess who did the grillin' and the cleanin' for 20 people?  That's right, Boy'O!  Yours truly...

Now Conor, I'm not talking through all of this to throw myself on the sword of endless chores.  For many people, that kinda day is a daily thing.  No, rather I'm recounting the day and thinking about how happy it makes me to do for others in the rare occasion I have the chance.  On this day, Mommy's vacation was taking a turn toward the worst and I really wanted her to have a day to herself, and so I did my best to give that to her.

Now here I sit, alone and relaxed.  You're in bed and dreaming, Mommy's deck drinking with the ladies, everybody else is next door, and I'm doing my favorite thing in the world; writing to you...  And as soon as I'm done here, it's another early night for me, Son.  This day took it out of me!

I love you, Conor.