Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pull Yourself Up by your Bootstraps

Day 357:

Exciting things happen when you least expect them to, Conor!  Mommy had an event to attend after work today and so I would make my way to Merrifield to pick you up from daycare and then head home for a little play time...  And that's when the fun started, Boy'O!  While preparing to check your diaper and gathering the necessary supplies, I turned away from you sitting on the floor.  Seemed like it took only a second and when I turned back around, you were pulling yourself up in the glider chair and about two thirds of the way there!  Aside from my astonishment as to how fast you moved to the chair, imagine my surprise when I saw you that you'd darn near pulled yourself completely up!

I couldn't get to my phone fast enough to snap this shot.  I watched you pull up the rest of the way and then I sat down on the floor whilst you beamed with pride at your tiny accomplishment.  What I got is what you see here!  Pretty remarkable, Son.

It's these moments, these events, that we cherish, Boy'O.  A lot of what I was eluding to last night in fact.  The little things seem to wash away all of what otherwise feel like big things... At least for the moment.

It's funny, Conor, things I never considered before you were here.  Actions like the first time you sat up in bed all on your own, the first time you crawled, the first time you pulled yourself up.  Minute things in comparison to what lies ahead, and yet I'm as proud as if you just pitched a no-hitter in the World Series.  Undoubtedly it only gets better.  And that's what I mean.  I never considered what it would be like to have a little guy of my own.  I've always enjoyed kids and frankly, they seem to enjoy me!  Maybe because I still act like one as I push 40 uphill.  Though still, each accomplishment, no matter how small, can seem monumental.  And today, your timing was absolutely sublime, Son.  I can't even tell you how much I needed that lift, Boy'O.  As usual, you came through.

I love you, Son.  You'll be cruising on your own in no time!

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