Saturday, July 14, 2012

On the Move

Day 213:

What a wonderful day, Conor...  An easy early morning gave way to a busy mid morning, and then the fun started!

Me and you got to spend some great time together today, Conor.  In fact the morning was a 'Boys Day' as Mommy wet out shopping and errand running early on, so we spent the time piecing together your new high-chair, eating, playing in the high chair, eating some more, spending some time rough housing, eating... You know, typical "dude stuff"...

In the almost three hours Mommy was out, I swear you ate three times.  Certainly not bashful when it comes to your morning apples and then carrots...  So much so, I'm beginning to worry we're feeding you too much!  Of course, I don't really subscribe to that school of thought; all you have to do is look at me and you'll figure that one out.  But WOW!  You're really packing it on now, Son!

When Mommy got home your Uncle Justin came in a few minutes after and it was off to see a house!  What's most exciting about that is, it's actually a house we really like!!!  There are a few odds and ends to clear up in so far as financing, etc., but we're going to make an offer, Boy'O!  And let me tell you, if we get this place, right in the heart of Fairfax City, you're going to have a TON of room to play!  It's a brand new five bedroom with all the trim'ns, Son.  A place plenty big for a family of three; lest we forget about the mutts.

So there it is, Boy'O.  Keep those fingers and toes crossed!  If everything happens the way it should (and I personally believe that's the ONLY way things happen; the way they should) we could be packing up and moving out in the next couple of months... And just in time for Football Season!!

I love you, Conor...

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