Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Sleepy Boy

Day 119:

Well Boy'O, it seems school is taking it out of you... You've been nothing but sleep since you got home tonight.  Though you did spend a good bit of time strapped to Mommy in the Baby Bjorn, enjoying the sights of cleaning chores masked with the sounds some of my favorite music.  Something fun though... Your new swing came today!  Of course, the swig is complete with a Lion!  As if it would be anything else but a lion for the Lion Heart.

In other news, your Uncle Justin came by for a minute.  You know, to have a drink and talk about the far that he and Aunt Marti are EXPECTING A GIRL!  So exciting for your Unc J, Beau!  And I'm not one for arranged marriages, but I gotta say, I see potential in this one...  Aunt Marti has always been very pretty!  And for that matter, your Uncle Justin, too.  But don't tell him I said that.  He may be inclined to deck me...  HA!

Short post tonight, Son.  I got some things need doin'...

Love you, Son.

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