Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Conor and the Christmas Jazz...

Day 7:

It's really hard being away from you all day, Son. I'm so incredibly jealous of your Mom, you can't imagine... Each day I wake up and head into work while she's waking up and coming to feed you! And actually, Mom gave you your first bath today!! I so wished I could have been here with you. I know it sounds silly, especially given how many baths I'll be giving you, but that's just one of those 'firsts' that I would have loved. Anyhow, I thought about you all day. Each person who would come by my office would say "how's your son, Shane?" or "how's Conor?" and I would light up like a Christmas tree and start showing them pictures! It's shameless really...

Speaking of Christmas Trees; your Mom and me bought you a Christmas tree for your NICU room! It's perfect, Conor. A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. Little, but strong. So, so strong. Strong like you. "Conor An ChroĆ­ Lion". Literally translated from Gaelic, "Conor the Lion Heart".

You'll come to learn your Dad's a bit of a music nut, Conor. I believe everything is better with music. And I believe a life can be set to music. And I believe music is all around us, Son; all you have to do is listen. So of course I'm going to play music for you as often as I can and the NICU is no exception! A few days ago I brought an Altec Lansing iPhone dock to your room and have been playing anything from Beethoven, Bach, and Yo-Yo Ma, to Michael Buble and Frank Sinatra. Tonight I pulled up 'Pandora', and started playing the Vince Guaraldi Trio's "A Charlie Brown Christmas". It was my favorite when I was a kid and remains so to this day. I love jazz, Conor, but holiday jazz? Well, holiday jazz is, above all else, how Christmas should be celebrated if you ask me. Sure, I like the classics too, don't get me wrong... but toe-tapping jazz covers of old Christmas tunes is just so... warm. Now, add you to that mix? Mommy and you kangaroo'd, the Charlie Brown Christmas tree... Man oh man, what a night.

You're the greatest gift I've ever received, Conor. And this Christmas is one I'll never, ever forget. And though I'm sure each Christmas will only get better as you grow, this Christmas will be the most special Christmas of all. Because you're here. Because God brought you to us. To all of us. And we all love you, and we all thank God for you.

I love you, Conor. Conor An ChroĆ­ Lion.

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