Monday, September 10, 2012

Daycare Drama

Day 271:

Childcare isn't cheap, Conor.  It's not cheap, and it's certainly not easy get used to.  The idea of another person taking care of your child is a difficult one to get past.  You never know how they're going to be with the child, what habits they'll form with the child, the level of care the child will receive...  There's just no way to know when you're paying somebody to do a job which, in another time, was the responsibility of the mother and the mother alone.  Though the modern era is far different, Conor.  These days between the high cost of living, career minded women, and competitive work environments demanding more attention and longer hours than ever before, child daycare has become a flourishing industry.  All that said, when we found Ms. Zeny and Mines to take care of you, we felt truly fortunate.

Without question, Zeny and Mines take exceptional care of you, Boy'O.  They both adore you, will do whatever we ask of them in so far as feedings, nebulizer treatments, nap schedules, etc., and are detailed in providing mommy and me with the details of the day.  Though since starting up with them in early April, much has unfortunately changed.

Initially, the house our daycare professionals were in was truly ideal for childcare.  It was a very nice old house secluded in the woods, flanked by a park, and hidden from the world.  A haven for pure, clean, comfortable, and secluded care giving.  They'd been in that house for better than 10 years and so of course, Mommy and I just assumed they'd be there at least another 4 more years!  Alas no...  Turned out they'd been renting the house from a family living in South America and that family decided to return in July of this year.  Zeny and Mines would be forced to move into another single family home very nearby, though another problem would present itself.

Not having done the research as to whether or not their childcare practice would be permitted in the house they rented, and mostly through having to move so hastily, they were promptly found in violation of their lease and asked to leave... And all within 30 days of moving in.  Fortunately one of the children in their care has parents who both live close and, temporarily anyhow, were willing to allow their childcare practice to move into their house while seeking new accommodations...

In the end, they're moving back to a townhouse they own in Vienna, VA, however with less than half the kids as they can only accommodate 5 children as opposed to their usual 12.  Fortunately for us, they absolutely love you and have asked that you remain with them in this new scenario!  Though all things considered, I'm a bit over the uncertainty of it all and this has led to a number of discussions to determine the future of your childcare...

We're going to stick with Zeny and Mines for now, but in a little more than a week we'll visit a new facility or two to get a feel of what care might be like for you in a different, more established environment.  And while we love the level of care Zeny and Mines provide for you today, we don't know what we don't know... And we never will if we don't explore.

Being a parent, for all the wonderful things that come along with it, can be hard, Conor.  Tough decisions are made all the time and all for whatever we believe is in your best interest.  This is far and away one of the tougher decisions, Boy'O.  But there's no compromising when it comes to being sure you're getting the absolute best care.

I love you, Conor.

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