Tuesday, January 3, 2012

1st Day on the Job

Day 21:

Your homecoming, while sweet, was ground shaking, Son. Let's just say your Mom and Me haven't quite found a rhythm yet... We were trying to switch off as to who feeds you and when, who changes you and when, and well, sleep was something we got none of last night. Of course this was to be expected. We've heard all the stories from all the parents who've made this leap before us. Still, each experience is unique to every parent and certainly, this household would be no exception.

The first concern came with how fussy you were. We'd noted you hadn't had a "movement" (Politically Correct for "poop") in better than 24 hours and surely that'd be contributory. I called the NICU at 3:00am I think? They gave me some ideas as to what it might be, what it could be, and then suggested we just keep on feeding you. So that's what we did.

The morning came way too soon and despite what felt like constant feedings, still no poop. I worked around the house and got a few things done, checked your diaper a few more times... Alas, no. Later in the afternoon Mommy decided to step out to run errands. She'd be gone a couple hours and so you and I settled in to watch a movie - and a good one at that... "Days of Thunder", a CLASSIC! Odd considering I'm not a NASCAR fan, but I love that movie for some reason... I digress.

While watching the movie with you snug in my lap, I began to catch hints of odor emanating from your backend. Within a few moments the smell was near toxic and I was now so distracted from the movie I could only think to change you. But I was flying solo! Again, Mommy was out running errands so I would have to brave what's now been 48 hours without a poop! There would be no mercy, Conor. The Lion Heart had eaten like a Lion over the last several feedings, and upon my removing your diaper and seeing the culprit, the effort became a poo-tastrophy!! Each time I thought I'd gotten it all, I'd bring in a new diaper and BOOM! more poop! Three diapers and eight wipes later we were FINALLY done! I swear you lost a half lb of weight. I'd never seen anything so small produce so much! But I didn't mind. Didn't mind cleaning up, didn't mind running this operation solo... It's only poop, right?

Needless to say it was an exciting few minutes... And you've been so hungry since then that you actually ate twice in an hour! Conor the Lion Heart. Conor An ChroĆ­ Lion. Conor the HUNGRY!

And I can't wait for day two, Son.

Love you, Boy.

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