Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Ever Mighty Lion Heart

Day 218:

"From a small seed a mighty trunk shall grow." --Aeschylus

There is oh so much truth in that, Conor.  In oh so many ways...  And today was yet another example of the mighty Lion Heart!  You see, Son, in the last few days you've had a bit of gunk building up around your right eye.  It's not so bad, certainly a small infection of some kind and it seems as though it's healing all on it's own.  Still, as a precaution ahead of the weekend, Mommy decided to make a run to the Pediatrician with you and see what's what...

As suspected, the gunky eye is a result of a slight infection, and so your small but mighty body has commenced to fighting to off.  And though the Doctor showed no real concern, we can only suppose there's none to be had.  But with the Doctor's visit came a stop on the scales, and after having not ben on the scales for two months, there was really no guessing how much you weigh.  It's so hard to tell for Mommy and me because we see you every day!  My guess was 15.6 pounds anyway.  But no!  Not 15... Not 16... But 17 pounds!  The nurses started to refer to you as Chubbs!!

You are a big boy, Conor!  A big boy with a hearty laugh and a contagious smile...  Each day your personality grows as big as anything else about you.  Each day I love you a little more than I did the day before... And it makes sense, right?  Because each day there's a little bit more of you to love...

The world is a place both kind and wicked, Conor.  A strong mind coupled with a strong body while powered by the heart of a Lion will be your ticket to prosperity and love, Boy'O.  And to be sure, if I could protect you from those who would deceive you, I most certainly would.  But I can't...  Not forever, anyway.

What I can and will do however, Conor, is give you what I know and hope and pray that you only ever find health and happiness... And it sure seems as though you're off to  great start, Boy'O.  My Mighty Lion Heart...

I love you, Conor.

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