Monday, October 8, 2012

A Day Off Work, A Day On Duty

Day 299:

Today was an exceptionally busy day out of the office, Son.  To start it was a matter of getting all of our things unpacked from a weekend away, but more than that it was about picking up the house ahead of the maids getting here to clean the place.  Ordinarily this is work that would have been done on the evening prior but considering the exhaustive travels of yesterday and the liberty of having today off, nothing was done last night.  On this day that would mean starting the morning on a frenetic pace.

When the chores were finally complete we were off to meet my friend and and would-be business partner, Jason Riffel, for lunch.  Despite not being on duty at my full time job today, Mr. Jason and I would pool resources to talk a bit about how he might take his business to the next level.  You see Conor, Mr. Jason has been working on software business solutions for surveillance and security infrastructure operations for some years, and now that he's landed a few key clients with several others in the pipeline, Mr. Jason needs some real help.  That's where I come in, Boy'O.

For several years now Jason's been talking to me about eventually coming to work for him, though of course I'm committed to my current position.  That, coupled with the fact Mr. Jason's company is still a bit fledgling and truthfully unable to pay me whilst making his margins, I've offered assistance pro-bono with the promise that, should I start to fill that pipeline and knock down business, I'll take a small percentage while reinvesting back into the firm.  Once the business is more sustainable and CIP Reporting is capable of growing a sales and marketing infrastructure I'll come on full time to build out the department and take stake in the business.  That's the plan at least...

Needless to say I'll be quite busy working both jobs while promising to not let off the gas even one little bit where raising you is concerned, but if there was ever a time in my life where I'm queued up to take on this challenge, it's now.

Still, the busiest part of the day hadn't even begun by mid-afternoon, Son.  Soon after getting home from lunch and getting started with Mr. Jason, Mommy took a turn in feeding you, only the results ended up as they did yesterday in the airport; you vomited the entire meal up midway through your lunch.

Considering this has now happened 4 times in 5 days, we're concerned, Son.  Not only that but your breathing has been shallow and a bit more quick paced than we'd like and more over you're feverish and still wheezing a bit.  Certainly all of these things are contributory to the whole of the problem and so a trip to the pediatrician late in the day would be in the cards.  Our concerns were well founded as both Dr. Howell and Nurse Kalyn would also see and hear a few things they want to address, especially ahead of the coming cold and flu season.

Now, not to be all to dramatic the situation isn't dire, Son.  But there is cause for concern, especially given the development of your little lungs.  They're both completely confident there's little chance the effects of this illness is long term so long as we follow the regiment of medications and treatments required to beat it.  And we will, Son.  We'll get you back your old self in no time flat.

I love you, Conor.  Get better, buddy.

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