Sunday, September 30, 2012
A Really Big Day
Day 291:
What an incredible day for the Lion Heart, Conor... From start to finish, you had a HUGE day, Son. After a day of apple picking yesterday, now the problem I have is to many apples! What else could I do but find ways to use 'em? So staring this morning I ram to the grocery store to grab a few things and set to making delicious apple pancakes with fresh picked Virginia apples right off the vine...
A little known thing about me is, Conor, I love to cook. I certainly don't do it as often as I like, but then, with all the things I'm into I don't do anything as much as I'd like! But when I get my head around dusting up the kitchen, I can whip up a mean batch of something delicious and I pride myself on the results. This morning's treat of apple pancakes, eggs, and turkey sausage wouldn't be anything I could have ever learned at Le Cordon Bleu, but you can bet I did all I could to make your mouth water. And with that in mind, this morning you had your first taste of pancakes, Son! Being delighted with the outcome myself I knew you'd like 'em, so I took little bitty pieces and gave you whatever you would take... Success! You loved your apple pancakes! A great start...
Immediately following breakfast the Family Yerkes was up and moving back toward the Virginia hill country, only on this trip we'd be making our way to the wineries in the Northwest. What a special day, Son. Aside from today being your Aunt Jessica's birthday celebration day (her birthday was on Friday), we were surrounded by amazing landscapes, drinking great wine with perfect weather, and wold find ourselves spending the whole day with some of the best people this life has afforded us, Son. Your Godparents- Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Paul, Nathan and Andrew, Adam and Amanda and their little Ryan, and of course Uncle Rob and Aunt Jess. We were joined by others as well, including Jessica's parents, her sister, Aunt and Uncle, and even the proprietors of the magnificent 868 Winery in Purceville, VA. Relaxing, easy day, Son.
To cap it all off, the Redskins managed to squeak out a win before settling into a truck load of sushi and your Aunt Jen's and Uncle Paul's. And through it all, well past Andrew and Nathan's bed time, there you were, Conor. Having the very best time. In fact, you stayed awake right up through 10:00pm! And nary a fuss... All smiles, as is your way...
You're such an amazing kid, Conor. A role model to me. Happy all the time, tired or not... In fact Boy'O, you're my true blue real life hero. And I love you more than you could possibly imagine.
Good night, Son. Thanks for a great day...
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Apple Pickin' in Sweet Home Virginia
Day 290:
It's not often the folks in this house, including you, don't have any plans, Conor. Not on Saturday, and not on any other day of the week... This morning would find your Mom and me milling about the house doing arbitrary chores and, upon completion of said chores, found ourselves standing in the kitchen saying, "What do you wanna do?" "I dunno, what do you wanna do?" "I dunno, got any ideas?" This "who's on first" (Abbott and Costello. Timeless comedy, Boy'O) went on for about 10 minutes until the decision was made to take advantage of the brilliantly clear Autumn day and beautiful Virginia countryside...
With the decision made it would only be a matter of time before we were all up and rolling, Conor. We loaded up the truck and headed for points West. In specific, a beautiful little part of the world known as Delaplane, VA and a favorite area of our home state, Son. Delaplane is a region of rolling green hills, deep creeks, small rivers, and huge views. A motorcyclists delight. Yes Conor, Delaplane is wide open sweet Virginia; it's horse country, miles of vineyards, and mountains of orchards. A perfect place to spend a sunny, 65 degree day.
When we finally reached our destination, Hollis Farms, we marched straight into the apple orchards and started picking. For me, Son, apples and peaches are my favorite fruits if not two of my favorite foods. I could eat 'em for days! So when we finally reached a really nice apple, I flipped out my trusty knife, cut you off a little slice, and placed it in your tiny mouth. You were in Heaven, Son! Sinking your little bottom teeth into the flesh of the fruit, you sucked that sliver dry! Well, after that I couldn't help but just offer you the whole apple! It was an experience for you to be sure, but just as much so for your Mom and me.
Eventually making our way to Three Foxes Vineyard, we'd spend the remainder of the afternoon taking it easy in the cool, hill country breeze and the warm Virginia sunshine. Considering the day started with what felt like nothing to do, turned out to be quite the afternoon... Our booty? About 4 pounds of apples and two massive pumpkins. And so for the next few weeks it'll be apple EVERYTHING, Boy'O! Starting tomorrow morning with your Daddy's very own apple pancakes...
I love you, Conor. Each and every experience is better than the last...
Friday, September 28, 2012
Around the World
Day 289:
Okay so, maybe not around the World, but at least around the Southeast of the North American continent... In four weeks I've spent at least 10 days in another state not named Virginia. Granted, much of that time was spent in Florida and those days turned out to be less than fruitful. At least thus far. Though this last trip to Nashville was a home run, and so my return trip to the DC area felt pretty good.
Leaving on an early flight this morning I made it back into the office by a little after 1:00pm; not bad considering the flight was delayed more than an hour. Anyway, having been out for three days and considering all the work I needed to catch up on, I was a busy, busy bee! But still missing you through every breath... I just couldn't wait to get out of work and get home to see you, Son. It's amazing what your smile does for me.
Outside of that though, it was time for some good times, Conor. A little Guatemalan home cookin' at Casa de Velasquez. Uncle Nelson, Aunt Devin, Nelo, Cruz, Sandra, Manolo, Manny, Kina, and Jasmine all came to play with the Lion Heart while us adults were enjoying Momma Cheeky's home country specialty. And let me tell you, hijo (that means 'son' en espanol), Momma Cheeky sure can cook...
Truly a wonderful night, Conor. But now I'm wiped out, Boy'O. And it's time for a good, long night's sleep.
I love you, Son.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Knockin' 'em Down...
Day 288:
It's been a long time coming, Conor... Actually, for my career anyhow, it's been since just after you were born that I've closed a deal. The good news is, I work really hard and business comes to you so long as you put all you have into it (when applicable - i.e. 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday), and that I do, Son. Every day...
Soon after you were born I started with my now company, LogiXML. In this space and in this business, it takes some time to build a book of business that's ready to close; ripe, if you will. Today saw the culmination of a great deal of hard work finally pay off in that I closed the deal with IRON Solutions based in Nashville, Tennessee...
It'd been a long tome coming, I was well over due. These last several months were the longest I'd gone without transacting since I started my career in sales. And granted, the type of business I'm in today dictates a much longer sales term than what I'd previously sold, so at some level I can't be to disappointed. Though still, I don't go to work every day, or out on the road away from you, to not get deals done in any amount of time, let alone more than 7 months.
So today was about getting it done, Son. And I can proudly say I did... And while this may not be the largest deal on our books, it's a deal none the less and I'm proud of my effort. And at the end of the day, that's truly all you can ask for.
I spent a little time in Nashville as it is truly one of the great cities in this country, though now I'm off to bed, Boy'O. I have an early flight and a big day in the office, and so I can't wait to get home, get to work, get it all wrapped up, but most of all, see you. I miss you so bad when I'm traveling, Son. It's inexplainable.........
I love you, Conor. And when I'm not with you, I miss you so very much. Sleep tight, Boy'O.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The Country Music Capitol and Missing You
Day 287:
Well Conor, first things first... You awoke this morning right as rain. Seems you had some kind of 24 hour bug, the same the rest of us get, and you needed a little it of rest to fight it off... Thankfully, the bug lost, you won, and all was right with the World. To that end, after a good night's sleep and having felt a bit lousy yesterday, you came into the day ready to go!
I was working from home today and for a number of reasons. I thought I'd be traveling, I needed to set that up and pack, etc. AND our truck was in the shop getting rear brakes and some other fixes... All that said, Mommy took you to drop you off at day care and as she arrived the above picture was what she was able to snap. You, in the rear with the gear, and the rest of the class off on your morning walk. What a great shot, huh!?
Well as it turned out, I would need to travel after all, but not until later in the day. This gave me the opportunity to work from home and after, head out to pick you up and shoot over to Uncle Paul and Aunt Jennifer's to see you little cousin Nathan for his 2nd birthday! It was a small family affair, Son. Nothing over the top, nothing more than you (or any of us) could handle. And such fun. I left there to head to the airport and catch the late night flight to Nashville, TN for a business meeting I have scheduled tomorrow.
Nashville is a neat town, but like all other towns it's largely the same in so far as the people, the nightlife, etc. I was meeting my Vice President of Sales and he'd insisted we head out for a cocktail, so I saw a bit of Nashville tonight but now am only thinking of bed.
Wish me luck on my deal tomorrow morning, Son... I'm confident all goes well, but a little luck from the Lion Heart never hurt. And I can't wait to get home and see you, Son. I miss you so much already.
I love you Conor.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sick Boy
Day 286:
The day started simple enough, Conor. Another morning of up and at 'em and go go go... The status quo, as it is. Though as the day went on, at least for you, it progressively got worse in so far as your health, Son. Seems you're not feeling well and the symptoms have been increasing or rather, becoming more obvious. Runny nose, fever, cough... Uh oh, Boy'O... Looks like you caught a legitimate bug.
Mommy gave you a bit of children's Tylenol after your bath and then got you wrapped up to sleep. Sometimes that's all you need, ya know... To sleep it off. Here's to hoping you're better in the morning, Boy'O.
Otherwise, I may have to be in Nashville tomorrow - provided I can get a flight out. Not looking good right now but we'll see! Anyhow Son, it was an otherwise uneventful day, and so I'm going to head off to bed and ready myself for what could be a big day tomorrow!
I love you, Boy'O.
Monday, September 24, 2012
A Night Out with the Biker Crowd
Day 285:
Work has got me at my wit's end, Conor. I'm going a million miles an hour with it being the last week of the quarter, but only in spurts. And what I mean is, as soon as anybody needs anything, I get the standing order to "hurry up and wait." I'm tasked with doing things as quickly as humanly possible, and then wait for some sort of a response. Total drag, but at least I'm engaged with the customer. That's more than a lot of guys can say...
With this kind of action a bit of a break is certainly welcome. I got a call from a good friend of mine asking me if we were interested in coming by his house for an impromptu barbecue, and so I decided to load up the family and head over for a bit. The best part of this kind of gathering isn't the food or the great conversation, Conor. No son, it's quite simply the people. Guys with names like Hazard, Joker, Pig-Pen, Maverick, Dodger, Mean-Bean, Cougar, Pretty Boy, Tin-Man, Bullet, and Indian. Salt of the Earth men who would give you absolutely all they had simply for the asking.
The thing about bikers is Conor, they don't judge anyone. These are men and women who live on the fringe of society, and they live there comfortably. They do whatever makes them happy and aren't interested in being questioned about it. They're both free spirited and patriotic. They're both tough and they're kind. They're genuine, and that's what I've always been attracted to in so far as my association with them. And while I may not ride as much or as often as many of them, I would ride my motorcycle anywhere in the World with them given the chance...
Yes sir, it was a good night to be out and enjoying a bit of company to take my mind off the many troubles of the day. And of course, they all loved seeing you, Boy'O, and can't wait to see you again...
I love you, Conor.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
There's Always Time for Playtime
Day 284:
Today was one of those "not much to do, so let's not do anything" kinda days, Boy'O. I mean sure, there were still chores to be done, errands to run, and a house to be cleaned, but through all the "life" stuff, there you were... Ready to go.
Firstly, your dogs, though more specifically Mickie, were in dyer need of some work at the groomers and so that would be the order of the day. Poor Mickie, Conor, it's amazing she's not bald. I've never seen a dog shed more at the changing of the seasons. The temperature drops a few degrees and she dumps fur like it's her job. So much in fact, there's not a vacuum on the market that can handle the hair balls! I know because we have one of the best vacuums money can buy and that thing clogs up faster than the exit door at a Redskins game in the third quarter. (Our Skins stunk up the field today, Son. At home. Embarrassing. Can't talk about it.)
After dropping the dogs at the groomer, grabbing a bite to eat, running a few errands, and returning home it was all you and Mommy could do to keep your eyes open. And so off you went to take naps. Me? It's football Sunday, Boy'O. In this house that means we're either watching football or playing football. Seeing as how I have the knees of an 80 year old man, playing football is out and so I set up shop in the basement, clicked on the TV, and enjoyed a little down time. Though when you awoke from your nap, you were ready to go, Conor. And I was all to happy to have the company...
Before long I had one eye on the second half of the (abysmal) game and one eye on you. We rough housed and played on the couch and on the floor. I had you on my shoulders, my stomach, my neck, and my back. And you laughed and laughed hard for the ENTIRE remainder of the afternoon, Conor. I quickly forgot about the 'Skins and just couldn't wait for my next excited "Da-Da!!" from you.
Though the highlight of the day came by way of a friend, Son. I mentioned yesterday we hung out with Aunt Jen and Uncle Paul and so many other good friends... One of those was Jessica and she was showing off the brand new camera she'd received that very day... Well, your Aunt Jess came through with one of the greatest shots I've ever seen in my life, and I'm not even saying that as it pertains to you. Though certainly, you make any photographers job easier, Conor. Never the less the picture in this entry was that shot and I swear to you I've not stopped looking at it all day. If there was ever an embodiment of a soul in a photograph, this picture holds you in precisely the light for which you live your life. It is simply magnificent and frankly, I could have posted this pic and not said another word and I'm sure that anybody seeing this blog would have understood.
I love you so much, Conor. You are an amazing boy and without question the most handsome creature I have ever seen.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The Da-Da Day
Day 283:
Time really does fly, Conor. In this case I really can't believe you're at the point where you're in fact, attempting to speak... Seems like yesterday we were leaving the NICU with you and now, Da-Da...
Interestingly enough while at your 9 month appointment yesterday, your regular pediatrician, Dr. Banta, asked if you were saying all the "Da-Da's and Dur-Dur's"... Of course we knew you'd one day be talking but who would ever know when, right? And so today, like on queue, the "Da-Da's" started. Not only that, but it wasn't just babble speak and we figured this out by way of experimentation. Turns out, when I'm in the room the babble would stop, but when I left the room, the Da-Da's rained! It was SO fun, Conor. And while to the chagrin of your Mother in that you're not saying "Ma-Ma", it was still a moment worthy of melting my heart into an absolute puddle.
Throughout the day the Da-Da's came and each and every time my heart would flutter. And while I realize that one day your talking may be more than I can bear (and I say that playfully), I just can't wait to hear so much of what you'll have to say, Boy'O.
Otherwise the day would see us packing up the truck and heading to the Landers to pick crabs with your Aunt Jen, Uncle Paul, Uncle Rob, Aunt Jessica, Nathan, Andrew, and their family and friends too... It was a sublime night in so far as the weather... Warm enough to go barefoot, cool enough to throw on jeans and a long sleeve. Uncle Paul started a nice outdoor fire, tossed out a couple of cigars for the boys, and your Mom and the gals had their own time. And all while you were dreaming of all the wonderful things you'll one day say.
I love you, Son.
Friday, September 21, 2012
A Better Day Than the Last
Day 282:
Yesterday was a day that treated me worse than you treat a diaper, Son. I know, I kinda moaned and complained about it a little bit and in truth I was feeling pretty beat up. That said, I suppose that's the point of this blog, right? It's about whatever is going on in our collective lives... Well, yesterday what was happening in our lives was that I was away from you (again) and it turned out to be for no good reason. Okay, so that's been stated... The windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror, right?
Today would be a new day...
Not having much sleep, I awoke energized, Conor. I was as excited as I could ever be in that we were headed to the pediatrician for your 9 month check up! Why is that so exciting? Because neither me or your mother could wait to find out how much you weighed, how long you were, etc. Now, for many people this is arbitrary stuff. As long as their kids are healthy and happy they're content. But in your case, being as though you were born early and all, and that you're being "graded" against your full gestational peers, these little milestones are crucial! So here are the details...
- Weight - 19 lbs 10 oz / 32nd percentile
- Height - 28 inches / 36th percentile
- Head circumference - Huge! / 62nd percentile
Turns out you're well within the norms for kids born full term and even exceeding them in certain categories! Then again, there are a thing or two you're falling short on and so, once again, we've got some work to do, Boy'O. Regardless, if there's anything you're exceeding in, it's toughness, Son.
With consideration for what you've worked so hard to overcome as far as being born early, tube fed, 3 weeks in the NICU, a hernia surgery, etc., there's no doubt you're as tough as nails, Son. Then today following the bubble gum stuff (height, weight, etc.) you had to get a couple of shots, too. Well, for some reason I guess I expected you would be inconsolable considering you were being jabbed in each leg with a two inch needle, but no. Not the Lion Heart. When the nurse gave you your first shot you definitely knew what was going on and started to have something to say about it, but by the time she made her way to the second shot in the other leg, you took it like a champ, whimpered for about 4 seconds, and then were just as happy as you'd been before the first stick. Not even a tear.
May sound trivial but to me, that's just impressive. True grit, Son. Tough on top of tough. Lion Hearted. You. All you... Unfazed and ready to move on. We should all be so tough, Boy'O.
No doubt about it, you're one tough little dude. And I am of course, proud. As any father would be...
I love you, Son. My little Lion Hearted man...
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Trouble in Tampa
Day 281:
Well Conor, for the mere sacrifice of being away from you for a few days, this trip has ended on an exceptionally bad note. While the willingness and effort were there in so far as saving the Tampa deal, we just couldn't get it done. And from a relationship, commercial, and business sense it was all nirvana. But from a technological point of view, we just fell short. They had a very specific way in which they wanted to present their product through what we provide, and we just ended up not being able to support it, and so they showed us the door.
What's so difficult to accept about being told "no", is simply that I'd done everything I could to earn their trust and get that "yes". Though today, it wasn't to be. In the world of software sales, as with everything else, you win some, and you lose some. But you take what you can from it and use that in the next engagement...
Lucky for me I've got a few other things queued up and ready to rock an so I have a very clear direction now, though that direction may find me in the wind again on my way to Nashville next week. Never the less, I won't ever give up, Son. You can never give up.
So here I sit in this airport in Tampa, Florida, AGAIN. Only at least this time I had the time to pull up to a nice wine bar and get a few down before making the long flight home. Still, I'll be home tonight, Boy'O. And I can't wait to peek in on you while you sleep away the night and dream of the many, many great things to come... And they will come, Son. So long as you never give up.
I love you, Conor.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Travel Can Be The Pits
Day 280:
Well Conor, I've said it before and i'll say it again, sometimes, your the bull, others, you're the horns... This morning started with a disaster at the airport which saw me missing my flight due to unmitigated circumstances, and a disaster in so far as making it to Tampa to meet my boss for a business meeting...
After making it home and coming up with a new strategy I decided to reroute and head out to Reagan National Airport in Washington DC. Turns out the flight I found would work, but not before a late arrival to the meeting, extraneous cab fares, etc. etc. It was difficult to say the least. Thankfully I have a boss who's understanding as well as skilled and it appears he saved the meeting.
What came to would be another meeting scheduled for tomorrow and so, another day away from you. Though I hope to make it back in time to tuck you in... Yes Conor, travel can be the pits, Son. But it's what you do when you need to make a living.
Fortunately, Mommy is more than forthcoming in providing pictures to use of you playing and growing and being the boy I know you are, so my job is made easy... Though I'll say, it's not that easy in that I've ended up away from you, and that's the last place I'd ever wanna be.
That's all for tonight, Conor... Early start tomorrow, and so I'll see you then.
I love you, Son.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Ready for Lift Off
Day 279:
Well Conor, off we go again. Or me anyhow. I'm shoving off in the morning on my way back to Tampa to hopefully win this account once and for all. There was some talk about my being in Nashville on Thursday and I suppose at some level that could still happen, but it's far less likely now. Good news for me in that being away from you is the last place I want to be. Still, I have to go where the clients want me. At least for now.
In other news you seem to have gotten your funky little cough back and I'll tell you, I'm tired of it. I realize these are the trials of being a little dude in day care, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I just can't stand that you sound anything but healthy, especially after as hard as your mother worked to develop those tiny little lungs of yours. I swear to you, Boy'O, if I could take it all, I would.
Otherwise you're doing great! When I picked you up from daycare today I was surprised to see you sitting in the middle of the room all by yourself playing with a few blocks and minding your sweet very own business... I saw you in a whole new light in fact. You appeared to be such a big boy, Conor! When we're at home there's always one of us with you... But in daycare, when left up to your own devices you're your own man, Son. And once again, I was impressed.
I love you, Conor. I'll see you in the morning, then I'll see you on Thursday afternoon. Promise.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Back to Busy
Day 278:
Well Conor, it would seem a dad's work is never done... At least as far as making a buck or two so we can get the things we both need and want, and this week will test me once again, Son... Looks as though I'm gonna be in Tampa again on Wednesday. But that's not all, oh no... On my way home I'm going to make a stop in Nashville, Tennessee to meet with another client. I must say, while Nashville is one of those towns I've previously never visited and always wanted to, I'd really love to spend some time there. Like, some real time.
So consider this one a scouting trip, Conor; provided I even end up going. But my efforts there will be to get some business done in which case I'll have that evening to see the town. Suppose that wouldn't be so bad... Still, it's one of those places I'd always thought romantically about. A place full of music and food and a place were we could make a memory, Son. Again, maybe someday we'll have our chance...
So with that there's much to do. Seems tomorrow I'll be getting everything all booked up as far as my travel is concerned, who I'll be visiting, and all the rest of being shifted around the country in the hopes of making money. I guess it's just what we do, Son.
Anyhow, it was otherwise a very typical Monday, Boy'O. And then, not that typical at all.
I love you, Son.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Andrew's Big Day and the Redskins Bad Night
Day 277:
An easy breezy morning and afternoon today, Boy'O. Your night was a bit rough in that you were awake again well before dawn, and that little funky cough seems to get the the better of your sleep habits, so a crying Conor at 4:30am saw you landing in Mommy and my bed again. Only this time you would sleep until close to 8:00am and for my money, that's all I could ever ask for! You were well rested, happy, and ready to face the day...
Today would see us heading out to church, a place that's more and more rare for me for reasons I won't bother to get into. But as far as our being in church today, we were there for little Andrew's Christening... A full mass and a pleasant ceremony, and it was off to Uncle Paul and Aunt Jennifer's to celebrate with friends, and friends so close they're like family. Good food, a cocktail, some football, and of course, a house full of little ones. Between you, Andrew, Nathan, Ryan, and a few other friends' kids, it was a packed house. Still, that would also mean there would never be a dull moment in so far as having a little one to hang on to...
When the celebration concluded we packed you up and ran home just in time to make kickoff of our Washington Redskins, only the news would not be good there, Son. The game started out well enough. In fact, 11 seconds in the Redskins recovered a fumble and ran it in for a touchdown! But that would be the highlight of the day, I'm afraid. In fact, we lost on a boneheaded penalty with mere seconds left in the game! Seems we're the same old Redskins, Son. At least for now...
And now that the day is through and you're off in bed, I'm punching this blog post out and saddly reliving the events of a game the Redskins should have won. But that's sport, Son. It's why they play the game. And in my opinion, the windshield is much bigger than the rear view mirror. Words we could all live by.
I love you, Conor.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The Perfect Day
Day 276:
Today was a perfect day, Conor. Perfect weather, perfect fun, perfect finish, perfect day. This morning around 4:00am you were wide awake with a hacking cough and so your Mother decided to bring you to bed. Well, that's all good and fun, except that you continued to cough and wheeze and while Mommy can sleep through that, I can't. So I up I went and down the stairs around 4:30am. Thankfully there's plenty of coffee in the house as well as a never ending supply of SportsCenter on ESPN, and so that's how I would spend my morning... At least until you woke up.
When you did wake I got a message from Mommy to let me know you were wide awake and ready for the day, and soI headed up to grab you and let Mommy sleep in a bit. A quick diaper, a big bottle, and we were on the matts and playing to beat the band! From 6:45 to 8:00am we went at it, Son. You had a BLAST! And truthfully, so did I.
Once you were good and worn out and ready for a proper breakfast, I fed you, bathed you, put you in a change of clothes, and passed you off to Mommy around 8:45am just in time for a 4 hour motorcycle ride to Marshall, VA, Fredricksburg, VA, and hen back to Fairfax. 182 mies in all. And what's more? The weather was actually as perfect as any an old biker like me could ever ask for.
Once home, showered, and changed myself, I gathered the troops and headed out to see your fraternal cousins, Nathan and Andrew. Hence the picture... A night with ribs on an open smoker handled at the skillful hands of your Uncle Paul, a glass of bourbon on the rocks for me, plenty of play time for you, and tons of laughs to go around with these crazy kids, this day ended as perfect as any there ever was. But more than anything because you were in it.
And now I'll sign off, Boy'O. But not before I tell you once again how much I love you, Son.
I love you,
Friday, September 14, 2012
Celebrating 9 Months
Day 275:
It's another milestone day for you, Boy'O. 9 months old! It seems so insignificant in comparison to the bigger picture, Conor. 9 months for an old guy like me seems to happen in an instant. But 9 months for a young baby boy equates to 275 days of dramatic changes, and right before our very eyes. So of course, that would mean today would be no different.
Upon returning home from work Mommy had you laid out on the floor to play in your room. But your newest trick? Holding your hands under your chest and pushing yourself up! Much like a pushup in fact, and a big step toward making your first move to crawl... I for one was impressed. Very impressed... And on the 9 month anniversary of your joining us? Epic!
After a bit of playtime we headed out to meet the Fitzgeralds at Red Robin because that's their boys' favorite restaurant, and given recent events with young Hayden Fitzgerald having to spend some significant time in the hospital due to a blood disorder, all he wanted when he got out was to get a cheeseburger! And you know, I can't speak for everybody, but after I spend a few days around the men and women in white coats, I like a good cheeseburger also...
It was great meeting up with the Fitzgeralds, or the "Fitzys" as we call them. It'd been some time since we'd seen them and their boys are big fans of yours... Any opportunity to hang out with you, Boy'O, and they're jumping at the chance. Though after a burger and pint or two of Guinness (for me, not you - that would be wrong) we headed back to the house to get you to bed. For tomorrow you'll be 9 months and a day, and you need all the rest you can get, Son. You've got a lot of growing to do.
I love you, Conor.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Boys Will Be Boys
Day 274:
I had a light day at work today, Conor. This means a number of things for me... Firstly, I can't stay focussed. If I have a full day on my calendar, I'm unstoppable. Put tasks in front of me and I execute. Though it's true what they say, "an idle mind is the devil's playground." and today that meant for me that I wanted nothing to do with sitting in an office chair staring at a screen wondering about how I could somehow improve my position. It was more exhausting than the work itself. That said, I recalled some things that needed done at the house, and so that seemed like a better direction. And so I changed course and took out of work a few hours early.
This would also mean I could get to you several hours ahead of our usual pick-up time, and so suddenly my day was looking up! I picked you up from daycare around 3:30pm and started thinking about what we could get into...
As beautiful a day as it was, we needed to take advantage, Boy'O. So once home and changed into work-out clothes, it was time for a walk / run to soak in the midday Sun. And go we did... I threw some tunes on in the Jeep stroller, strapped you in, and off we went. I think all in we roamed a little better than 2 miles. My old knees aren't what they used to be, even with the brace, so running was sporadic while being enough to break a sweat. Unfortunately for me, running is what you love! When I'm running and you're going faster, you only seem to want to go EVEN faster! Giggling and flailing like the little mad-man you are, you were inspiring to say the least. I went as long as I could, but when I eventually had to break, you got bored and fell asleep for the last 3/4's of a mile or so... Really, I can't blame you. Walking bores me too...
Anyhow, that little 20 minute snoozer prepped you for another hour of serious play time and so we got back to the house and played and played until you could play no more... By the time you wore down we'd been at it for a solid three hours! Simply giving you your dinner was enough to have you sound asleep in my arms before I could even get you up the stairs to your room.
That's livin', Son. Those are the moments that will stay with you forever. Time with you is better than anything else this life has ever afforded me. No matter how dismal things look, a few hours with the Lion Heart is the absolute cure all, Boy'O.
I love you, Conor. I can't say it enough.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
New Horizons
Day 273:
As it's been well documented in this blog, Conor, I've been experiencing some ups and downs in my career. Having expectations on anything from your performance at work to how you handle life's most trivial, as well as it's most detrimental, challenges is important. If you're expectations aren't being met, changes need to be made. Opportunity lies around every corner though, and sometimes you just have to look for it.
In this case I'm exploring options as they pertain to a close friend's efforts in starting his own business. In fact, he's established the business in so far as the product, but he's reached a point in his efforts which preclude him from taking that crucial next step; a true sales strategy.
After fulfilling the obligations of a full day's work I headed out to meet my friend and discuss his plans but more than that, his vision. At this stage of the game all he really needs is some constructive advice as far as what his next steps should be, a sales strategy, a plan for how to market the product, and even more than that, to who. All in all, the meeting was a consultative one, though the hope being that at some point I consider coming on full time with him.
This is a huge undertaking, Son. Committing to going to work for a fledgling business can be daunting as the number of unknowns increases exponentially. Nobody knows more about this than Mommy as she's already done it once. Fortunately for her, her work ethic, drive, and determination persevered and she's been able to reap the benefits of what's become a successful business for almost seven years. This also puts in play the blueprint to do it again, and that too is something Mommy is considering. But for our skill sets, as well as our approach, this makes your Mother and me very different.
I'm not sure what kind of an entrepreneur I'd be, Boy'O. Our skill sets are very different in that I'm an evangelist for my business, while Mommy is the heartbeat for hers. What I mean is, I sell a product and am out in front of would-be clients and working with them to invest in that product so as to enhance the product they sell. Mommy sells a service, and then also delivers it herself. Both efforts would see improvement for the client, only Mommy is selling her expertise versus my selling a product. A product which can either succeed or fail and by no faulty of my own...
It's risky for a guy like me, Conor. I live my life trying to eliminate the what-ifs and what nows. Mommy actually lives for those things... For that, I commend her.
Never the less, it's a step toward finding new opportunity, Son. Opportunity toward advancing my career so as to be sure you don't ever want for anything. So I'll continue to explore it and see what shakes out. Though tonight, well, it's just something to talk about with you...
I love you, Conor.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Good to be the Lion Heart
Day 272:
A later start this morning, Conor, but this gave you and Mommy the opportunity to spend a little bit of time laughing and playing in your room while I got myself together for the day... Hence the funny (and absolutely adorable) pictures! You were certainly raring to go this morning, Boy'O, and as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words... Well Son, there are 4,000 words here!
Otherwise I gotta say, really uneventful day today, Son. More of a picture blog kinda day... And you know, that's just fine with me.
I love you, Conor.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Daycare Drama
Day 271:
Childcare isn't cheap, Conor. It's not cheap, and it's certainly not easy get used to. The idea of another person taking care of your child is a difficult one to get past. You never know how they're going to be with the child, what habits they'll form with the child, the level of care the child will receive... There's just no way to know when you're paying somebody to do a job which, in another time, was the responsibility of the mother and the mother alone. Though the modern era is far different, Conor. These days between the high cost of living, career minded women, and competitive work environments demanding more attention and longer hours than ever before, child daycare has become a flourishing industry. All that said, when we found Ms. Zeny and Mines to take care of you, we felt truly fortunate.
Without question, Zeny and Mines take exceptional care of you, Boy'O. They both adore you, will do whatever we ask of them in so far as feedings, nebulizer treatments, nap schedules, etc., and are detailed in providing mommy and me with the details of the day. Though since starting up with them in early April, much has unfortunately changed.
Initially, the house our daycare professionals were in was truly ideal for childcare. It was a very nice old house secluded in the woods, flanked by a park, and hidden from the world. A haven for pure, clean, comfortable, and secluded care giving. They'd been in that house for better than 10 years and so of course, Mommy and I just assumed they'd be there at least another 4 more years! Alas no... Turned out they'd been renting the house from a family living in South America and that family decided to return in July of this year. Zeny and Mines would be forced to move into another single family home very nearby, though another problem would present itself.
Not having done the research as to whether or not their childcare practice would be permitted in the house they rented, and mostly through having to move so hastily, they were promptly found in violation of their lease and asked to leave... And all within 30 days of moving in. Fortunately one of the children in their care has parents who both live close and, temporarily anyhow, were willing to allow their childcare practice to move into their house while seeking new accommodations...
In the end, they're moving back to a townhouse they own in Vienna, VA, however with less than half the kids as they can only accommodate 5 children as opposed to their usual 12. Fortunately for us, they absolutely love you and have asked that you remain with them in this new scenario! Though all things considered, I'm a bit over the uncertainty of it all and this has led to a number of discussions to determine the future of your childcare...
We're going to stick with Zeny and Mines for now, but in a little more than a week we'll visit a new facility or two to get a feel of what care might be like for you in a different, more established environment. And while we love the level of care Zeny and Mines provide for you today, we don't know what we don't know... And we never will if we don't explore.
Being a parent, for all the wonderful things that come along with it, can be hard, Conor. Tough decisions are made all the time and all for whatever we believe is in your best interest. This is far and away one of the tougher decisions, Boy'O. But there's no compromising when it comes to being sure you're getting the absolute best care.
I love you, Conor.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
A New Tradition
Day 270:
Well Boy'O, football season is finally here! It seems endless waiting for the season to arrive, though once it does it flies by! Today would see our Washington Redskins visiting the abominable New Orleans Saints. For some perspective as to what everyone expected going into this game, the Saints boasted the most prolific offense in the NFL in 2011 with their Quarterback, Drew Brees, setting the single season passing record. That's right, in the history of the NFL no quarterback has ever thrown for more yards in a season! Conversely, our Redskins stunk up the field last year, Son. Winning only 5 of 16 games in 2011 and having one of the most pedestrian offenses in the league coupled with a defense that wasn't much better, the Redskins were anything but a team to fear. But in 2012, well, these aren't those Redskins...
For years beyond comprehension, your Uncle Justin and I have been watching the Redskins together year in and year out. Much to our dismay they've not been very good for better than 20 years. That's to say, the majority of the time we've been watching these games. Certainly this season would be no different in so far as watching the games together. And in fact, as if it were even possible, it's entirely likely we watch even MORE games together now that you and Charlie Jane are with us! And that's what the day would hold for us today, Conor.
You, me, and Mommy piled into the truck and made our way to Ashburn this morning, Son. As with all football Sundays, accompanying the fun of the day are the hot treats and the cold beers... Today would see a fresh tomato pie, buffalo chicken dip, and Uncle J's homemade turkey and italian sausage chili... Diet? What diet? Anyhow, once we arrived we peeled the foil off the goodies, turned on the pre-game show, and got right to work. Only there was something very very different about today, Boy'O. Included in this private party were two beautiful little ones who would make this day as special as any other reason! of course I'm talking about you and Charlie Jane... And perhaps you two monkeys are just what the doctor ordered...
Today, these weren't 'those' Redskins, Son. This was a new team with a new attitude and a whole lot to prove given their previous season. And part of me can't help but think that you and Charlie Jane are every bit as much of that change... The Redskins were fantastic! Working behind the command of a brand new rookie quarterback named Robert Griffin III, the 'Skins hung 40 points on the Saints and came away with the win!
A great day indeed, Boy'O. A great day...
Hail to the Redskins, Conor! HAIL! Victory...
I love you, Son.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Parade of Babes
Day 269:
Big day with lots and lots of kids today, Conor. We went over to see our friends Adam, Amanda, and Ryan to celebrate your Uncle Adam's birthday and "WOW!" is all I can say... Kids EVERYWHERE! A place where coolers full of ice cold beer once sat were replaced with child safety seats, and the conversation went from how the Hokies would do in the ongoing football season turned into conversation about how much who weighed at birth and who sleeps when and for how long... Absolutely an alternate reality for me from even a year ago, but one I suppose I'm going to have to get used to.
At one point I counted 9 children, all under the age of 2. Interestingly enough too, every one of them were boys! There was one girl, I believe she was 4 years old, so 10 kids in all... Still, the ages of all these boys ranged anywhere from 23 months to 1 month... It was something else, Conor.
Can't say I didn't love it though. I did. All these kids you'll undoubtedly see throughout the better part of your early life, or at least once or twice a year, and so these gatherings in the coming years will be more and more interesting. I'm thinking about a time when you're running and playing with the best of 'em, if you're not very well the best yourself. I can feel you climbing up my back now, Son. Arms wrapped around my neck, worn out from the day. Brings a smile to my face, Conor... As you always do.
Tomorrow will be your first regular season Washington Redskins game with Uncle Justin, Aunt Marti, Mommy, me, and of course, Charlie Jane! Can't wait, Boy'O... I just can't even believe I'll be watching Redskins football with my boy. A dream I've had of better than 15 years, finally coming true.
I love you, Conor. And remember... Hail to the Redskins!!! Hail Victory!!!!!
Friday, September 7, 2012
The Lion Roars
Day 268:
It's been a rough couple of weeks, Conor... And for a million reasons I won't even get into. Though when I'm ripped and torn from 50 or more hours in the office, time on the road, life's frustrations and and its petty trials, there's one thing I've grown to depend on and I'd bet you can guess what it is... It's you, Boy'O. Always you.
When I came into the house this evening I was as low as I'd been in some time. Just not myself... Then, like beacon of light after weeks at sea, there you were... And when you saw me you lit up as only the Lion Heart can... It's truly amazing what a smile from you can do for me, Son. In an instant I was soaring! My heart skipped a beat and I smiled back to you, and then and there you let out a huge squeal as if to say, "It's you! My Dad! My best friend and greatest admirer!" and my soul was cleansed, even if only for a moment...
When you eventually read this Conor, you won't get it. You'll think you will! But you won't... And I know that because I didn't. I put stock into material things not worth putting stock in to. I found that those things only existed for the moment but that in the end, they were only temporary. Passing moments to mask remnants of a bad day... And don't get me wrong, Boy'O... There'll be plenty of things and plenty of people who'll make you happy in those times! You'll always love them and you'll truly believe there's simply nothing better! And for that reason it'll be real to you! But when the day comes you meet your own son or daughter, you'll all the sudden realize there's no greater calling in one's life. There's no higher honor. No bigger task. There's only love.
That's what you showed me tonight, Conor. Pure innocence. Pure love. Lightning in a bottle, Boy'O. And for me, it's you. Conor Daniel Yerkes. Conor the Lion Heart. My son. You mean more to me than I could ever show you, Conor. And all I can say is thank you.
"I got my hands on a miracle, and there ain't no way that you'll take it away."
--Dave Grohl
I love you, Son. Always.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Giggle Box Boy
Day 267:
There are so many things changing about you, Boy'O, and all for the good... Up and through the last few days your attempts to laugh weren't more than a raspy gasp ahead of a screeching, uncontrolled squeal! No form, no chuckle, just a loud "screeeeeeeeeeeech!" with that heart stopping smile to follow... Now though, those laughs are taking on a bit of shape! A built up chuckle that turns into a hysterical laugh! Depending on the reason why, of course.
Today your MeMeow and Grandpa K9 came back through on their way from New Jersey to South Carolina to spend some time with you and have dinner with your mother and me... We all went to our favorite little Italian restaurant, "Cantina de Italia" in Fair Lakes where they have the best Vitello Saltimbocca anywhere in Virginia! Anyhow, while there, you and me, Son, we had a blast. Mommy fed you your dinner, but then I got the bottle. And when the bottle was done. and once we'd finished our dinner, all you wanted to do was laugh and play... I would make a face, you would giggle. I would spook you, you would giggle. I would smile and laugh at you, you would giggle. You get the picture.
Yes sir, you were giggle box McGoo tonight! And I was having the time of my life. And though I love hanging out with great people and having a wonderful dinner with great wine and fine conversation, when I'm laughing with you the World could crumble around me and I'd barely take notice. Laser focus, I got your number, Son. Or more, you've got mine...
I love you, Conor.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Are You Ready??
Day 266:
Hey Conor, are you ready for some football?! It's time for the NFL to kickoff their season with, quite frankly, two teams I cannot STAND! You won't either once you get this whole Redskins thing down, Boy'O... The defending Super Bowl Champion New York Giants are squaring off against the most dreaded of them all, the Dallas Cowboys...
This time of year is the start of all I love, Conor. Football season signifies the beginning of the Fall, the change of seasons which I so deeply covet living in one of the most seasonal areas of the country. As a motorcyclist, football fan, whiskey enthusiast, and lover of the outdoors, dry, warm days and crisp clear nights make up the bounty of the year in my opinion. And all that starts tonight.
As of this moment I'm heading out the door to your Uncle Justin and Aunt Marti's place to see Charlie-Girl, Gil, and the rest of the crew and take in a bit of the game I love so much. And on motorcycle, no doubt!
Wish me safe travels, Son, and I'll see you in the morning.
I love you, Conor.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Ahead of the Game
Given the seemingly endless trials of last week I took a liberty and decided to work from home today. As well, today was another visit to your Developmental Specialist, Dr. Cris Wallin at Virginia Hospital Center. While these visits are a great cause of consternation for your mother, for me they're exciting. I look at these visits as way points. That's to say, opportunities to get my bearings in so far as how you're developing amongst your peer group who, oh by the way, are full gestational. It's kind of like running a race and giving your opponents a head start. Of course, all it takes to win the race is the belief in yourself that you can... And if there's anybody who can give a head start and still chase down even the fastest of opponents, it's Conor the Lion Heart.
Dr. Wallin was more than impressed with you, Son. And she definitely put you through your paces. On a grading scale you scored an 'A'! The only reason it wasn't an 'A+' was because of your unwillingness to turn over to your left side whilst on your belly; something we can work on. Otherwise, she was overly impressed with your social skills, your hand eye coordination, your temperament, the fact you're responding to your own name, sitting up on your own, and standing with assistance.
If any other parent is reading this, they're likely saying "Ho-hum... We're all SOOO impressed with Conor's otherwise common developments!" But for me this is again, the barometer, Son. And like all parents who beam over their little one(s), I'm quite confident that you're going to grow up with every advantage and I'm going to make sure you take advantage of each and every one... Great job, Conor. I'm truly impressed...
In other news, I only have 100 more posts to go, Son! In a candid conversation with your Grandpa K9 last week, he told me, pridefully mind you, that he didn't think I'd make it this far. Not even close, in fact. And you know, Son, it is hard. Not the writing and not the thought, but the discipline to get it done. This blog has required more discipline than anything I've ever done in my 39+ years, Boy'O. But while I work through the daily efforts of this labor of love, I'm more than happy to do it! Because I love you, Son. I love you very much...
Monday, September 3, 2012
The Labor Day Drive
Day 264:
Road tripping is something I live for, Son, but admittedly it's tough with a little guy like you. And truly it's not your fault. Asking you to sit in that car seat for hours on end is much to ask indeed. After all, you're small, full of energy, cooped up with nothing to do, so all I can ask is that you sleep. But how much sleep can we expect? You're ordinarily good for a few hour-long naps throughout the day, but asking you to sleep for 3+ hours at a time? Not gonna happen... This predictably extends the amount of time we'll spend on the road as stopping is more frequent but hey, provides a chance to see more, right?
A stop at a produce stand, a stop in a diner... Just a few stops was all it took. And all in all, you're a pretty excellent traveling partner, Boy'O! Despite the extra time needed to get home you spent so little time fussing that it was just fine with me. Yes sir, Son, there's a good number of things that are great to get started doing early... Swimming, reading, and road tripping. Especially if you're gonna be my son, because there's no place I won't drive, ride, fly, or sail.
Beyond the road home though, a pretty uneventful day. You were all kinds of fired up to get into your bouncy seat and stretch your legs when we got home! And your dogs were as excited to see you as you were them. And so now with you in bed, Mommy checked out, it's just me on the couch watching a bit of college football and enjoying a lazy holiday night.
And with that, we say goodbye to your first Summer, Boy'O. A Summer of firsts, a Summer of worsts, but more than anything, a Summer to remember, Son... Because it was my very first Summer with you.
I love you, Boy'O.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
The Family Stone
Day 263:
A wild weekend for you, Conor. I think you've been passed around to, I dunno, maybe 50 people in two days? It's been CRAZY! And you've been nothing short of absolutely perfect. A blessing to be sure. No fuss, no muss, just Conor the Lion Heart tried and true. All anyone can say is how happy you are, how handsome you are, how funny you are, and so of course I agree... I mean, I'm of course biassed while fighting my personal struggle to keep my feet on the ground. Still, it's not hard to agree with your adoring public.
Yesterday would see a party of mostly all friends of your Mom-Mom's. Today would be different - all family all the time. The annual Labor Day party on Argo Lane in Cape May County, New Jersey has become what can only be described as a tradition. Each and every year Mommy's parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and so many of their friends get together for the greatest barbecue South Jersey would see all year.
It's a whole lot of fun, Son. Aside from an insanely amazing array of foods, close to any kind of picnic fare you could imagine, the great wide space is overrun dozens of children. Each of the eager to run and play... And somehow, and I'm still not sure how, I was press-ganged into playing quarterback for all of them! I so enjoyed throwing the football around, calling plays, directing the "players" in their assignments... It was GREAT! But there was something missing. You... And I know, I know, you'e just not there yet! But that doesn't mean I can't imagine playing ball with you. And I know you'll be good. I just know it.
So with that, we're back at Mom-Mom's and rocking you to sleep on your second night up WAY past your bed-time! And that would be a problem if you were the least bit cantankerous but of course, you're not! Just as happy when you're tired as you are when you're wide awake... Makes it hard to lay you down to sleep...
And off you go, Son. Sweet dreams... I love you.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Naked as a Jay Bird!
Day 262:
After what could only be described as a disastrous week, September is going off a lot better. A good night's sleep (the first in a while) gave me what I needed to wake up and ready myself to get to you and the rest of the gang at the beach in South Jersey. I was packed and rolling by 9:00am and fortunately, I only hit a spot or two of traffic on my way to your Mom-Mom's.
When I got to Ocean City I was BURSTING to see you and, not surprisingly, you were so happy to see me too! I swear you got bigger over the course of the week and as soon as I could get my hands on you, you started laughing and smiling and giggling and I felt whole again... With the chance to hang out with Mom Mom, MeMeow, and Grandpa K9, not to mention your mother and you, the day was suddenly perfect...
Mom-Mom brought us all out to a big party in Egg Harbor Township where so many of her local friends were all to happy to grab a hold of you... It was suddenly "pass the baby" and true to form, you didn't disappoint. Hamming it up in traditional Conor fashion, you went from person to person lighting up the party. The only problem was, you were so happily stilumated, you had aboslutely no interest in taking any kind of a nap. Surely you would crash when we got home, right? Uh, no... No interest in sleep AT ALL...
It was finally around 9:30pm when we got you down, a full 2 and a half hours past bedtime... And just before bed, it was my great joy to strip you down and take the above picture... Please don't resent me for it later in life, Boy'O! But that is far and away the cutest little bottom I've ever seen! And I just had to snap a shot...
That's all for tonight, Boy'O. Time for a drink and a little football before heading off to the rack myself...
I love you-
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