Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friends Like Family

Day 312:

Given the exhaustive efforts of the day yesterday, Conor, today would be a nice and easy Sunday with food, football, and friends who are like family...  Having an errand to run in the morning, we decided to take advantage of the concept of eating and shopping and shopping while eating... Just around the corner from us is an excellent grocer, 'Whole Foods'.  While shopping in this store the concept is to also offer food you can eat while IN THE STORE!  Seems simple enough conceptually but really,  Whole Foods is the only franchise to really do this well... Especially on a Sunday morning when you can grab your groceries AND an omelette all at the same time...  Brilliant!  And very, very good I should say...

We got home just in time to meet your Uncle Justin, Aunt Marti, and Miss Charlie Jane!  The order for the day would be to spend the afternoon with an adult beverage, some snacks, the Washington Redskins on TV, and a little chili when the game was all said and done...  Perfect Sunday.

Sadly our Redskins couldn't get it done but they did play a great game.  Never the less, as disappointing    as it was to lose to the division rival New York Giants, the company was good, the food was great, the beer was cold, and the pace was easy...  Especially for you and for Charlie Jane.

There is no greater comfort than time with those who accept you as you are, as well as for everything you're not.  The best of friends are the rarest of gems and your Uncle Justin, my best friend in the world, just have this whole "hangin' out" thing down to a science and so of course for us, you're as much theirs as Charlie Jane is ours and yes, Son, we love our little guys...

Gotta pack, Boy'O.  Off to Florida again tomorrow for a few days but I promise you, you'll never be far from my thoughts...  In fact, you never are.

I love you, Son.

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