Sunday, July 22, 2012

Exhausting Weekend

Day 221:

This weekend has put me down, Son.  All the way down.  Seems after two days of exhaustive work whatever bug you had, I now have... And it's got me buried under the covers, Boy'O.  The day started out okay... Cup of coffee for me, bottle for you.  Bagel and cream cheese for me, apples and rice cereal for you... And then came the bath and the nap, Son.  For you that is - I don't nap... or take baths; though I should!  Anyhow, that was my queue.  Operation Closet Tear-Down.

I pulled every single article of clothing from my closet, Son.  And with few exceptions - if it hadn't been worn in the last 6 months, it wasn't getting worn again. At least not by me!  This turned into a project of epic proportions, Son!  HOURS of work!!  Folding, stacking, hanging, folding stacking hanging... on and on...  When the job was finally done, you were awake again!  Great timing if I do say so myself.

In the mean time, Mommy was in the kitchen getting busy on the floors; a task unto itself.  Not because she was merely cleaning the floors, but because she was cleaning the GROUT!  Arduous, painstaking work, Boy'O.  As rough as any I could imagine.  And with my gimpy knees, it's work that's almost an impossibility for me to do!  When it was all said and done it was time for you to get a bite to eat, Mommy to have a shower, and Uncle Justin and Aunt Marti to come to the house and meet us to go house hunting!

We hated them ALL, Son.  Not a thing about a single house we liked.  After losing the perfect house in Fairfax City and seeing what we saw today, who knows, Boy'O... Could be a while before we take this show on the road...

And so now, as I'd mentioned earlier I've caught whatever it is you had, only worse.  It's paralyzing me to the point of immobility in bed right now, Son.  Fever, chills, aches, the works.  The good news is though, your old man heals quickly.  From everything.  By tomorrow I should be right as rain...

Everything has purpose, Conor.  Even great disappointment.  Some disappointment seems fleeting whole other never ending.  In the case of the house it feels as though it's been eons searching for the perfect place and then just like that "POOF!" it's gone.  And so the search continues.  What will be will be.  Perhaps it's all just a blessing in disguise.  Only one way to find out, Conor.  Day by day, Son...

I love you, Conor.

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