Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Day of Days...

On this morning - December 14, 2011, at 7:45am - your Mother and I welcomed you to this world in a most unexpected manner, Dear Conor.

Mommy awoke at 4:00am with some mild cramping but we thought it might pass. In fact, I went back to sleep! A short while later Mommy woke me again saying this time the cramping was getting worse! She called her Doctor and the Doctor on call thought it a good idea to see Mommy right away, so we packed up our things and went to the hospital.

This is the exact timeline...
4:00am - Mommy has cramping
5:00am - Mommy called the Doctor
5:30am - Mommy and Daddy were rolling to the hospital
6:00am - Mommy and Daddy were checked in to a hospital room in the Labor and Delivery ward at Arlington Hospital
7:00am - The Doctor's decided to air on the side of caution and intervene with Mommy's pregnancy for the sake of your well being.
7:30am - Mommy was prepped and ready to have a baby... YOU!
7:45am - The delivering Doctor, Dr Born, called - "Baby Out! 7:45am"

But we didn't know if you were a boy or a girl? And we didn't want to know until you were born! We wanted to be surprised! And so after the Doctor called "Baby Out! 7:45am", a minute passed by until I finally yelled out "Boy or Girl?!" and heard a resounding "BOY!" Mommy's eyes lit up with surprise and I could only smile with joy...

When I touched your skin with my hands I felt a connection run through me unlike anything I've ever known. I've never been so proud, and I've never seen anything so beautiful, in all my days. And when you cried, my heart broke, and then it soared. Because it was the sweetest sound I've ever heard. And when you opened your eyes, I saw God.

We have many great adventures ahead of us, Conor. And you have a supporting cast the likes of which cannot be broken. Not by anybody. Individually and collectively there are so many who love you. And you'll know this throughout your life. But more than anything, your Mom and I will forever be here for you.

Welcome to the world, My Son. I love you.


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