Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Little "Man to Man" Time

Day 120:

Busy day for Mommy today, Boy'O.  From the jump she was off and running for a number of projects she's needed to manage for her company, TeamCatapult.  The day would have Mommy in meetings from 8:30am to 8:30pm, so it was up to me, your dear old Dad, to get you to daycare, pick you up from daycare, get you fed, changed, etc.  To be sure these are not extraneous activities and certainly not more than I can bare.  And actually, I rather enjoy those times because they present a series of small challenges that I like to test myself through.  Like everything else for me, the only way to learn and understand things  is to do them.  Watching somebody else perform a task, listening to another talk about how to perform a task, or (Heaven forbid) reading about (I can't stand instruction manuals, Boy'O) how a task should be completed is not my cup of tea.  I'm a hands-on kinda guy, Conor.  So given the chance to spend time working through a routine without any help all the while keeping you happy and safe, I truly enjoyed it.  And if I do say so myself, I came through it with flying colors!

Okay okay so, it wasn't as though I was saving a life with bubble gum, a drinking straw, a paper clip, and a pen cap, but trying to find a rhythm with an infant in tow is simply an experience I felt I needed to have.  Of all of what I was able to get into with you, Son, it was because of the use of the Baby Bjorn.  I'd not strapped that crazy contraption to myself before and you're only just now big enough to sit comfortably in it, so it became an experiment worthy of my time with you... I gotta say, there's a reason why it's such a big seller... That thing is so great!  You were so happy being strapped to my chest, and I was all to pleased to be cruising around the house with you just kinda hanging out.  Made it work for about 45 minutes before you finally started to fuss... It was a milestone!

By the time Mommy'd returned home I had you all set up with a bottle and an expectation that the next stop for you was bed.  And as sure as I could be, Mommy came in the door at 9:00pm, loved on you for a few minutes, and then took you up to bed for the night...  And it's good you get your rest, Boy'O.  It's gotta be hard work being the best looking dude in the DayCare!

Love you, Son.

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