Friday, January 13, 2012

And they Travelled from Far and Wide

Day 31:

Today was a fun day, Conor! Your Great Uncle Eddie and Great Aunt Jo came by for a visit - and all the way from Tennessee! Your Uncle Eddie has more to do with the man your Daddy has become than most anybody would realize. When I was a kid he had a bobbed out Harley-Davidson and I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. Sometime later I got my own Harley-Davidson and the rest is history! Great Uncle Eddie is a very unique man - far more than just having a Harley-Davidson, and I always admired his spirit so it really meant a lot to me for him to meet you. But more than that your Great Aunt Jo was not about to put you down! She fell in love with you like anybody else whose met you... In fact, she's offered to baby sit anytime at all - again, all the way from Tennessee! But maybe, just maybe we give her the chance on a visit to Nashville... It's probably one of the top 3 cities in the country I've never seen but always wanted to... Time will tell...

Otherwise we were pretty much in for the day, Conor. It was cold outside so no going out, but that's okay, there's plenty to do inside! Later in the evening I went to see a bunch of friends who I ride motorcycles with and of course they were all very interested to learn about how you're progressing at home. The word of the Lion Heart has spread far and wide, and they all know how hard your working to get big and strong. With this in mind, should you ever decide to ride a motorcycle of your own, these men would be ready to ride... Right there with you. A ride with Conor An ChroĆ­ Lion. I like he sound of that!

But only if you want...

Until tomorrow, Son. I love you.

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