Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Big Bad Bug

Day 300:

Wow Conor, 300 days!  That's how long I've been writing this blog, Boy'O... 300 days.  Truly, it's so hard to believe.  And whilst I watch you grow and the time goes ticking by I'm enlightened in what it means to live.  You're a wholly different kid from then to now, and I've no doubt of the same come this time next year.

While thankful for your overly joyful and cheerful disposition, unfortunately we've encountered the occasional challenge in keeping those precious young lungs of yours crystal clear.  To that end Mommy had you back in the pediatricians' office today, though the news wasn't all bad.  Turns out you're getting better in so far as your breathing normalizing, wheezing subsiding, and appetite returning, but the effort needs to stay consistent as far as keeping on your nebulization treatments and medication doses for the next few days.  What that means for your Mom and me is fewer hours of sleep and a more exhaustive schedule than what we're already working with.  Though we've been assured that should we stay on track, you'll be right as rain in no time...

It's a mad mad, world, Conor.  Life has its challenges all on its own.  The last thing we need is are little microscopic bugs keeping us down, and yet it happens.  Still, modern medicine is testament to what we can do in this day and age; hence your happy little life.  And modern medicine will be the key to your being stronger than ever.  As the time goes rushing by...

I love you, Conor.  My little Lion Heart...

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