Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finding Focus...

Day 36:

You know the thing about life, Conor? The big things matter, but it's the little things that count. Today I experienced one of those little things... While simply sitting on the couch with you this evening, looking you over again and again and again as I've been known to do, you locked eyes with me for the first time. To be sure, you captured my gaze! We were told in the NICU that it would be a while before you were able to focus your attention, specifically your eyes. It seems that time has come!

Thus far life with you has been a series of educational experiences embossed in smiles and wrapped in love. I was speaking with your Pops (my Dad) and Grandma Sarah tonight, and they said to me, "you know the thing about kids, you can appreciate other peoples' kids and even love them, but until you have your own you just don't get it." I'm paraphrasing of course, don't mean to misquote anybody, but to be sure that's the case. I never got it. Not until you. Now I get it completely. And it truly is every little thing. Conor the Lion Heart has already shown me more in a month than what I've thought to know in a lifetime.
And each time I look at you, I smile.

Guess I owe you a bit of thanks, Conor. So thank you. Thanks for being my Son.

I love you, Boy'O.

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