Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Smiling Baby Boy

Day 121:

It's been nearly four months since you've joined us, Conor... Four amazing months.  In that time I've learned far more about the meaning of life than I ever even hoped to know, I've become a stronger man with a longer term vision, and I've learned more about the gentle nature of a baby than I ever knew existed.  Everyday you amaze me, Son.  Each and every day.

Today's big feat was simply a long continuous smile.  Noises I've never heard, smiling ear to ear, and just loving the playful and goofy songs I was singing to you...  I've found you love to be sung to, you love to dance around, you love the Baby Bjorn (Mommy had you in that crazy sling today), and you love to hang on to my index fingers... Not my middle finger.  Not my ring finger.  Not my thumb.  Only my index finger

It's such fun to see you grow.  I can only imagine what lies ahead for us, Son.  I thought today about the first time we go fishing.  I thought today about the first time we ride bikes together.  I thought today about you and that smile of yours that shines into my soul and lights me up brighter than the sun.

I love you, Boy'O.  The Lion Heart.  The life I breathe.  You're an awesome kid.


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