Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Time to Heal

Day 302:

After a day that can only be described as "stressful", this day would be far more peaceful.  And while today would still carry with it a weight, it would also be a day of proactive effort to ensure your recovery.

The day started with a trip to the Pediatrician, who today would be Dr. Banta, so that she could look you over and verify the data passed to her form the ER doctor last night.  While she approved of most of the work, she made it very clear that the next time you're in some kind of trouble as it pertains to something more than a broken wrist or a quick stitch, we should only go to Fairfax Hospital as they have a Pediatric ER and are very good at so many of the little things, like sticking veins.  Never the less, after an hour at the Pediatrician I had a handful of prescriptions to fill and an increasingly cranky little boy.  Still, your crankiness is some kids' best day so not all that intolerable.  Though regardless, I wanted to keep you as comfortable as possible and so getting you home, nebulized, bathed, fed, and relaxed was all I could think about.

I took the day off work for the most part, and because Mommy had to work in the city today we decided we would trade off the responsibilities of caring for you tomorrow to allow me to get to the office and catch up while she sits home with you.  To that end it certainly provides perspective in so far as the level of effort stay-at-home-mom's give while taking care of one or more children.  I felt like every moment of my day was consumed with you, but that's not such a bad thing I suppose.  In fact, when it was time for your nap, I gave you a bottle, rocked you to sleep, and then put you into your crib before finding my place in the glider and sitting in your room with you for 2 hours.  The house was completely quiet and it was as sound as you'd slept in days, and so it made me very, very happy to just be there.

We're beating it, Son.  And we won't stop until you're 100%.  I promise.  You do your part and we'll do ours.

I love you, Conor.

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