Sunday, January 15, 2012

Conor the Merciless...

Day 33:

Well Conor, let me be the first to say; you were not as much a Lion last night as you were a BEAR. My goodness, Son! You cried, and screamed, and cried, and fussed, and screamed and... From 1:00am to 6:00am, nothing but "AAAAAARRRRGH!" in that sweet little Conor cry... There was nothing I could do to settle you down. Eventually Mommy had to get up and intervene and after a few hours of crying in her ear, we switched back.. And then again... This went on all night. When I finally crawled into bed, the sun was coming up. Mommy slept in a chair! When I woke up again at 10:00am I didn't know if I was coming or going... It's been quite a day, Son. And we never did figure out why you were so fussy...

Still, the remainder of the day turned out to be just fine despite the delirium that seemed to be setting in on both me and Mommy... I don't think we said 3 words to each other all day as neither of us could think! But there was something to look forward to; going to have dinner with Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Paul, and Big Nate! It would be your first time out of the house for anything other than a Doctor's visit, and for Mommy and me, it was just what the Doctor ordered; some social time with friends, some silly time with Nathan, good food, and glass of Daddy's favorite whiskey. Just enough to take the edge off.

I've just fed you, swaddled you nice and tight, and tucked you away to bed. Mommy's already sacked out and if she's not asleep already, she will be very soon! We're hoping Conor the Lion Heart will find it within himself to give us a break tonight. For tomorrow, at least for me, starts another work day and I'll take as much rest as I can get for what's ahead of me...

I love you, Boy.

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