Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On the Road and Dreaming

Day 258:

Well Conor, it's a been a long couple of days.  Aside from the emptiness I feel being away from you, I've put a ton of work in and made several meetings all over Central Florida - from Orlando to Clearwater.  Each meeting gets a little bit tougher, but I'm good for it, Son.  Though still, in between these meetings, and considering how much I've been driving, it's given me a LOT of time to think.   A lot of time to think about you...

I like having time to think, Conor.  It's a luxury not otherwise afforded in the day to day life of work, home, responsibilities, errands, chores.  When you do finally get some down time, all you wanna do is turn your mind OFF.  Get numb to some groovy tunes or a mindless movie.  But that's the real reason I've always loved the road, Son.  It gives me time to consider.  It gives me time to appreciate.  It gives me time to day dream.  

Being alone with your thoughts can be both liberating and dangerous.  In my case, I have a tendancy to over think things and then I become frustrated.  When I become frustrated I become unclear.  It's a Catch 22 it seems, but necessary.  At least for me.  Still, I love thinking of the endless possibilities I have with you, Boy'O.  I love thinking about what will be, where to go, and how to get there.  And so the road alone offers that opportunity.  For that I'm thankful.

The other side of it is though, I'm away from you...  That part I don't like.  Not one bit.  Selfishly I could spend every living moment with you, but that would mean we would both be a couple of the most maladjusted human beings on Earth!  So instead, this will have to do.  But I swear to you, Conor, no matter how far away I am, you're always on my mind.

Time to get into character, Boy'O... I've got business to do!

I love you, Conor.

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