Monday, July 9, 2012

Back to Work

Day 208:

After 5 days off Conor, getting back in the swing as far as work was concerned was not easy.  It's like a whole new adjustment!  All I could think about was you, Son.  And yet, I had to try so hard to focus on work!  Total drag, but necessary in order to keep us all in the lifestyle we're accustomed to...

After work I had an errand or 2 to run and by the time I'd returned home, you were in a really bad mood.  I think it's because you're cutting teeth.  Mommy just thought you were cranky.  None the less, all it took was a bottle and a few sweet words, and Mommy had you crashed out in no time.  It's a talent I surely do not possess.

After straightening up the house and doing some additional work in the yard and on the deck, we finally managed to get a bite to eat.  While watching TV Mommy and me turned on the Home Run Derby during the MLB All-Star break and got a laugh at the dozen or so boys and girls in the outfield shagging balls that don't clear the massive wall in Kansas City... And you know what, we both thought the same thing...  Someday, that'll be you, Son.  And maybe even someday after that, it'll be you at the plate cranking those things out of the ballpark...  Wouldn't that be fun?!

That's all for tonight, Lion Heart... Time to get some rest.

I love you-

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