Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Welcome to Buckingham Palace

Day 202:

The 3rd of July this year falls on a Tuesday, Conor.  Why is that important?  Because the 3rd of July, of course preceding America's greatest Holiday, the 4th of July, is a day when virtually no business - at least not in technology - gets done.  Like, NOTHING.  With the 4th of July landing on a Wednesday, Boy'O, virtually kills any hopes of having a long weekend... Unless you go ahead and take Thursday and Friday off!  So I did...   5 days with the Lion Heart!  Nothing could be better...

Going to work this morning was torture, Son.  It was dropping you off at day care for a half day when really all I would accomplish at all is to clean up my calendar and what's shaping up to be an exceptionally busy couple of weeks.  Still, what was to follow made the effort worth it, and so I patiently waited to pick you up from daycare at 1:00pm, and move on down the road...

For months now we've been planning on heading to some very special friends' house, Son.  Lisa and Phil Buckingham live just Northwest of Philadelphia in one of the most beautiful homes any of us would ever see.  To say their home is opulent doesn't do the property justice.  In fact, the kitchen alone is as spectacular as any you'll see in even the finest custom kitchen magazine!

They've invited us, as well as several other friends who Mommy and I enjoy very much, to stay with them for the next few days and celebrate the 4th... And we've only just begun, Son!  Tomorrow promises to be a day of pool side lounging, cocktail drinking, exquisite food eating fun... Golf on Thursday at a Members Only country club, and then we'll see what happens... But one thing is for sure, these folks are all to happy to meet the Lion Heart and soak you in, Son.  You're a hit!  And that's no surprise to me.

I love you, Conor.  See you in the morning, Boy'O...

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