Thursday, December 13, 2012

Eve of the Greatest Day

Day 365:

Wow Conor... "Surreal" is not a word that begins to describe what I'm feeling right now, Boy'O.  This time last year, December 13th, 2011, was like any other... It was an average Tuesday and, aside from it being your Uncle Justin's birthday, it was a day just like any other.  On that evening Mommy and I decided to head out to meet Uncle Justin, Aunt Marti, Uncle Gil,  and many others for a drink and to share in the celebration of it being your Uncle Justin's birthday... On the way we decided to grab a quick meal at a local Chinese restaurant, then make our way to the bar where all our friends were gathering... Little did we know, you would soon be on the way.

The evening was fine, nothing incredibly memorable about it, and brief as it was it was still good to see Uncle Justin and friends for a small celebration.  And then home we went.  Several hours later we welcomed you into the world.  All 3 lbs 11 oz of you...

Tonight we followed the same pattern.. As best we could at least.  Me, Mommy, Grandpa K9, Memeow, and of course, you, made our way to that same Chinese restaurant, Son.  We had a veritable Chinese FEAST, Son!  Enjoying the meal, reminiscing on what it all meant only a year ago.  Brevity that gives a man pause, Conor.  Truly.

And here we sat enjoying the evening and reflecting.  Thinking about all that's transpired in the almost full year since you were brought to us by God.  And ever learning, Boy'O.  Ever learning.

Most interesting thing about this night was, I discovered, as did you, that oranges are maybe the thing you've liked the most in all the foods we'd been feeding you!  You couldn't get enough!  When the server brought over a full plate of orange wedges as an after dinner treat for us adults, I decided to give you one to see how you'd take to it.  Three wedges later I had my answer!  You took to it like a fish to water, Son!  And right then and there, another wave of perspective swept over me, Boy'O.  A realization of so many things to come.  Not that I hadn't considered it before, but given the night, what it meant, seeing you enjoying an orange only hours ahead of your birthday, I felt a great many emotions, Son.  And I'm not afraid of them... Not one bit.

After dinner I dropped you and Mommy and your Grandparents off at the house and headed out to see some of the very best friends this life can provide, if for nothing else to simply wish a happy birthday to your Uncle Justin and complete the circle of this day, one year ago...

In a few hours you're one year old, Conor.  One year!  A blip on the radar of time, Son.  Though more significant and in more ways than anything you could possibly imagine.  And quite frankly, it's just what I needed, Son... A little bit of you, forever and ever.

I love you, Conor.

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