Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Thousand Points of Light

Day 360:

Well Boy'O, talk about an eventful day!  Last night was virtually sleepless, Son.  And not because of anything fun... Quite the opposite actually.  No sooner had I made my way to bunk down for the night, call it 11:30pm, you were up and crying to beat the band.  Mommy jumped up to look after you, though realizing you were congested, feeling yucky, and all but inconsolable, she figured the only way to get you to sleep would be to bring you to our bed.  And to her credit that worked!  For a while...

When you woke up around 4:00am you were worse congestion wise, and so the only solution would be to get you back on albuterol, a nebulization drug, to help you clear your lungs and breathe easier, maybe get a bit more sleep.  Well, it worked for you, but not for me.  Once I'm up, I'm up.  And so I laid awake shushing you back to sleep when you'd stir...

It's not so bad I suppose.  I'm not a man who needs much sleep, Boy'O, so I'm all to happy to do it.  Though the day would be quite eventful and the lack of sleep is finally taking its toll.

When the pediatrician opened at 8:30am I was ringing them every 5 minutes 'til they answered.  We got a 9:30am appointment and, given the recent bout with pneumonia, the doc was all to happy to see you. So we brought you in and let them get a look at you, and so the medicine called for more nebulizer treatments every four hours complimented with two doses per day of budesonide, a steroid to help strengthen your little lungs.

Of course, through all of this you're as smiley as you've ever been, astonishing even Dr. Howell who, for having children of her own as well as being a long time pediatrician, commented repeatedly about how amazing you are for being so sick; a nasty gurgling in your lungs accompanied by a pretty good cough.  Though still, when we finally left, she seemed pretty sure that, as long as we stuck with the medicine regiment, you'll be turning the corner in no time.

By this point you'd already had a full day, Son!  But I was just getting started...  Upon returning home I started pulling all the Christmas lights out and getting things ready to signal Santa Claus for my good boy.  And so up they went!  Over a thousand of them!  Around the door, the rail, in the plum tree... It's a veritable Winter Wonderlund outside!  And Santa's sure to hit this house, Boy'O...  And I know he will.

Though believe it or not, our twinkling lights were not the highlight of the day.  No sir, tonight's highlight came in the form of my motorcycle club's Christmas / Anniversary party.  And what made that all even better?  Ziggy was there!!  Surely you'll remember the blog entries about my friend Chris "Ziggy" Ziegler and the motorcycle wreck he was in last Summer.  Well, after 2 months in the hospital and what's already been, as well as what will be, months and months of physical rehabilitation, Zig and his wife Carrie made the long drive form his home in Fredricksburg to the bar in Gainsville to be there.

Conor, it was SO GOOD to see our dear friend, Ziggy.  Easily the highlight of the day!  Still wheelchair ridden albeit mobile and upbeat, Ziggy was as refreshing a site as any of us have seen in six months.  And to be sure, Boy'O, it's the little miracles, and sometimes the big ones, that make you appreciate all the important things; all family, all friends, all loved ones... Ziggy came as close to death as anyone I've personally ever known and the fact that he's here, with us, smiling and being himself, is again a lesson of humility in holding close to us that which matters, and letting go that which does not...

Get well, Conor... You' have a big week ahead of you, Son.

I love you.

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