Friday, August 31, 2012

A Day to Forget

Day 261:

Wow Boy'O.  Talk about a rough 24 hours... Beginning last night with a flight from Washington Dulles at 10:00pm - a flight that didn't get in until after 1:00am, it's been a busy, busy day, Boy'O.  The purpose behind the effort was to get in front of the would-be customer and see to it that they got the deal done before close of business (5:00pm) on the last day of the month.  Didn't happen.  And unfortunately it was because my company was to rigid with it's terms.  SO much so it saw the customer walking away from the deal.

Empty handed, I left my customer's offices both angry and frustrated.  Not only that, but I had 40 minutes to make my flight and I was 20 minutes away.  When I got to the airport and checked in with the United crew, they'd given away my 1st class upgrade and stuck me in a middle seat.  What's more?  I was literally the last person on the plane and in fact, they were holding it for me!  Lucky for me, the folks at United were really interested to see me at least make that plane.  I owe them for that.

On the other side of things, you and Mommy, your Grandpa K9, and MeMeow all packed up our Tahoe and rolled out to the Jersey Shore for the Labor Day weekend.  Unfortunately for them, a 3 hour drive turned into a 6 hour drive and, when cruising with an 8 month old, that means you're going to have a few moments of cranky-Conor!

So there it is... Everybody is having a less than memorable day.  I was at least able to finish the day with a steak and a friend at a favorite restaurant of mine, and not only that but on the Harley and with the beautiful blue moon.  Gorgeous night for riding, and I can't remember needing it more.

I also need some sleep, Boy'O.  And that's where I'm headed now...

I love you,

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