Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to Busy

Day 278:

Well Conor, it would seem a dad's work is never done... At least as far as making a buck or two so we can get the things we both need and want, and this week will test me once again, Son...  Looks as though I'm gonna be in Tampa again on Wednesday.  But that's not all, oh no...  On my way home I'm going to make a stop in Nashville, Tennessee to meet with another client.  I must say, while Nashville is one of those towns I've previously never visited and always wanted to, I'd really love to spend some time there.  Like, some real time.

So consider this one a scouting trip, Conor; provided I even end up going.  But my efforts there will be to get some business done in which case I'll have that evening to see the town.  Suppose that wouldn't be so bad...  Still, it's one of those places I'd always thought romantically about.  A place full of music and food and a place were we could make a memory, Son.  Again, maybe someday we'll have our chance...

So with that there's much to do.  Seems tomorrow I'll be getting everything all booked up as far as my travel is concerned, who I'll be visiting, and all the rest of being shifted around the country in the hopes of making money.  I guess it's just what we do, Son.

Anyhow, it was otherwise a very typical Monday, Boy'O.  And then, not that typical at all.

I love you, Son.

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