Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Your First All Hallows Eve

Day 322:

Halloween is a fun and fiendish holiday, Conor.  Originating from old Irish / Celtic paganism, 'All Hallows Evening' was traditionally a day to honor the old Saints while respecting the dead.  From its roots it would be a a holiday to celebrate the end of the Summer, or the 'Samhain', and celebrate the dead while reveling in the feast of the harvest.

Over several thousand years the holiday has transformed into something more akin to costume parties, trick or treating, and prank playing, but it will forever be an Irish holiday, despite historians disputing origins conflicting with those of an ancient Pagan holiday birthing from what is now Italy but was once the Roman Empire.  Never the less, for modern day folks it's no longer a holiday to celebrate within varying religious sects as much as it is a time for fun, foolishness, and ghoulish ghost stories.

All things considered, especially given the trial of the year and it coming upon your first Hallows Eve, your Great Aunt Mag was all to happy to help us enjoy the festivities in creating what would be your first ever Halloween costume...  And what would it be?  Well the Lion Heart of course!  And it was PERFECT!  It fit you well and Boy'O, you fit it even better...

This Halloween would be spent at your Uncle Paul and Aunt Jen's house heading out to 'Trick or Treat'
with Nathan- a John Deere operator, and Andrew- a baby cow!  It was truly a perfect Halloween night.  Cool temperatures but not to cold, a full moon high in the sky to light our way, and our good friends Rob, Jessica, Jennifer, Paul, and of course Nathan and Andrew.

The streets of Falls Church City are such a fine place to do some door to door Trick or Treating, Boy'O.  So many houses with Jack 'O Lanterns, plenty of candy, and fun a fiendish folks dressed in their Halloween best.  A good time, even for the adults.  And of course it was great fun to show you off in your Lion Heart outfit of which you'd received so many compliments on!  Truly a fun night, Boy'O.

Though now you're home in bed, the fiendish fellows of the All Hallows Eve passing by while Conor the Lion Heart slumbers, peaceably... A great first Halloween indeed, and I can't wait to see many, many more.

I love you, Son.  Sleep tight... and don't let the ghouls bite!  MUA-HAHAHAHA!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cabin Fever

Day 321:

After almost three full days in the house, Son, nothing is more appealing than an opportunity to get out of it.  Today was a moderately productive work day from home though the house was stirring.  All three of us! Mommy set up shop in the basement and was working from there, I assumed my regular position at the dining room table and got after my end of things there, and the plan then became to pass you back and forth to the other while one of us was on a call and the other wasn't.

The plan worked out pretty well in fact.  Between naps and feedings it really wasn't so bad trying to keep you occupied in those moments you were up and ready to roll.  Though by 4:30pm or so, a change of scenery was needed...

Of some interest was an enticing offer coming across my screen from my favorite bar in the World, the Old Ebbitt Grill in Washington DC.  I received a tweet letting me know the Ebbitt was open for business.  Not only that, but in an effort to lure their patrons out of their homes they were offering half price oysters!  And I LOVE oysters, Boy'O.  To top that off, as if it weren't enough, my old bar mate, Mike Finnerty or, "Mikey Finn" was working my old bar at the Ebbitt, "Grant's Bar"!

I needed no more reason to go, though when I mentioned it to Mommy she was every bit as ready to vamanos from our all to familiar surroundings.  As well,  this would give us an opportunity to see the damage in the area from Fairfax to Washington.  Thankfully the roads were wide open as there were nobody on them and we made the city in 10 minutes.  In this area, that in and of itself is nothing short of amazing...

Everything was perfect, Son.  We even got parking directly outside the front door of the place!  The bar was basically empty as the crowd was light, you were in as good a mood as you've ever been, Mikey Finn was pouring the drinks, and we even made some new friends...  In fact, YOU made a new friend! An 18 month old girl by the name of Emma came sauntering over to you while you sat in your stroller and she was all about checking you out, Son!  So much in fact that when you leaned up to get a better look, she leaned right in and kissed you on the mouth!  Right there in front of God and everybody!!  It was perhaps one of the sweetest, yet sassiest things I've ever seen and was all I could do to keep from falling off the stool with laughter.  Conor the Lion Heart...  Conor the Ladies Man!

The evening would be easy, passing you amongst our new friends while we sat and had dinner and drinks right there at the bar...  You're quite the social kid, Conor.  Kinda like your Mommy and me...

No sooner did we get in the door, it was time for bed (for you), and so I made you a bottle and rocked you to sleep.  It wouldn't even be a few minutes later, maybe 8:30pm, before Mommy was off to bed... As for me, well, I had pumpkins to carve, Son!  Including a Jack'O Lantern in your likeness!  Or at least one with four front teeth like you... Close enough, hey?

And finally your newest first, as if breakin' hearts at the bar wasn't enough, you're holding your own bottle now, Boy'O!  Unbelievable to me, truly.  Just handed you a bottle, you wrapped your little paws around it, and "BOOP!", right in.  A great skill to have, Son... One your Old Man's perfected in fact!

That's all for tonight, Son.  It's really late, I'm really tired, and tomorrow it's back to business as usual.  I'll be taking you to daycare in the morning, going to the office for the day, then we'll do some trick-or-treating in the eve!  Should be fun, Conor... Can't wait.

I love you, Son.

Monday, October 29, 2012

In the Eye

Day 320:

Early post today, Son.  I'm writing this now in the event we lose power, and I'm damn sure not going to miss an entry because of a storm...  As predicted the storm has moved in over the mid-Atlantic and is wreaking all kinds of havoc from Hatteras to Manhattan.  Mostly heavy rain thus far though the occasional wind gusts have come through... Still, so far the only thing we've had to worry about was boredom.

I've managed to pick up a couple of tasks in so far as work, but blowing through those has simply left me with a barrage of media coverage on this weather event.  Meanwhile you're once again hunkered down for a nap with Mommy and I'm plugging away awaiting the worst of it.  Seems the bad stuff should be here between 6:00pm and 8:00pm tonight, and it's only 3:15pm now.  With any luck we'll not lose power and I won't have any trees to cut, but I am anticipating seeing a bit more than we want.

Preparation is key, Son; in storms as in life.  Being sure you've got everything you could need for making it through the worst of times is tantamount getting back to the very best of times and so I've spent the last several days preparing as best I could.  Mommy too.  And while there's no preparing for the unexpected, doing your best to ready for the tough times, both physically and mentally, is all we can do.

Your Mom-Mom's condo in Ocean City, New Jersey is ground zero for the most significant impact of the storm, Boy'O.  As well, we have a fair bit of family all up and down the Delmarva Peninsula who are all hoping for the best while preparing for the worst.  So tonight we'll keep them all in our thoughts an prayers and hope that everybody is right back to normal in the coming days, unscathed.

I love you, Son.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Batten Down the Hatches!

Day 319:

All hands on deck!  Batten down the hatches, Conor!

Here she comes, Son.  That wicked woman named 'Sandy'...  For two days I've been talking about the coming storm and she's finally here, Son.  Thus far we're only seeing steady rain with a some mild winds, though by the morning we're expecting far worse.  As a result, the day would be spent managing you and passing you back and forth whilst me and Mommy traded hanging out with you for knocking down chores and last minute preparations...

I must admit, for a day in which I barely left the house but instead spent the afternoon lounging on the couch watching football while, for the most part, you and Mommy snoozed away the day upstairs, I rather enjoyed the excuse for laziness from the warm dry comfort of the basement.  Watching football, sipping a bourbon, taking it easy and relaxing... A luxury I'm seldom afforded these days, Conor.  So yes, I would take full advantage...  Tomorrow could be potentially different given this storm, however.  If we do lose power I'll most certainly be busy.  What's more, if there are trees down or chores outside the house need taken care of, I'll be hard at it helping our friends and neighbors in need.

It's who I am, Conor, and thus, it's who you are.  Both me and your mother enjoy helping people, albeit in different ways.  While I'm all to happy to lend a friend my back, Mommy would do the same with her mind.  Still, the ability to help others is a blessing, Boy'O.  I'd always prefer to the helper, not the help-ee...

Meanwhile, you're cozy and warm asleep in your crib, safe from the outside elements.  Safe from Sandy.  And tomorrow morning you'll have breakfast, I'll have coffee, and we'll stand by the window and watch the storm pass us by.  The less eventful, the better.

I love you, Conor.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Calm Before the Storm

Day 318:

Probably the last really pretty day of 2012, Conor, today would have temperatures in the mid-60's, mostly sunny skies, and a whole lot of motorcycles on the road, including mine...  I charged out this morning to take a good long ride through a vast stretch of Northern Virginia with good friends, old friends, and new friends... 150 miles or so in all and each one of those were consumed in deep thought. Motorcycling is therapy for your old Dad, Son.  And the inevitable end to yet another season would leave me wanting more.  But there's always time for another ride, Son.

Meeting up with 7 other guys at 9:00am this morning, then maybe 30 more later in the morning, we'd be heading out on a Poker Run, Son.  I'd explain in detail but the gist is simply, ride to 5 stops, pick up a card at each stop to gather a full hand, high hand wins the pot.  I had three 10's (all 'Hearts' at that), though had to leave early to get home and relieve Mommy while taking you out to run a few last minute errands in so far as getting all we would need to whether this storm...  I never did find out if I won but it's less important than why we were raising the money in the first place.  All proceeds would go to the St Jude Children's Research Hospital, a charity I would have donated my winnings to anyhow...

When I got home and showered I scooped you up and we headed for Home Depot for a few last minute necessities giving your mother a much needed break...  Batteries, fuel, a lock and chain to lock up the generator, and a few other things... When we got home it was time for us to bring Mommy over to Uncle Paul and Aunt Jen's so she could go out for a girls night and we boys can hang out with the crew of "Dads with Kids"... After finally getting you to sleep I was happy to simply take it easy with a bottle of wine shared amongst friends and kick back on Uncle Paul's couch to watch "The Endless Summer 2", a documentary movie about surfing; another activity I've loved that has long since passed me by...

A nice and easy night, Conor.  All the while you're snoozing away in the Pack-n-Play and here I sit, writing your blog.  Relaxed, a bit worn out from a hard day's ride, and happy to be writing to my Son...  The calm before the storm indeed...

I love you, Conor.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Preparing for the Coming Storm

Day 317:

Wow Conor... We're all on red alert here, Son.  The coming of what could be the most epic storm in the history of the civilized world is on the horizon and all I can think about is what needs to be done in order to make it through the ordeal.  We're stocking up on everything we can, Boy'O.  Food for you, water, batteries, gasoline...  I rented a generator even!  A nominal price to pay for an insurance policy to  be sure we keep power in our home.

The storm that approaches is being talked about amongst citizens and scientists alike, Son.  Three massive pressure systems converging at the same time creating a tempest of biblical proportions.  So impressive in fact, that meteorologists are claiming to have absolutely no data to support what could happen when these systems come together all at thrice...  Predicting anything from high winds to storm surge to flooding to torrential rain and heavy snow... Quite literally, the Perfect Storm.

Storms of this magnitude have undoubtedly existed throughout the history of our tiny planet, however never has one so massive, so powerful, and so dangerous has a storm of this kind impacted 10's of millions of people as this one will.  And with that, there will be lives lost and billions of dollars of damage.  Though we are young, strong, smart, and prepared, Son.  And I promise you, I'll keep you safe.  Mommy too...

So tonight, we await the coming of the perfect storm... Still a few days away, but coming hard; it's impact inevitable.  Though be not afraid Lion Heart.  Storms come and go all the time, some worse than others.  But surviving the storm is what builds character, strength, and the knowing to do it again and again.  No matter what's thrown your way.

I love you, Conor.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Busier Than Ever

Day 316:

Well Conor, this morning was as good as any I can remember because it would be the first time I would see your smiling face in as many as four days!  You had a great night of sleep though, and so when you awoke at around 6:00am I was all to happy to jump up from bed and head in to snatch you up...  After a quick diaper change and a little time to wipe the sleep from your eyes you gave me the smile I needed to jump start my day.  Soon after, it was time for presents!

I couldn't wait to get you sitting up before presenting you with Mickey and Minnie Mouse; direct from Florida!  And your reaction there didn't disappoint either.  In fact, you almost pulled Mickie's head off!  What a tremendous hug you gave your new plushy toy, Conor.  It was so fun to watch you play and laugh and I realized just how much I missed you...

It's hard for me to fathom how the men and women of our armed forces work through being away from their little ones for months and even years at a time.  But I'll tell you, I appreciate them, and the sacrifices they and their families make, even more after knowing you, Conor.  Were it my duty, I would certainly fight through the pain and do it, though I'm fortunate enough that I get to see you most days and I need to not take that for granted.  Ever.

After dropping you at daycare it was time for me to get all caught up in the office, and so off I went.  The day was steady and heavy and had no end in sight, for after the work day was through it was off to run a hefty errand for our friends Gil and Marsha.  The task?  To pick up a massive chair and ottoman from a log cabin expo locally.  Of course, I didn't realize how massive the chair is or would be, and so I went without any help.  Good thing I'm a sizable and healthy man, Son, because I was able to get the job done and even managed to not hurt myself!

Though when I got home around 8:00pm, I was afraid I'd be too late to see you in that Mommy would  be rocking you to sleep... Fortunately, you're as stubborn as she is and you were still WIDE awake!  And so I gleefully took over (and I think this was good for Mommy too, as I believe she needed a break) and fed you the remainder of your bottle while rocking you to sleep.

Yes Boy'O, it was a busy day but a good day through and through.  And with that, I'm going to wind down on the couch watching a bit of football and it easy.  But I can't wait to see you again in the morning, Son.  In fact, that alone makes me the luckiest man in the world...

I love you, Conor.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Coming Home

Day 315:

“Let me tell you a secret, about a father’s love.  A secret that my daddy said was just between us. He said daddies don’t just love their children every now and then.  It’s a love without end, amen, it’s a love without end.” --George Strait

No truer words, Conor.  When I travel for business, or anywhere without you, I always feel as though I’m missing so much, even when it’s just a day or two.  I mentioned I’ve loved a very select few people in this life, Son.  That’s true.  I love your mother, I love your Uncle Justin, and of course  all of our family, and even a few more... People we know our whole lives or meet along the way.  They impact us both profoundly and directly and the impression left on us by the ones we love is everlasting, Boy’O... Though I’ll tell you, I never could have imagined how wonderful being your father would be, and I certainly never considered the impact you would have on my life.

Things are just different now.  And while all good parents likely experience the same overwhelming sense of both connection and uncompromising love, there are simply no words to fully describe how it feels to be a parent.  But I’ll make the attempt in vein over and over again regardless...

I’m flying home this evening, Son.  In fact I’m writing this from the airport to be posted upon my arrival.  I can’t WAIT to see you though I know you’ll be asleep.  Never the less, at least you’ll only be in the next room and not what may as well be half a world away, and when you stir or if you cry, I’ll be right there, Boy’O.

I love you, Conor.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Missing You

Day 314:

Another day on the road, Son.  While it's not so bad given the events of the day, it'll have to do in so far as being away from you.  I met a lot of new people this day and many of whom could be clients.  In my business, that's all you can ask for from a road trip.

The day wouldn't hold anything more than what you would expect.   Life, on the road, away from my number one boy.  But I cannot confirm or deny that I bought you some new toys!  Specifically some Mickey and Minnie toys! And I can't WAIT to get home and give em to you...

Otherwise, it was an uneventful day... Kinda hard ti write about a day in the life of the Lion Heart when I'm not even there.  Still, Mommy sent me a pic of you guys shopping, and that was all I would need for this post...

I love you, Son.  So much...


Monday, October 22, 2012

Off and Away in Florida

Day 313:

Today would be a busy day from start to finish, Conor.  This morning I got up to pack a bag, get all my ducks in a row, and head out yet again to Florida, only this time for a business show.  Upon arrival I had much to do in that I was falling far behind in terms of what needed to be done in so far as my normal workload, albeit were I in the office.

When I finally got checked in I headed straight for the room to get those things done.  It wasn't much fun because I was at a frenetic pace, but never the less, I got them done.  By 6:00pm I was facing clients and talking my game and making things happen, and those things would take us deep into the night.

Upon striking up more than a dozen conversations in 2 hours, me and my team finally got the opportunity to get into some business dealings outside the world of the traditional face to face meetings, however that would mean taking this effort beyond the show and so we ended up at a bar to talk through the specifics of the dealing.

Needless to say, this would get me back to my room far later than normal and hence the reason for the late post.  Still, we're on the right track, Son.  I'm working hard to get this done for me, for you, and for our family.  And so, whatever it takes, Boy'O.  Come what may...

I love you, Conor.  And I miss you oh so much...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friends Like Family

Day 312:

Given the exhaustive efforts of the day yesterday, Conor, today would be a nice and easy Sunday with food, football, and friends who are like family...  Having an errand to run in the morning, we decided to take advantage of the concept of eating and shopping and shopping while eating... Just around the corner from us is an excellent grocer, 'Whole Foods'.  While shopping in this store the concept is to also offer food you can eat while IN THE STORE!  Seems simple enough conceptually but really,  Whole Foods is the only franchise to really do this well... Especially on a Sunday morning when you can grab your groceries AND an omelette all at the same time...  Brilliant!  And very, very good I should say...

We got home just in time to meet your Uncle Justin, Aunt Marti, and Miss Charlie Jane!  The order for the day would be to spend the afternoon with an adult beverage, some snacks, the Washington Redskins on TV, and a little chili when the game was all said and done...  Perfect Sunday.

Sadly our Redskins couldn't get it done but they did play a great game.  Never the less, as disappointing    as it was to lose to the division rival New York Giants, the company was good, the food was great, the beer was cold, and the pace was easy...  Especially for you and for Charlie Jane.

There is no greater comfort than time with those who accept you as you are, as well as for everything you're not.  The best of friends are the rarest of gems and your Uncle Justin, my best friend in the world, just have this whole "hangin' out" thing down to a science and so of course for us, you're as much theirs as Charlie Jane is ours and yes, Son, we love our little guys...

Gotta pack, Boy'O.  Off to Florida again tomorrow for a few days but I promise you, you'll never be far from my thoughts...  In fact, you never are.

I love you, Son.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Off to the Races

Day 311:

Today was an extremely busy day, Conor!  Despite your still being off your game where sleep is concerned and the back and forth that would become managing you through the night it was a relatively easy day for us, Son.

This morning started with a bit of breakfast and the usual hustle and bustle to get you out the door, though once in route it was simply a matter of logistics in so far as who we were picking up, going where, etc.  Today was the annual Gold Cup rally and as always, it was sponsored by your Aunt Lisa and Uncle Phil.   A beautiful day surrounded by fun and lively people who loved nothing more than to spend time talking about nothing at all... Given the last few weeks, it was a welcome distraction.

Though now Son, I'm BEAT.  Exhausted and ready to hit the rack... So off I go, Boy'O.  But not before telling you how much I love you...

I love you, Boy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Day at the Doc

Day 310:

Well Conor, while I made my way to the office, you made your way to the doctor with Mommy...  It was time to get the all clear for all you've been going through in the last 10 days or so.  Well, while I worked the day away your Mom took the brunt of a tongue lashing from your doctor, Dr. Banta.  It seems that somewhere along the line the orders weren't completely understood and for some medications you got to much, others, not enough.  Well, this would mean MORE medication though nothing dire.  Either way, Mommy took it all on the chin and I was only told the tale of whoa...

Well, turns out the news wasn't all bad... Your lungs are COMPLETELY clear, the runny nose has subsided, and we're all right back on track... The only thing of any consequence coming out of the conversation with the doc would be the recommendation to get you off the bink (pacifier) now.  Like, today.  A step that frankly, we're both terrified of for fear of getting an sleep!  Well, that also isn't so bad (so far) as you went down at 7:45pm and here, 4 hours later, nary a peep.  Here's to being bink free in '13!

Otherwise, Mommy had a ton to do throughout the day and so it fell to me to grab you from school, and so I couldn't wait to get out of work! Especially given that I'm going to be at a conference in Orlando for a couple days starting Monday morning...  I want all the play time I can get!  So of course, when I showed up to Ms. Zeny's you beamed with excitement!  Just before passing out cold in your car seat prior to our even leaving the neighborhood...  But when we got home it was play time and dinner and a bath and then off to bed (sans bink) and it's been all quiet on the Conor front ever since.

Ahhhh... A happy baby boy means happy parents, Son.  Someday, God willing, you'll learn this yourself.

I love you, Boy'O...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sleep Depraved

Day 309:

So first Son, the good news...  You're as close to 100% healthy as you're going to get.  The bad news... We're pretty sure the medications you're taking are screwing up your sleep schedule, and so you're waking up repeatedly in the middle of the night.  That, coupled with the fact that I don't sleep much anyway, means that I would see less than 2 hours of sleep last night making me a veritable zombie today.

I don't really mind, Son.  I'm one of those who believe that I'll get plenty of sleep when I'm dead and so sleep deprivation is not new to me.  Though today was a draining day with work and more, and so as I write this entry my eyes feel heavy and I feel a great need to catch up on some much needed Z's... If for nothing else, simply so I can perform up to par tomorrow...

That said, I'm calling it a night, Boy'O.  But I promise, I'll have more to say tomorrow.

I love you, Conor.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Most Special of Autumn Days

Day 308:

This day was one of exquisite beauty, Conor.  The Autumn in Virginia for me is the season of all seasons.  It's built upon the cool dry air, the changing of the leaves, the promise of change and the coming of the new year.

Today's drive home, while mired in traffic and frustration, was surrounded by beauty and grace.  Earthy reds and vibrant yellows laced with lush greens and the dark brown barks of the shedding trees.  The country roads in Virginia are truly a site to behold, Conor, and I can only hope you'll appreciate them all the more when you're of an age befitting its appreciation.

Throughout the course of the day I took stock in all that I am, all that we have, and all that we are.  For reasons I won't get into I was reminded of the first time I truly realized unconditional love.  And of course I've always known it was there... From my own mother and father, sister and brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, but something happens to a person the first time real love is experienced by someone, or something, other than parents and siblings.

When I was 21 years old, lost in life and struggling to find my way, I received the greatest gift I could ever have imagined for the time.  It was the gift of a tiny life, a life that would give me purpose and reason.  A life that would depend on me for every need.  I'm of course talking about my first dog, Jazz.

Jazzy taught me to love without fear and with total reverence for her and those who else I would love.   For that I am eternally grateful.  You see, Son, for so many people a dog is just a dog.  But never to the owner of that dog.  A bond is formed beyond that of human comprehension in that the loyal canine would do absolutely anything to please the one it loves.  In some cases, and especially depending on the dog, she would give her life so that her owner would remain safe.  Jazz was that kind of a dog.

From my close to 15 years with Jazz I learned more about myself, as a result of her, that I'm convinced I would not have known had it not been for our bond.   Though until the point of knowing you my understanding of blinding unconditional love would have its limits.  You Son, were the final door to walkthrough in my complete understanding of what it means to love unconditionally.  And though I've loved a very special few in this life, there's nothing like the love between parent and child.  The lengths I would go are truly boundless and beyond anything I could have ever understood.  Until now.

Once again I find myself thanking you, Son.  You've given me more than anything I could have ever dreamed.  In courage, belief, conviction, reverence, and compassion, those circles once incomplete are now tied to something infinite...

I love you, Son.  So much.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The New Normal

Day 307:

It's funny, Son.  When a child is born everyone tells you to cherish every moment because of how fast it all goes by.  And it's true, it goes by FAST.  As of yesterday you were 10 months old, Son.  Double digits!  Unbelievable how quickly it goes actually.  Truly.  And this blog has been a finger tip grasp; a vein attempt to hang on to every single one of those memories.

Both this morning and this evening upon dropping you off, my day was made upon your smile.  My simply saying "see ya later!" and then again in the evening saying "hey Boy'O!" precipitated the exact same response... A huge Conor smile!  Now Son, if I had to write down every single smile of yours, my fingers would fall off.  Still, I talk about the time going by so quickly?  That smile is a huge reason because I can't get enough of 'em.  And who could?!  Just remember Boy'O, the most important thing you can put on every single day, is your smile.

You're healthy again.  Happy as ever.  Learning to crawl!  Eating like a champ.  And working and playing hard every single day, Son.  Aside from all those great things, there's not much more that needs to be said today, Son.

I love you, Conor.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Return of the Smile

Day 306:

You know Conor, forward thinking is a gift for many people and that's assuming it comes naturally to them.  For me it's a learned behavior as I've always been one to live in the moment and as such, those moments own me.  But today I was doing some thinking, Boy'O.  I was thinking about what the future holds now that you're in the World.  I was thinking about the decisions I've made, the decisions I'm making, and the ones I've not yet made but will... Profound I know but when you eventually read this you'll have most certainly crossed that bridge and will have no doubt considered the many causes and effects of your actions.

As I'm sitting here watching movies from my youth, specifically Star Wars VI - Return of the Jedi, your mother threw a passing comment to the effect of, "I bet you can't wait to watch these movies with Conor." and it struck me...  While I'm focussed on what you need now, I've not really considered all the things we'll one day do.  I mean sure I've thought about what it'll be like to go through the grander things with you.  School and baseball practice and traveling the World, but I'd not given much thought to the little things.  The things that shaped my youth.  For example, these movies...

When I was a boy Harrison Ford was my idol, Son.  I couldn't WAIT 'til the next Star Wars movie or the next Indiana Jones movie came out!  And as such my Dad, your Pop-Pop, would see to it that we made it out to each and every one.  Going to the movies was a treat no doubt and those memories I'll carry with me always... When Mommy kinda threw that out there tonight, it gave me some perspective.

Living in the moment is great and all, but looking forward provides considerably more insight and gives me so much more to consider.  Especially where you're concerned, Son.

As for the day, you're officially 95%?  And the only reason I left that 5% out was because you're still managing a little bit of a runny nose, though looking at you you'd never know it...  You're such a happy, bright, and shining baby boy, Conor.  Each day you remind me of what it means to be truly happy and each day I tell myself, no matter what the day brings, seeing things through the eyes of the Lion Heart can only make my life better...  So here's to forward thinking and looking forward, Son.

I love you, Conor.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Looking Ahead

Day 305:

Seems we're in the clear, Boy'O.  As of yesterday I was still a wee bit concerned and watching you like a hawk, but then why wouldn't I given the events of the morning?  Though today would be totally different and would afford your Mom and me a chance to breathe a little easier.

Since yesterday morning you've managed to keep down every meal, taken all of your medications without incident, and slept much, much better than you have been.  Not only that, but you're back to all smiles all the time... And you know what that means, right?  We got back to rough-housing again today!  Nothing in the World makes me happier than hearing you laugh, Conor.  And nothing in the World makes you laugh more than "The Daddy Monster"!  So much so in fact that I wore myself out with you today, Son!  I'd roll around with you, pin you down, tickle you with my scruffy old beard, and attack you with gigantic pillows!  And all to nothing but the pure, unbridled laughter that only the Lion Heart can bring!

That would be our morning, anyhow... Feeding you, rough-housing with you, laughing with you, and just being generally happy that you're so close to being back to 100%.  The Lion Heart would roar once again!

After the events of the morning we all packed up the old Tahoe and headed West to Front Royal to hang out with our family, play with all the kids, watch a little football, and have a big, huge family dinner.  Your Great Aunt Helene, cousins Patsy and Paul and their kids / your cousins Tashy, Bree, Liam, and Devin, as well as cousin Alicia and her daughters Rebecca and Tess, and her soon to be husband, Graham, and his two kids Charlie and Rachel.  It was a FULL house but oh so much fun!

And so now the only bad news of the day... As we all wound down and started to head home, Mommy started to feel a bit sick.  Seems she's got whatever bug(s) we've been combatting all week, and so she's down for the count, Boy'O.  But I know you'll return all the love she shows you and see her back to health, Son.  Because sometimes, even the adults need help...

I love you, sweet boy.  So much...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cleared to Play

Day 304:

Another eventful day today, Conor.  It would start after a very sleepless night in that you were up the better part of the night and morning with a lot of coughing and wheezing, and so you Mom and me would find ourselves up with you through the night with nebulizer treatments and just generally trying to keep you nice and easy so that you'd sleep.  I think for me my nerves just got the better of me because all I could do was worry about how you'd make out at your pediatric appointment this morning...  Which brings me to part two of this entry.

After I survived the night, or rather the wee hours of the morning, sleeping in the spare bedroom for a couple of hours just simply for the quiet of it, we had an appointment at the pediatrician at 9:00am so that your doctors could get a feel for how you're heeling up and getting past this thing.  And the prognosis was good!   Confident we'd done all we could to get you back to your old self and feeling as though there would be far less to worry about, we decided to take a walk dow to the Caribou Coffee for a cup of joe and a breakfast sandwich.  Well, while there we'd also decided it would be a good time for you to start solid foods again, and you were HUNGRY to say the least!  We kept the portion to a minimum so as not to swell your belly and then made the decision to chase it with a bottle... Well, it ALL came right back up... And right there in the coffee shop, too.

Needless to say the situation got tense and I made the decision, per the recommendation of your Mom, that we just walk right back to the pediatrician to get more information...  Your doctor remained unworried considering the event and so off we went.  Soon after, Mommy went out to run errands and so it would be me and you for the afternoon and what was on deck, was a nap for BOTH of us.  Though following your nap you managed to hold down two meals, two bottles, some more nebulizer treatments, and a big ole' Conor smile...

Glad in the fact that you were much more yourself we trekked to Falls Church to your Aunt Jen and Uncle Paul's for yet another Saturday night with the cutest baby boys this side of the Mississippi.  Nate and Drew were so happy to see you, Conor, and so the three of you boys sat on the floor and played and played while us old people stood around discussing football and politics.  It was an easy breezy night and one that both your Mommy and I needed in order to escape what can only be described as the most stressful week of my existence, let alone yours.  And while I can't speak for her, I'm sure your mother would concur.

Home now and resting comfortably, it's time to turn the lights out on this chapter of your baby-dom, Conor.  And hopefully we'll not be revisiting another week like this one any time to soon.  Though to be sure if we do, we'll be far more prepared.

I love you, Son.

Friday, October 12, 2012

'Tis Himself Again...

Day 303:

What a difference a day makes, Boy'O!  After a very worrisome day with you yesterday and Wednesday even more so, today would tell a far different story...  Seems all your meds and all the breathing treatments and all the bottles and most of all, all the love has seen you improve exponentially, Son.  When I came home from work today you were smiling and full of life, certainly back to your old self, and I couldn't be more pleased.

Tomorrow morning we have an appointment with the pediatrician, this time Dr. Howell, and we're all looking for a clean bill of health and a license to EAT!  Like any adult or big kid, if you don't eat solid food for three days, you can't really grow!  Not only that, but you'll likely lose weight!!  In may case, that'd be just fine.  In your case, not so much... We need you to keep growing, Boy'O!  And so tomorrow begins that journey once more - provided Dr. Howell is cool with your results which I have no reason to believe she'd be anything but.

As for me, well, here I sit watching our Nationals and hoping they can come away with yet another win to tie up the NLDS in Major League Baseball's playoff series.  The first for DC since 1933!!  It's a lot to cheer for, Conor, though certainly no more than you, Boy'O.  I'm your biggest fan and as best as I can tell, you're nothing but a winner, Son.

I love you, Conor.  And GO NATS!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Time to Heal

Day 302:

After a day that can only be described as "stressful", this day would be far more peaceful.  And while today would still carry with it a weight, it would also be a day of proactive effort to ensure your recovery.

The day started with a trip to the Pediatrician, who today would be Dr. Banta, so that she could look you over and verify the data passed to her form the ER doctor last night.  While she approved of most of the work, she made it very clear that the next time you're in some kind of trouble as it pertains to something more than a broken wrist or a quick stitch, we should only go to Fairfax Hospital as they have a Pediatric ER and are very good at so many of the little things, like sticking veins.  Never the less, after an hour at the Pediatrician I had a handful of prescriptions to fill and an increasingly cranky little boy.  Still, your crankiness is some kids' best day so not all that intolerable.  Though regardless, I wanted to keep you as comfortable as possible and so getting you home, nebulized, bathed, fed, and relaxed was all I could think about.

I took the day off work for the most part, and because Mommy had to work in the city today we decided we would trade off the responsibilities of caring for you tomorrow to allow me to get to the office and catch up while she sits home with you.  To that end it certainly provides perspective in so far as the level of effort stay-at-home-mom's give while taking care of one or more children.  I felt like every moment of my day was consumed with you, but that's not such a bad thing I suppose.  In fact, when it was time for your nap, I gave you a bottle, rocked you to sleep, and then put you into your crib before finding my place in the glider and sitting in your room with you for 2 hours.  The house was completely quiet and it was as sound as you'd slept in days, and so it made me very, very happy to just be there.

We're beating it, Son.  And we won't stop until you're 100%.  I promise.  You do your part and we'll do ours.

I love you, Conor.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Crashing the Emergency Room

Day 301:

Today was an all around drag, Conor.  As I'd mentioned in the last several posts you've been fighting some kind of bug and Mommy and I have been standing with you in doing anything we can to help.  The various effects of this "bug" have seen you vomit entire meals 6 times in the last 5 days, a fever of 102 albeit inconsistent, a nasty cough, tons of wheezing, and difficulty breathing.  Your Mom and I were sure we were getting ahead of it having you at the pediatrician twice this week already.  And this morning you seemed to be responding so the decision was made to get you out to daycare and let Mommy get to work, while I worked from home because, as I said last night, it seems I'm under siege by a bug of my own.

Everything seemed well and good though I decided to call Ms. Zeny anyway just to check on you.  She'd mentioned that you'd thrown up your lunch but that your spirits were good and you'd taken a bottle since with no incident.  I had my concerns and took the information under advisement, but I asked Ms. Zeny to give me a call all the same should it happen again.  And around 3:30pm, I got the call.

Deciding not to wait any longer, and despite being a bit under the weather myself, I decided to not worry your Mom to leave Bethesda and grab you and started heading to you as quickly as I could.  On the way I called your pediatrician, today that was Dr. Howell, and she advised me to have a look at you first and then make the decision - do we head home for the night and manage you through the morning?  Or is it so bad that we not wait and head straight to the ER?  Well, by the time I'd gotten to you, despite your usual bright and happy smile, I could see right away what was in store.  Emergency Room...

When I put you in the car all I could hear was your tiny lungs fighting for each and every breath.  The gurgle and wheeze coming from your little car seat was enough on it's own, but you were piqued and just not yourself, and so I made the call to your Mom and we made our way to the hospital...  Turns out it was the right call...

Shortly there after Mommy showed up and just in time... I'd managed to get you through all the checking in, story telling of the week and why we were there, and the various things Dr Smith, or "Doug" as he introduced himself, would do to take action; beginning with a chest x-ray.  You did great in the x-ray booth, Conor!  And they got great pictures of those strong but tiny lungs!  But the bad news came just after in that Dr. Smith informed us that you had pneumonia...  The litany of things that would happen after that was where the night became unbearable for you...

First and foremost they would take blood.  Or at least try...  In order to do this the nurses would need to insert an IV which, by itself is a drag.  But missing and missing and missing again on a little guy was unbearable... In your almost 10 months, Conor, you've almost never cried.  And when you have it's been for mere moments.  After this poor nurse who, with 20 years of experience in the ER carries plenty of knowhow, tried for almost 5 minutes in 2 tries to get that IV set, your screaming and pain was unrelenting.  Instinctively it was everything I could do to not throw her through the wall, Son.  I've never been in a position where I had to watch somebody I love so much take so much pain, and I struggled mightily to control my urge to protect you and tell her to back off... And by no fault of her own she just couldn't get it done.  I believe this because she was working with another nurse and the Doctor and nobody could find a vein in your chubby little arms.  I finally understand what people mean when they say, "it was as painful for me as it was for you."  It truly was, Conor.  And I'm sorry you had to go through it, Boy'O.

Unsuccessful, exhausted, and feeling yucky, you were done in, Conor.  Your poor little body fell limp as you struggled to breathe through all the fluid in your lungs, and so you finally just passed out.  Needless to say your Mom and I were emotional and desperate to get you healthy.  In order to draw blood for testing the Doctor ordered a heel stick and so, while in a deep and exhausted slumber, they performed the maneuver to predictable results.  Out of a dead sleep you awoke to the sharp pain of a quick knife digging into your heel, and all I could do was hold you and tell you it was going to be okay.  For 10 minutes more the nurses did all they could to get the required blood and again, to no avail...  It seemed like endless torture considering the failed results.

The Doctor, who again I believe was very very good, finally decided to simply provide you with a couple of injections in order to get the medicine into your body through the muscles in your legs and so, yet another stick.  This time in both legs at the same time and again, from a dead sleep.  Fortunately you were so tired that you merely cried for a moment before finally just giving in to the pain and falling asleep in my arms while your mother paced the room beside herself.

Being a parent is the greatest honor and privilege in the World, Conor.  Without a doubt.  And we've all come through some pretty significant events in the last year given your journey to now, and so one might think this kind of event wouldn't be so bad.  But honestly Boy'O, listening to you cry in pain at the hands of another, no matter how sincere and professional the effort, was as difficult as anything I've ever endured.  And I know I speak for your Mom when I say she feels the same...

We're home now and you're sound asleep.  A consolation in all this is that you won't remember any of this as you grow and grow.  But the fact remains, you're still sick, Son.  And so tomorrow morning it's back to the doctor, specifically your pediatrician, to continue to combat this blasted thing.  And no matter what, Boy'O, I'll be right there with you.  Mommy too.  We've got you, Son.  And we know you'll be just fine with a little love and support and all the right moves.

Even the Lion Heart can hurt, Son.  There's no shame in it.  Just get better, okay?

I love you, Conor.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Big Bad Bug

Day 300:

Wow Conor, 300 days!  That's how long I've been writing this blog, Boy'O... 300 days.  Truly, it's so hard to believe.  And whilst I watch you grow and the time goes ticking by I'm enlightened in what it means to live.  You're a wholly different kid from then to now, and I've no doubt of the same come this time next year.

While thankful for your overly joyful and cheerful disposition, unfortunately we've encountered the occasional challenge in keeping those precious young lungs of yours crystal clear.  To that end Mommy had you back in the pediatricians' office today, though the news wasn't all bad.  Turns out you're getting better in so far as your breathing normalizing, wheezing subsiding, and appetite returning, but the effort needs to stay consistent as far as keeping on your nebulization treatments and medication doses for the next few days.  What that means for your Mom and me is fewer hours of sleep and a more exhaustive schedule than what we're already working with.  Though we've been assured that should we stay on track, you'll be right as rain in no time...

It's a mad mad, world, Conor.  Life has its challenges all on its own.  The last thing we need is are little microscopic bugs keeping us down, and yet it happens.  Still, modern medicine is testament to what we can do in this day and age; hence your happy little life.  And modern medicine will be the key to your being stronger than ever.  As the time goes rushing by...

I love you, Conor.  My little Lion Heart...

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Day Off Work, A Day On Duty

Day 299:

Today was an exceptionally busy day out of the office, Son.  To start it was a matter of getting all of our things unpacked from a weekend away, but more than that it was about picking up the house ahead of the maids getting here to clean the place.  Ordinarily this is work that would have been done on the evening prior but considering the exhaustive travels of yesterday and the liberty of having today off, nothing was done last night.  On this day that would mean starting the morning on a frenetic pace.

When the chores were finally complete we were off to meet my friend and and would-be business partner, Jason Riffel, for lunch.  Despite not being on duty at my full time job today, Mr. Jason and I would pool resources to talk a bit about how he might take his business to the next level.  You see Conor, Mr. Jason has been working on software business solutions for surveillance and security infrastructure operations for some years, and now that he's landed a few key clients with several others in the pipeline, Mr. Jason needs some real help.  That's where I come in, Boy'O.

For several years now Jason's been talking to me about eventually coming to work for him, though of course I'm committed to my current position.  That, coupled with the fact Mr. Jason's company is still a bit fledgling and truthfully unable to pay me whilst making his margins, I've offered assistance pro-bono with the promise that, should I start to fill that pipeline and knock down business, I'll take a small percentage while reinvesting back into the firm.  Once the business is more sustainable and CIP Reporting is capable of growing a sales and marketing infrastructure I'll come on full time to build out the department and take stake in the business.  That's the plan at least...

Needless to say I'll be quite busy working both jobs while promising to not let off the gas even one little bit where raising you is concerned, but if there was ever a time in my life where I'm queued up to take on this challenge, it's now.

Still, the busiest part of the day hadn't even begun by mid-afternoon, Son.  Soon after getting home from lunch and getting started with Mr. Jason, Mommy took a turn in feeding you, only the results ended up as they did yesterday in the airport; you vomited the entire meal up midway through your lunch.

Considering this has now happened 4 times in 5 days, we're concerned, Son.  Not only that but your breathing has been shallow and a bit more quick paced than we'd like and more over you're feverish and still wheezing a bit.  Certainly all of these things are contributory to the whole of the problem and so a trip to the pediatrician late in the day would be in the cards.  Our concerns were well founded as both Dr. Howell and Nurse Kalyn would also see and hear a few things they want to address, especially ahead of the coming cold and flu season.

Now, not to be all to dramatic the situation isn't dire, Son.  But there is cause for concern, especially given the development of your little lungs.  They're both completely confident there's little chance the effects of this illness is long term so long as we follow the regiment of medications and treatments required to beat it.  And we will, Son.  We'll get you back your old self in no time flat.

I love you, Conor.  Get better, buddy.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall has Fell

Day 298:

A day of travel proved to be eventful today, Conor.  Simple enough, we started the day with a big group breakfast at local Southern eatery just outside Columbia.  After heading back to the house to gather our things and get on the road we still had a good hour to the airport.  For each mile North we drove toward Charlotte, the sky got just a little bit darker and the air got just a little bit cooler.

To make things more interesting we were arriving at the airport several hours early in the hopes of finding a table in a restaurant to kind of set up shop and watch the Redskins ahead of our departure.  Well, they lost (again), but more than that, after you had a full belly of food, up it came.  All of it.  Fortunately your mother was holding you when you started to let on signs of the impending vomit and we managed to get a burp cloth underneath of you to catch it all.  More over, you were feverish and fussy, right up until you puked.  Then, back to normal! A happy and smiling Conor, just going about your day as though it'd never happened.  Still, precautions needed to be had and so, with a little child Advil and a smidgeon of a hope and a prayer, the effort became about getting you home to Virginia with no more incidents.

Fortunately the bottle seemed to agree with you and so we were pleased with being able to get you fed with SOMETHING and then get you home.  As is y9our way, you slept on the plane and when you weren't sleeping, smiled at everyone.  Your quite a kid, Conor.

When we finally arrived in DC it was cold, overcast, and raining.  The first real cold snap of the season...  Of course, none of us were prepared for that and so we bundled you in blankets like a swaddle just to get you to the car!  Regardless, we made it home without incident and set to doing a couple of chores.  One of those would be to feed you to which your mother would gladly oblige, only this time, with even blander foods than before, you once again threw the whole thing up...

The bottle seemed to work well enough to get you to bed, but tomorrow will be interesting as far as your breakfast is concerned.  It's all a matter of wait and see, and so that's the plan... For now.

I'm worn out Boy'O, off to bed.  But know that I love you, Son.  And that no matter what, I'm always thinking about you and what's best for you.  Always...


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Feelin' Fine in Caroline

Day 297:

Well Boy'O, today was as fine a football game as any I've ever seen.  Coming into the game, the number 6 Carolina Gamecocks were facing the number 5 Georgia Bulldogs at Williams Bryce Stadium in South Carolina.  It was a beating, Son.  And to be sure, I'm an objective college football fan.  I like the game, but I don't typically have a dog in the fight - pardon the pun.  But tonights game was an absolute dismantling of a very good Georgia team.  And as somebody who was there to support the Cocks, it was as much fun as anything I'd ever been apart of.

It was a long day, Conor, and we were fortunate enough to be able to leave you with a sitter for the day and evening with Porter and Bowman.  As exciting as it was to get out to a game this season, the thought of taking you to a game was never far from my thoughts as it's a day I can't wait for...  That will be as much fun as anything I could imagine, Boy'O.  Truly.

Otherwise, it was jut a great day with good friends and fantastic football.  Southern style.  No better way to do it, and really feel as though I've seen it all - in the world of football anyway...  Though now I'm just tired and ready for bed, Boy'O.

Good night, Conor.  Sweet dreams, Son.  In fact, just dream about a day of football someday soon and I promise you, I'll be dreaming the same...

I love you.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Conor Up and Away

Day 296:

Here we go again, Conor.  Back on the road, Son...  Only this time we'd take a much shorter flight than the one we took in April... If you recall, back then we loaded up this traveling show and headed off to California, Boy'O.  The home of bright sunshine and big red wine...  Well, this trip would be a bit different.

Today we loaded up and headed South by way of Washington Reagan airport into Charlotte, rented a nice car, and kept on South to Columbia, South Carolina; home of the Carolina Gamecocks!  We made this journey to stay with folks Mommy's known for literally her whole life.  Friends so close, they're family.

So here we are, Boy'O, at your Uncle Craig and Aunt Winky's with Grandpa Bud and Grandma MiMi, Porter and Bowman, and even their 5 month old Welsh Corgi named Mazy.  A few cocktails, some laughs over your interactions with the poor unsuspecting dog, and a lot of talk about what's around the corner for you, Son.

There are some good times in store for tomorrow Son as I'll be headed to my 1st ever Carolina Gamecoks football game, live at Williams Bryce Stadium.. And moreover what's so exciting is that the Gamecocks are playing their arch rival division opponents, the Georgia Bulldogs.  What's more, both teams are ranked in to the top 10 IN THE COUNTRY!  If you're a football fan, and I am, this game is epic, Boy'O.

As for our travels, you're the perfect traveling partner, Son.  A good omen for things to come, 'cuz we're gonna see the World, Son.  We're gonna see it all...  And good traveling partners are hard to find...

That's all for tonight, Conor.  Time to get back to the fiesta.  But thanks for being such a good little travel buddy.  Each and every trip will be something to look forward to.

I love you-

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Rarest of Occasions

Day 295:

You know Conor, there's much to say with respect to the balance of maintaining relationships of those you'll meet in this life.  Some you'll know for a passing glance, others a lifetime.  Regardless of who they are and to what end you know them there's work that goes into each and every one.  Some of those relationships are easy, others take considerably more work.  And while I subscribe to the belief that marriage is forged in love, it takes a fair amount of work to sustain the fundamentals of the relationship over time, and that shouldn't be lost on anybody who's never walked down that isle.  For those that have, they know this all to well...

Tomorrow your Mother and I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage, Son.  And while the most of it has been balanced and understood, there have been times of trouble and difficulty as well.  Some time ago in this very blog I'd mentioned something similar in so far as what it takes to manage your life while being respectful of others.  Every one of us have decisions to make each and every day and those decisions are what brings you to the juxtaposition of life.  When evaluating your choices and the decisions you make, what could have been the outcome if you'd gone the other way.  And those are the lessons that last.

In the case of me and your Mom we've decided to fight through the hard times in the understanding that the good times are far more frequent.  And to be sure we've crossed rivers that have challenged our marriage.  Still, the decision was made, both collectively and individually, that what we have in this life together is worth fighting for, and so we have.  The reward in that has been the most wonderful thing either of us could have ever imagined... You.

While sitting here relaxing after a nice night out to dinner with friends, I'm reminded of all of what has gotten us to this very point and I take account...  The decisions to stay and fight when times have gotten tough have led us both to this very point, and neither of us could have ever imagined the bounty that is the birth, life, and experiences of knowing and loving our baby boy; Conor Daniel Yerkes.

Being a parent is an honor, Son.  Being your parent is a winning lottery number that all the money in the world could never buy.  And this 10 year wedding anniversary, for all it encompasses, has given us those winning numbers, Son.  For this, I'm so very grateful.  Your Mom too...

So let's wish your Mother a happy anniversary, Conor!  Because everything we are is in thanks to her.  Well, almost everything...

I love you, Son.  WE love you, Son.  So very, very much...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

There's No Debate... The Lion Heart Rules

Day 294:

Today was a day of firsts, Son.  For example, the first of several debates for who'll be the President of the United States in 2013 and beyond, the Washington Nationals were the victors in their final game of the 2012 Major League Baseball season making them the best team in all of baseball and assuring them home field advantage throughout the playoffs; not to mention the first time the Nationals have been in the playoffs since 1933!  But the big first for me, Son?  After feeding you dinner, giving you a bath, getting you changed and ready for bed, and finally getting to your last bottle of the day, you quite literally puked up your whole dinner AND your whole bottle all over both of us!  It was NASTY!

Not knowing what to do at first though eventually laughing it off, I stood up, covered in vomit, and made my way to the bathroom placing you back in the tub and running the water while you were in your bed-clothes, your diaper, the whole nine... Meanwhile, what did you do?  You started CRACKING UP!  You just though that throwing up all over yourself and all over me was SOOOOOO funny!  So there we were, two dudes covered in puke, laughing like idiots.  Gotta say, it felt great!  Maybe not my fondest memory of your young life, but certainly a lasting one.

A good day at work and a great, fun filled night, AND the Nationals are the best team in baseball!!!  (In the regular season... Now the REAL season starts, Son.)

Great day, Boy'O.  I love you, Son...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Torrential Tuesday

Day 293:

This day started with a down pouring of rain, Conor.  It was a torrential downpour and it made getting you to daycare an absolute bear...  In fact it took us 45 minutes to go 7 miles and then another 45 minutes to go 7 more to work.  Just brutal... The rain persisted all day long with no breaks.  Just a dreary day.

Normally I don't mind the rain.  Especially if I'm home and more than that, if I'm home with you...  But at work the gray day just saps the energy out of you!  I drank maybe a little more coffee than I otherwise would today, Son... But coffee to me is one of those elixirs that can cure a soggy gray day...

Otherwise, there's really not much to talk about!  It's just a kind of "blah" day and so with that, I'm off to bed, Boy'O.  But no matter the weather, know this; I love you always, Boy'O!  You make each day better than the last.

Love you, Conor...

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Break in the Action

Day 292:

As I've mentioned more than once in the last several weeks (months?), Conor, work has been treating me about as well as you treat a diaper.  That's not a pretty visual, is it?  Well, having finally gotten one of the several deals I've been working closed last week in Nashville, and now that we're in a new quarter, I decided to take a much needed day to do a little something I just don't do enough of anymore, Son; play golf.

The day was nothing short of perfect, Conor.  With a high temperature of 71 degrees, partly cloudy skies, and a nice easy breeze, me, Mommy, Aunt Jennifer, and Uncle Paul would all play a bit of hooky to get a round in on the golf course.  Though this was not just any round of golf, Son.

Several years ago, long before your arrival in fact, your mother learned of a little boy who was battling a form of cancer.  That cancer would eventually get the better of this little spirited warrior, and he lost his battle only days before his first birthday.  His name was Declan Carmical.

While Declan was in the throws of his fight your Mommy reached out to his Mommy and Daddy and offered to help in any way possible.  Perfect strangers though under extraordinary circumstances and simply put, they needed our help.  Thankfully your mother is nothing is not giving, and so she started talking to the family and we brainstormed as to how we may be able to help...  With my connection to the motorcycle community, and Mommy's expertise in managing both processes and people, we were able to throw together a nice little motorcycle event in an effort to raise a little money because, at the end of it all, that's really all we had to offer...  Still, it wasn't enough in so far as what they needed to get them over them hump with regard to mounting medical bills and expenses, but it was enough of an effort that the not for profit memorial foundation and pediatric cancer awareness group now known as "Journey for a Cure" was interested in seeking out your mother's time and experience in assisting them by asking her to sit on their board of directors, and so a few times a year Mommy meets with this group to assist them with really anything they need.

In this case it was simply a matter of time and donation, and thankfully your Aunt Jennifer and her company was all to happy to not only sponsor a hole on the golf tournament, but also pay for our round... And all in the name of one of the more worthwhile charities I could ever imagine.

Declan and the Carmical family aren't ever to far from our thoughts, Son.  In fact, while on the course today I had to take a moment to catch my breath, for I couldn't possibly imagine what they went through and wouldn't even let the thought creep into my head as to what I would do should something, anything, happen to you.  No parent should ever know that pain, Boy'O.  Ever.

Rest in peace, Declan.  You'll forever be in our thoughts...

As for you, Son, your life is testament to how all people should live in a perfect world.  Happy, healthy, and loving.  It's all I could wish for anybody with children of their own.

I love you, Conor.