Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Coming Home

Day 315:

“Let me tell you a secret, about a father’s love.  A secret that my daddy said was just between us. He said daddies don’t just love their children every now and then.  It’s a love without end, amen, it’s a love without end.” --George Strait

No truer words, Conor.  When I travel for business, or anywhere without you, I always feel as though I’m missing so much, even when it’s just a day or two.  I mentioned I’ve loved a very select few people in this life, Son.  That’s true.  I love your mother, I love your Uncle Justin, and of course  all of our family, and even a few more... People we know our whole lives or meet along the way.  They impact us both profoundly and directly and the impression left on us by the ones we love is everlasting, Boy’O... Though I’ll tell you, I never could have imagined how wonderful being your father would be, and I certainly never considered the impact you would have on my life.

Things are just different now.  And while all good parents likely experience the same overwhelming sense of both connection and uncompromising love, there are simply no words to fully describe how it feels to be a parent.  But I’ll make the attempt in vein over and over again regardless...

I’m flying home this evening, Son.  In fact I’m writing this from the airport to be posted upon my arrival.  I can’t WAIT to see you though I know you’ll be asleep.  Never the less, at least you’ll only be in the next room and not what may as well be half a world away, and when you stir or if you cry, I’ll be right there, Boy’O.

I love you, Conor.

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