Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Journey Home

Day 139:

Vacations seem to take forever to arrive, Conor.  Though once they finally do come along the time flies at an unbelievable rate.  It seems we got into Healdsburg, said hello,  drank a glass of wine or two, and wished our friends a fond farewell.
Today when leaving Healdsburg we decided to take MomMom on the scenic route of old San Francisco and up into the Presidio area of the city.  Not all the turns were the right ones but we made it.  And no surprise the weather was once again perfect which of course made the drive even that much more pleasurable.
Once we made SFO it was quite the effort to get you dropped off, checked in, boxes and luggage packed, rental car returned, trains back to the airport following dropping off the car, a security line that bordered on what air travel looked like in the weeks following September 11th, 2001... I mean to tell you, Son, it was madness.  By the time I walked up on the gate to meet you guys, United was  toward the end of boarding the flight.  I was sweating like mad by the time I'd finally boarded!  Though once aboard and away fro the gate, it was simply a matter of a nice flight home. Fortunately luck was on our side and so we didn't end up having to hold you the entire time as the middle seat was open and so we kinda made you a small nest to nuzzle into, and off to sleep you went.

As I sit here typing this, I'm exhausted, Conor.  Planes, trains, and automobiles can be fun for a minute, but you get over it pretty fast.  This will be the first night I've spent at home, unpacked, in what feels like an eternity, and tomorrow it's back to work...

I love you, my Lion Hearted Traveller.

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