Tuesday, April 3, 2012

No Stopping the Lion Heart

Day 112:

The surgery was a success Conor!  In my post yesterday I'd mentioned you'd come through the procedure just fine and were in recovery.  Well, between getting you together, travel time to the hospital, the procedure itself, recovery time, and finally travel time home, the entire ordeal turned out to be about 30 hours.  The majority of that time was spent monitoring you for any post-op complications, allergens to the anesthetic, sleep apnea, etc.  Needless to say, it wasn't a restful time for either Mommy or me because we were both watching you like a hawk; to hell with those machines!

The Children's Hospital Center of Washington DC is amongst the best in Pediatric Surgical Services.  In conversation with several of the nurses and attendings, turns out Children's Hospital will do on the order of sixty to seventy surgeries per day!  Yesterday turned out to be a light day in that you were one of forty.  Not only that, but because you were the youngest patient of the day they slotted you first.  That's right, Boy'O, you were the very first surgery of the day...  This I thought was great!  You wouldn't have to wait longer than needed, you'd be in recovery sooner which of course meant you could eat sooner (no food or drink six hours prior to the procedure equals one very fussy Conor!), and your Surgeon and Med / Surg team would be as sharp as they'd be all day!  Though despite all of that, there was a hitch in your pole position on the surgical board, Son.  The hitch was, your recovery room was "Room 1", directly in front of the nurses station and in the heart of everything!

Of course, Children's Hospital Center is a hospital for, you guessed it, CHILDREN!  Children who, following their own surgeries, were in pain, confused, nauseous, upset, scared, you name it...   And to sit in that recovery room where all around us were the buzzing sounds of nurse chatter, beeping machines, radio calls, and worst of all the hysterical and unconsolable cries of young children, was no fun... Needless to say, it was absolutely heartbreaking...  Though to your credit, and in typical Conor fashion, nary a fuss.  In fact, the only time you seemed to open your mouth in protest was to simply let us know it was time for you to eat!  Also not surprising, you once again became the Don Juan of the Ward.  Every nurse, and even some patient's parents wanted to come by and see this beautiful, smiling baby boy they'd heard so much about.  You were a hit!  And in fact, your charge nurse yesterday went home at 7:00pm only to return at 7:00am today for another 12 hour shift.  Only she arrived at 6:30am because she said she wanted to come in and see you again before we were discharged at 7:00am!  

Conor the Lion Heart - Winner of Hearts and Minds

Around 6:30pm yesterday evening they finally moved us into a much larger, much more private room.  Multiple televisions, two fold out chair / beds (horribly uncomfortable pieces of crap, but I'm not complaining!), and a quieter space for you to rest and recover.  Though to be sure you didn't seem bothered by the noise as is usually the case with you.  I think in two days I slept a total of 4 hours.  Both in anticipation of my Son going under the knife - especially at such a young age, and the total lack of comfort in staying in those chairs.  Though here I sit, pleased with the outcome of the day's events, sipping a Jameson's whiskey, all but ready to retire.

I'm proud of you, Son.  You're stronger than I give you credit for and you have, once again, taught me so much in such a short period of time.  Incomprehensible, truly.

Rest up, tough guy.  I love you.

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