Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thank You

Day 165:

Memorial Day Weekend is a very special day and for a number of reasons, Conor.  It's a weekend when we ride to remember, and it's a weekend when we vow to not forget.  And no, they're not the same thing.

In fact, your very existence is based on that of your Mother's military upbringing with Grandpa K9, a now retired officer for the fiercest fighting men and women in the free world - The United States Marine Corps.

Your Mother's life in the military started very young, with hardships befalling she and MeMeow from when she was just three years old.  You see Son, your paternal Grandfather and namesake, Dan "Doc" Dougherty, USMC, was taken from us while flying his F4 Phantom on a training HOP in Arizona in 1977.  Memeow would be a widow with a three old child and living miles from her family home in New Jersey.  A taxing time indeed...

Sometime later Memeow met another Marine Corps Aviator, and Mommy would to be adopted by that man; Dick "K9"Kindsfater.  Yes sir, Mommy knows a thing or two about our veterans and what it means to give thanks on this day, because Mommy knows about sacrifice; MeMeow also.  But that's only a piece of what makes Memorial Day one to honor.  Memorial Day is about never forgetting those who would give their lives to protect this country at the cost of being away from their own families and loved ones.  It's truly a valiant calling and one that not everyone is cut out for... But those who are would truly be the modern day heroes of the free world and, living and dead, we honor them.

As it so happens my motorcycle club embraces this holiday also, in fact with many of its members being both active duty and retired military.  Guys like your Uncle Scotty, Mr Justin, and Mr. Bear.  Salt of the Earth Gentlemen who would give their lives for our country for the asking.  The least I can do is take care of them and see to it that they want for nothing, and so they come to stay with us while in town from South Carolina and Georgia - or wherever the hell they're coming from...

This weekend in the DC area is a pretty big deal, Son.  Literally hundreds of thousands motorcyclists ascend on the city to create the World's largest rolling memorial known as "Rolling Thunder".  In honor of that, each year for the last nine either me and Mommy or Uncle Nelson and Aunt Devin have hosted our out-of-town guests and culminated the great ride with a BBQ for the masses...  And each year I'm reminded why I'm so blessed to be the man that I am and know the folks that I know.  Each year I'm humbled by theses men who, if you never asked them, they would never tell you about their service.  They would never tell you about their sacrifices.  To them, it's a job to do and for all the right reasons, or so they hope!  But to us, to civilians with families and jobs and hobbies and whatever else, those men (and women) are the reason we can sleep safely in our beds at night.  And we should be ever grateful to them for that.

You come from a long line of family members on both sides of your genealogy who've proudly served this country, Conor.  And though I never served, regrettable as that may be in hind sight, I can at least try to make up for it by being ever vigilant in my support of the US Armed Services, and what's more, making sure you are as well.

Please always remember to honor and respect those wearing the uniform, Son.  They'll appreciate it...

I love you, Conor.

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