Sunday, September 16, 2012

Andrew's Big Day and the Redskins Bad Night

Day 277:

An easy breezy morning and afternoon today, Boy'O.  Your night was a bit rough in that you were awake again well before dawn, and that little funky cough seems to get the the better of your sleep habits, so a crying Conor at 4:30am saw you landing in Mommy and my bed again.  Only this time you would sleep until close to 8:00am and for my money,  that's all I could ever ask for!  You were well rested, happy, and ready to face the day...

Today would see us heading out to church, a place that's more and more rare for me for reasons I won't bother to get into.  But as far as our being in church today, we were there for little Andrew's Christening...  A full mass and a pleasant ceremony, and it was off to Uncle Paul and Aunt Jennifer's to celebrate with friends, and friends so close they're like family.  Good food, a cocktail, some football, and of course, a house full of little ones.  Between you, Andrew, Nathan, Ryan, and a few other friends' kids, it was a packed house.  Still, that would also mean there would never be a dull moment in so far as having a little one to hang on to...

When the celebration concluded we packed you up and ran home just in time to make kickoff of our Washington Redskins, only the news would not be good there, Son.  The game started out well enough.  In fact, 11 seconds in the Redskins recovered a fumble and ran it in for a touchdown!  But that would be the highlight of the day, I'm afraid.  In fact, we lost on a boneheaded penalty with mere seconds left in the game!  Seems we're the same old Redskins, Son.  At least for now...

And now that the day is through and you're off in bed, I'm punching this blog post out and saddly reliving the events of a game the Redskins should have won.  But that's sport, Son.  It's why they play the game.  And in my opinion, the windshield is much bigger than the rear view mirror.  Words we could all live by.

I love you, Conor.

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