Monday, May 14, 2012

Has it Been 5 Months?

Day 152:

It is my feeling that Time ripens all things; with Time all things are revealed; Time is the father of truth.
--Francois Rabelais

Time certainly is the father of our truth, Son.  For as many warnings as one can receive, you can never fully appreciate the the expression "it goes by fast" as it relates to children.   Certainly though, they'd be true.

These last five months have increased the speed of my life 10 fold, Conor.  I've watched you triple in size to this point, a remarkable and nothing less than spectacular feat for such a once small boy.   From 3 lbs. 11 oz. to somewhere closer to 14 lbs., and in the span of only five months, watching you grow before my very eyes is as awesome as anything I could have ever imagined.  On the day you were born I could hold you in my one hand; your butt on the heel of my palm, the center of the back of your head resting comfortably on my middle and index fingers.  One hand was all it took.  Now??  Well, now it's a two handed job, no doubt!  I can still hold you in one arm, but now that body of your extends all the way up to my shoulder!  Unbelievable...

Though growth comes in more than just your appearance, Boy'O.  Your personality is certainly starting to show and I've no doubt you're going to be larger than life.  Your smiles and excited squeaks...  You're already trying so hard to talk!  Two things about this point...

  1. No one is surprised by this considering you're the Son of Shane and Sara Yerkes
  2. We could be in for it... A just-due as far as our parents / your grandparents are concerned
No matter.  So long as you're aware of what you say and willing to stand by it, talk all you want.  As a wise old Grandfather once said, "This world does not suffer fools, Son."  

Day by day the feat of your life stands to provide yet another amazing moment, Conor.  The once small, Lion Hearted warrior of the NICU is now a growing, thriving, handsome little boy.  Conor the Lion Heart.  Conor an chroĆ­ Lion.

I love you, Son.

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