Day 78:
Well Conor, while I was plugging away at the office today you were home screaming your lungs out... Yes Son, today was a bit of a rough day for you. According to your now somewhat frazzled Mother, you were quite the handful today. Not really interested in settling down no matter what she did. I got a couple of phone calls even asking for advice. ME! Your Mother was calling ME asking for advice on how to calm you! You know Son, it's about time she realized I know a little something more than how to change the oil in her car... Still, I'm afraid my advice didn't work much.
Seems you were simply having stomach pains. Of course, by the time I'd gotten home you were right as rain. Though Mommy was NOT. She needed to run an errand or two and so I took over, plugged you with a bottle, burped you, swaddled you, and put you down for a long nap. Looks as though your fussing and discomfort took it out of you, because once tied in, you were out like a light! The Lion Heart finally rested; and you rest still.
Despite the restless day, it was otherwise uneventful. A ton of rain, a bit cool, a hard day's work, and a little fussing. Certainly could have been worse.
That's all for today, Boy'O. And oh yeah, I love you...
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Lion Heart, the Fighter
Day 77:
Rough day for me today, Son. Rough in the sense that I had a full physical this morning complete with drawn blood, EKG, turning my head to cough, and the like... That part was a bummer, though the results were good! Seems I'm gonna be around for a while, Conor. Good news indeed...
Interestingly enough though, while in the Doctor's office I got a text message from Mommy saying you'd just flipped over!! All on your own! See, Mommy laid you down on your belly for some "tummy time" and you basically did a push up, then rolled over onto your back! I couldn't BELIEVE it! You're so little yet, Boy'O, and movements like that are typically not realized until little fellas like you are six months old... But you're not any little guy, are you? No, no, you're Conor the Lion Heart!
Of course, Mommy tried to get you to repeat the feat a number of times but alas, no... Seems you wore yourself out with the first go 'round! Never the less, an impressive effort, Son... Great job. And I'm sure tomorrow will bring another of your great gifts...
I love you, Son.
Rough day for me today, Son. Rough in the sense that I had a full physical this morning complete with drawn blood, EKG, turning my head to cough, and the like... That part was a bummer, though the results were good! Seems I'm gonna be around for a while, Conor. Good news indeed...
Interestingly enough though, while in the Doctor's office I got a text message from Mommy saying you'd just flipped over!! All on your own! See, Mommy laid you down on your belly for some "tummy time" and you basically did a push up, then rolled over onto your back! I couldn't BELIEVE it! You're so little yet, Boy'O, and movements like that are typically not realized until little fellas like you are six months old... But you're not any little guy, are you? No, no, you're Conor the Lion Heart!
Of course, Mommy tried to get you to repeat the feat a number of times but alas, no... Seems you wore yourself out with the first go 'round! Never the less, an impressive effort, Son... Great job. And I'm sure tomorrow will bring another of your great gifts...
I love you, Son.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Conor the Growing Boy
Day 76:
It was back to work for me today, Conor. Once again splitting my time between thinking about what needs be done for my job and what you must be doing... In most cases I've no doubt you're simply sleeping the day away. But now and again I'll get the feeling you're wide awake and figuring it all out...
Without question your developments are noticeable... Granted, you've been with us since December 14th, 2011, but gestationally speaking you were to have been born on February 2nd, 2012. In my mind, I believe this gives you the advantage over big ole honkin' full term babies who come out cruising at 10 pounds. And God bless 'em. To be sure, I only wish any parent welcoming a child to the world do so once that child is fully developed and ready to eat right from the womb. But, as evidenced by your early arrival, it doesn't always work that way. I know I've said as much before, but your spirit is what benefits where your tiny body works to catch up. To the random admirer you appear to be that of a three week old... But for those who know you, the Lion Heart has earned every breath. As time rolls along, I personally believe this fighting spirit will benefit you.
I marvel at your strength, Boy'O. Your spirit and determination is prevalent each and every day. It's remarkable to say the least. I consider myself to be a strong man, Conor. Certainly strong enough to protect you and our family. But I've no doubt you'll be stronger than me and Mommy both. You're the Lion Heart after all...
I love you, Son.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Cruising with the Lion Heart
Day 75:
Last night was your best night yet, Conor! Where it was a bit tough to get you down for the night, and frankly that's on Mommy and me 'cuz we took you out to see Uncle Justin and Aunt Marti and didn't get home with you until about midnight, you eventually knocked off to sleep around 1:00am... You didn't wake up again until almost 6:30am! That's a BIG stretch for you, Boy'O! After a bottle and a quick change, back down you went for another couple hours... You got some really good sleep, Son!
Well, Mommy needed to get some extra sleep this morning and I woke up feeling like a million bucks! And when I'm awake, Conor, I'm not one to waste the day so I packed you up into your carrier, popped you into your stroller, and off we went to get breakfast! It's a brisk yet sunny day today so the walk felt great and as we strolled on down the sidewalk toward our local deli you were wide eyed and fascinated with all you could see... It was so fun for me to see you trying to make out the trees through the bright sunshine, all the while realizing you're still not "seeing" everything clearly... None the less, after a few hundred yards you fell back to sleep and on we went. By the time we got home you'd been asleep again for another 45 minutes! Tons of rest for a growing boy.
Now we're packing up and heading off to Uncle Paul and Aunt Jennifer's house for yet another social visit... Let's see if we can repeat yesterday's fun and you knock off again tonight!
I love you, Boy'O...
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Conor Gets a New Tattoo!
Day 74:
Okay, so Conor didn't get a tattoo (you're a bit young yet, Boy'O) but I did! I got a tattoo of YOU! Well, your name at least. This blog and the name "Conor the Lion Heart", or specifically "Conor an Chroí Lion", has been so embraced by so many that to me, it fit. Ad so I now have "Conor an Chroí Lion 12.14.11" tattoo'd in the form of a band on my left arm... And that's just the start, Conor! I've got plans now... Plans around how to fill up the rest of my upper arm... More work done to the existing armband and a tattoo of a Lion on the upper arm around the ball of my shoulder. What's more, I'm going to tie it all together as one big piece. It's going to be my personal dedication to you, Conor...
I'm so excited about my new tattoo, Son. And I realize that, like dogs (previous post), tattoo's aren't for everybody. In fact many people hold an ill opinion of tattooing, but rest assured Conor, I don't judge them and so I expect them to not judge me. What people see on the outside changes nothing about what's on the inside. An important lesson for you to consider and one that we'll revisit again someday, no doubt.
Now it's time to get you dressed and head over to Uncle Justin and Aunt Marti's place for dinner. They of course can't wait to see you, and they're so excited because in a few short months, you'll get a playmate! That's right, Boy'O, Aunt Marti is pregnant too!
Life's little mysteries... Life's little miracles... And Tattoos. A fine, fine day.
I love you, Lion Heart. My Conor an Chroí Lion.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Conor the Lion Heart - Coming to Light
Day 73:
In my 39 years I've had the pleasure, nay the honor, of raising three dogs from puppies, Conor. Each one was a mere baby, no more than 8 weeks old, when I got them. Of my many wonderful experiences on this Earth, those were my fondest. Until you...
Many people could read this and not understand it. Those people can't comprehend how a dog and a child could be likened in the same context... Though I would argue that both are 100 percent dependent upon you. Both trust you implicitly because quite frankly, they don't have a choice... And both look to you for for everything, their personalities being shaped by your every move.
Again, we can start splitting hairs in terms of a human baby's personality vs. that of a dog, but at the end of the day, both have a personality. Both human and canine bring a different flavor of joy into the world of those who would love them. Both are an absolute gift to those who would let them in.
Day by day I see your personality starting to pop, and so it's our job to feed it positively and watch it grow... Each day you become more and more inquisitive. The moments you're awake you spend looking at everything and to be sure lights and sounds intrigue you. Certainly Son, I realize I'm not unlocking any great mystery here. I understand there are millions of parents who have seen something similar in their child or children... But I do recognize those small developmental traits. I know what those look like having had the honor of raising three fine dogs... And now I'm able to use at least part of those experiences in how we nourish your inquisitive and developing mind. Each day is a treat, Conor. My Conor the Lion Heart. And I can't wait for the next...
You're sleeping better these last few days and storing up energy for longer periods of time to stay awake. Everyone told me you would grow fast but I swear I'm actually watching you grow as I hold you in my hands seeing you take in each new discovery... Truly remarkable.
Without question, Conor, you're my greatest honor, my highest calling, and my truest duty, and each day with you is better than the last... Thanks, Boy'O.
I love you so much, Son. Always...
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Conor the Crab
Day 72:
Growing pains, gas pains, and any other kind of infantile pains, something had you all stirred up today, Son. For the middle of the day, things seemed fine. Mommy had to run a couple errands with you this afternoon and one of those brought her out my way, so you both came by the Tysons Corner Galleria and we had lunch together. At this point, no fuss... Though before then and after then, you were raging, Boy'O! Neither Mommy or me got much sleep last night... As soon as one of our heads would hit the pillow, the other would have to get up to get you settled again. The late morning hours were okay, per what Mommy told me anyway, and through lunch you were a dream, but the late afternoon and evening saw an awful lot of fussing and crying out of you. The young Lion Heart, he roared... and roared... and roared!
It's just now near 11:00pm and you're finally settled in. Perhaps the day of expended energy screaming will see you get some much needed rest tonight - which subsequently would mean that Mommy and me will also get some much needed rest tonight! It's all we can hope for at this point, Son. But one can hope...
In other happenings, finding a child care provider for you is proving far more difficult than we anticipated, Boy'O. And really, it's not as much the expense (child care in the DC area is pricey to say the least) as much as it is the need to get it right. There are a ton of options, and people who've been there or who are there offer wonderful advice, but at the end of the day the decision is ours, and it's not an easy one to make... Anyhow, your Mother is on the case and she's nothing if not both persistent and thorough... We'll get it right, Son. I promise.
That's all for tonight, my Little Lion Heart. I love you, Boy.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Lion Heart Becomes a Lion!
Day 71:
Mommy found the greatest hat for you, Son. A Lion for the Lion Heart! Once again I was stuck at work all day, but Mommy had a number of errands to run including heading to the Audi dealership to get a quick adjustment for her car and heading to the optometrist to get her eyes checked... And everywhere she went people would just stop and fawn over you! You're quite the celebrity, Son. And so handsome... And then to be dressed up in a hat that was tailor made for you? You achieved rockstar status!
Otherwise it was a pretty stock day, Son. Turns out you're a bit fussy today and Mommy's worried about your small hernia and maybe that's the reason for your being a bit cantankerous... We can only hope that's not the case. Your surgery was scheduled today also... April 2nd. Gotta get you fattened up before then!
I'm wiped out, Son. Gonna hit the rack.
Get your rest tonight, Conor. Tomorrow you have another big day of growing and being handsome! That's a lot of work!
Love you, Boy'O.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Another Day
Day 70:
It was a day of work and play, Conor... Work for me, play for you! Mommy was home with you today and decided to do more than coo at you, as has been pretty much all we've done until now.... No, she started reading as to how to stimulate you and get you working.. Get your body developing along with everything else... Turns out a little resistance training is all you need! Mommy said she started pushing your legs back and forth in a bicycle motion and that you started to giggle! A new development!
Try as I may, I must have had your little legs churning, looking for a giggle, ten different times since I've been home. Alas, Mommy wore you out, Boy'O! As evidenced by tonight's picture, I could hardly get you to stir!
Otherwise, in this case no news is good news, Son. We're feeding you more which means more diapers and more laundry! But that's a good problem to have, Son. The Lion Heart will grow to be big and strong and so, so handsome.... And the more you eat, then faster we get there...
Good night, Growing Boy. Guess I'll catch that giggle tomorrow night.
I love you...
Monday, February 20, 2012
Nailing Down a Schedule
Day 69:
Over the long weekend, Conor, Mommy and me had an opportunity to really focus on getting you on a schedule... Forming habits. You already have a rather Pavlovian response to being held while crying and subsequently covered with a burp cloth... In fact, your little mouth falls open and begins searching for a bottle, and the moment one touches your lips your mouth snaps shut like an Amazon Crocodile on unsuspecting prey. We figured if you're getting that down, it's time to give ourselves a break and at least try and sort you out so we can at least TRY to understand what's around the corner...
And the report is, so far so good, Conor! Seems you're good for a nap between 10:00am and Noon and 2:00pm and 4:00pm... After that it's a crap shoot but hey, it's a start! Mommy and I continue to have this philosophical conversation pertaining to child rearing and development and where you are and and and and... What we've both come to agree on in the last few days is, you're REALLY only 2 weeks old... Sure, you were brought into the world on December 14th, 2011 but per your gestational age you're actually only 2 weeks old, so while we've been blessed enough to have you home since the 2nd of January, we should temper our expectations a bit as far as your development is concerned... Not rush it, so to speak. Being the proud parents we are it's as though we're expecting you to come out reading Chauser... Soon enough I'm sure.
In other news, it would appear that my vision is pretty good! I mentioned in yesterday's post that I would be having my eyes checked today. There are some correctable things at play to be sure - I'm far sighted, meaning I see everything beyond 2 feet perfectly clear, though things closer to me - say, computer screens and books, the things I'm into the most these days, are straining my eyes a bit more than they should. Not bad, but enough to require a prescription... And so I got one.
That's about all, Son. Tonight the Lion-Heart rests peacefully while I punch away at this keyboard awaiting my queue to plug you with a bottle. And soon enough, that queue will come.
Love you, Boy'O.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Conor the Lion Heart - A Man of the World
Day 68:
Busy day today, Boy'O. All kinds of things to do and so we've had you in the car seat in some form or fashion pretty much all day. First it was the mall... A bite to eat, some things for the house, an appointment for my failing eyes (they're not so bad, but I could only hold on to the notion of having 20/20 hawk-eye vision for so long before the reading headaches would get the better of me), and just generally in and out of a few places. All in all you spent a solid three hours in your car seat. By the time we'd returned home everyone was so exhausted we could hardly keep our eyes open, and so everyone grabbed some couch space and took a nap.
I've never been much of a nap-guy, Conor. I've always lived under the idea that I'll get plenty of sleep when I'm dead. That was before I had a son though... These days the occasional nap, if one is afforded to me, is a blessing. My Dad- your Pops, has always said that one of his favorite things to do is to take a mid-afternoon nap. I never understood that having always feared missing something. Not sure what, but something. Now though, I get it.
When everybody awoke from their mid-afternoon slumber it occurred to us that several other errands, including going to the grocery store and getting anything having to do with dinner, had not yet been done though to be sure, it was later than expected... So, Japanese anyone? And back in the carrier you'd go.
Two hot Saki later and very well fed, and here I sit giving you the play by play while Mommy sorts you out for the night. Neil Young on the radio, a light mood, and no work tomorrow... Yep, it's a good night.
Good night, Conor an Chroí Lion... See you in a few hours for the 3:00am feeding!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Sleeping Better, Day by Day
The Original Yerkes Kids
Day 67:
Day by day, Boy'O, the Lion Heart becomes a bit more merciful. Last night you went down after your 1:00am feeding and didn't stir again 'til about 6:00am this morning... That's a record for the Lion Heart! These swaddle blankets really do the trick, Boy'O. Otherwise, it was a fairly eventful day. Mommy took a few hours out of the house to go and visit with a friend, and after she came home I went out to sharpen my marksmanship once again.
We went to see your Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Paul, too. Aunt Jen's birthday falls one day in front of mine so each year we get together to have a dinner and celebrate... Tonight was that night. Nice little bistro in Vienna, though nothing to write home about. Still, it's more about the company than it is the cuisine in most cases. Never the less, you were a perfect angel throughout the mean, Son. Onlookers would come by and comment on how handsome you are making the night all the better. But now it's time to put you down for the night and see about going for another 5 hour sleep... Guess I'll let you know in the morning.
I love you, Son.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Conor the Lion Heart's First Good Deed
Day 66:
For me it was just another day in the office, Son. For you though, it was a day spent giving. You see, you're such a big boy now, all your preemie clothes, diapers, and food are no longer of any use to you, but there are plenty of families out there who could use our help, Conor... In specific a young family in need recently welcomed twins to the world! But they very much needed help. So, you and Mommy gathered up all we had to give and went to a center to donate your stuff... Conor the Giving...
The center, and the family, were both very appreciative. In fact, Mommy received an email to let her know all supplies had been delivered and of course they just loved it.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, Boy'O. Mommy's going out for the early part of the day and afternoon and so it'll be just me and you to hold things down. A nice relaxing day... But first we gotta get you through the night, Son.
Good Night, Boy. I love you.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
My Own Special Day
Day 65:
Today was a special day for me, Son. It's my birthday! My first birthday of Fatherhood... Of course, all I wanted for my birthday was to spend it with you, Boy'O! With my family. Mommy was all to happy to oblige me and as a surprise made a dinner reservation at Flemings Steak House; one of my favorites! With you being so little yet and considering the quasi schedule we're trying to get you to adhere to, that reservation was set for 5:30pm. Now, at this stage in your life that may well mean nothing... But sure as your born, Lad, I haven't sat down for dinner at 5:30pm since I was maybe 6 years old!
"The times they are a changin'" --Bob Dylan
Ain't that the truth?!
Yes Conor, today was the most special Birthday I've ever shared... And for so many reasons. Reasons I can't get into for fear of rambling, and even more... But this birthday I have you, Son. While sitting and enjoying my steak and my glass of big red wine, I could only stare at you and marvel at your presence. Truly amazing... I'd always wanted a child of my own, Son. Your Mother gave me you. And to be sure I never cared about whether my child would be a boy or a girl, but looking at you now, you could have only been Conor the Lion Heart. My Conor an Chroí Lion...
Once home it was all about relaxing and watching whatever I wanted on the television... I finished this wonderful day with a live concert from my favorite band, "Foo Fighters - Live at Wembley Stadium". What a show, Son. What a show. And with guest appearances from Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones of Led Zepplin and the Yardbirds! Yes sir, a perfect day.
Thank you for being my greatest gift, Conor. I love you more than you could ever know...
Today was a special day for me, Son. It's my birthday! My first birthday of Fatherhood... Of course, all I wanted for my birthday was to spend it with you, Boy'O! With my family. Mommy was all to happy to oblige me and as a surprise made a dinner reservation at Flemings Steak House; one of my favorites! With you being so little yet and considering the quasi schedule we're trying to get you to adhere to, that reservation was set for 5:30pm. Now, at this stage in your life that may well mean nothing... But sure as your born, Lad, I haven't sat down for dinner at 5:30pm since I was maybe 6 years old!
"The times they are a changin'" --Bob Dylan
Ain't that the truth?!
Yes Conor, today was the most special Birthday I've ever shared... And for so many reasons. Reasons I can't get into for fear of rambling, and even more... But this birthday I have you, Son. While sitting and enjoying my steak and my glass of big red wine, I could only stare at you and marvel at your presence. Truly amazing... I'd always wanted a child of my own, Son. Your Mother gave me you. And to be sure I never cared about whether my child would be a boy or a girl, but looking at you now, you could have only been Conor the Lion Heart. My Conor an Chroí Lion...
Once home it was all about relaxing and watching whatever I wanted on the television... I finished this wonderful day with a live concert from my favorite band, "Foo Fighters - Live at Wembley Stadium". What a show, Son. What a show. And with guest appearances from Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones of Led Zepplin and the Yardbirds! Yes sir, a perfect day.
Thank you for being my greatest gift, Conor. I love you more than you could ever know...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
A Trip to the Surgeon
Day 64:
The day started wishing your Grandma MeMeow and Grandpa K9 safe travels as they headed off back to South Carolina, Conor. Your MeMeow was so sad, Boy'O. She wants to be close to Mommy and you so she can be here for her daughter and watch you grow up, but if you ask me diaper changing is overrated!
Following the fond farewell I shoved off to work and it was up to Mommy to get you all sorted out. If you recall the post from two days ago, Dr. Banta found you had an inguinal hernia and recommended a local surgeon who takes appointments in Fairfax but has privileges at Childrens' Hospital in Washington DC. I can't recall the Doc's name but Mommy liked her and she came highly recommended. Still, Doctor says it'll most likely be outpatient surgery pending your experience with the anesthetic. She showed Mommy just where they'd make the incision and described what would happen next, and was very confident the whole operation would really only take a few minutes. The only bummer is, you're not old enough to receive the anesthetic without minimizing risks at this point, so we've been instructed to wait until you're 50 to 55 weeks gestation ally - That puts us right around late March. The good news is, you're not in any pain so time is less a concern.
Well, that's all for tonight Lion-Heart. I'm beat and gotta get up early to go to work. I love you, Boy'O.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Happiest Valentine's Day
Kailyn Ann Maxwell
Day 63:
Today was a wonderful, wonderful day, Conor... It was bigger than anything we could have ever imagined! Not only were Mommy and me celebrating your first Valentine's Day, with Mommy being so smitten to be your very first, and always and forever her number one Valentine, but today became momentous on a number of levels!
First, at 2:38am this morning, Tuesday February 14th, 2012, we welcomed your little cousin, Kailyn Ann Maxwell, to the world! That's right Son, my Sister, your Aunt Tracy, gave birth to a healthy baby girl this morning! Kailyn came into the world at 20 1/4 inches, weighing 7 lbs, 7 oz. Perfectly healthy and with a full head of hair! We're so happy, Conor... Our family keeps growing and growing. It's so exciting!
Then, as if that wasn't enough, your Uncle Justin asked your now soon to be Aunt Marti for her hand in marriage! And he gave her a SPECTACULAR ring, Boy'O! It's absolutely beautiful!! Of course Aunt Marti said yes! So, so, so very exciting...
On top of it all, today is your 2 month anniversary, Son! You're exactly two months old! It's the little things, Son... That's for sure.
Mommy and me finished off the day with Grandma MeMeow and Grandpa K9 at our favorite local Italian bistro, cheering you and the love you bring, Son. A bottle of wine, some great food and fine company. Quite a day for the Lion Heart. The Lion Heart of Love.
St. Valentine broke the mold when he met you, Conor... He must have. Because I never knew I could love someone as much as I do you, Boy.
Goodnight Son,
Day 63:
Today was a wonderful, wonderful day, Conor... It was bigger than anything we could have ever imagined! Not only were Mommy and me celebrating your first Valentine's Day, with Mommy being so smitten to be your very first, and always and forever her number one Valentine, but today became momentous on a number of levels!
First, at 2:38am this morning, Tuesday February 14th, 2012, we welcomed your little cousin, Kailyn Ann Maxwell, to the world! That's right Son, my Sister, your Aunt Tracy, gave birth to a healthy baby girl this morning! Kailyn came into the world at 20 1/4 inches, weighing 7 lbs, 7 oz. Perfectly healthy and with a full head of hair! We're so happy, Conor... Our family keeps growing and growing. It's so exciting!
Then, as if that wasn't enough, your Uncle Justin asked your now soon to be Aunt Marti for her hand in marriage! And he gave her a SPECTACULAR ring, Boy'O! It's absolutely beautiful!! Of course Aunt Marti said yes! So, so, so very exciting...
On top of it all, today is your 2 month anniversary, Son! You're exactly two months old! It's the little things, Son... That's for sure.
Mommy and me finished off the day with Grandma MeMeow and Grandpa K9 at our favorite local Italian bistro, cheering you and the love you bring, Son. A bottle of wine, some great food and fine company. Quite a day for the Lion Heart. The Lion Heart of Love.
St. Valentine broke the mold when he met you, Conor... He must have. Because I never knew I could love someone as much as I do you, Boy.
Goodnight Son,
Monday, February 13, 2012
Cantankerous Conor...
Day 62:
Another pediatric appointment today, Son, and the results are telling! Mommy and Grandma MeMeow took you to the Doctor and you're officially 19 inches long and 7 lbs! Okay, 6 lbs 14.6 oz... Not quite 7 lb., but as your Uncle Paul likes to say, I'm rounding to my favor. Still, you're on the right path. In fact, Mommy was proud to report that you're on the growth scale! It so happens that you're at 0.06% on the growth scale, which obviously isn't much, but you're on the scale! It's a step!!
You also got a couple rounds of immunizations though, and that's made you both sore and fussy... Mommy was warned, so to intercede perhaps a little Tylenol? Seems to be working okay, but you're a bit more cantankerous today than usual... While still being a joy.
The news wasn't all good though, Son. It seems you have what's called an inguinal hernia, Boy'O; Common amongst preemie boys. And though common, the most effective and fastest cure is surgery. As a result, Mommy is taking you to see a Pediatric Surgeon on Wednesday to get the final prognosis.
As it was explained by your Pediatrician, Dr. Banta, seems the surgery will most likely be "outpatient", meaning you'll be in and out of the hospital with very minimal stay. And while it all seems routine the very idea of having my 2 month old Son undergoing surgery is unsettling to say the least. But at the end of the day, you're Conor the Lion Heart; Conor an Chroí Lion...
You'll be in so many people's thoughts and prayers, Boy'O, that I'm sure you'll come through this smelling like a rose... Leaving out what's in your diaper, anyhow.
Love you, Son.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Oh no, Son... Daddy got Sick...
Day 61:
Since 4:30am this morning I've been down for the count, Son. I got some kinda bug thats' resulted in a 101 degree fever, cold chills, a head-ache, and some other unmentionable side effects...
To be sure, I can take the illness. A little bug never beat me before and it's not going to beat me now; I'm the Father of the Lion-Heart after all! But in order to keep you well I've not been allowed within 20 feet of you all day. That's harder to take than any illness, I promise you...
So here I sit in bed, in the same place I've been for almost 20 hours, wishing so badly to see you but understanding the reason why I can't... It's a drag. So tonight's post is short, Boy'O. When you spend the entire day in bed recovering from an illness, I suppose there's not much to talk about. Still, I've made a commitment to you and I intend to keep it... I'm going to write to you every day for a year, no matter what. Bug or no bug.
I love you, Son. Stay healthy and I'll hold you as soon as I get well.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Down on the Range - Down to Old Town
Day 60:
Today was a day spent on all corners of Fairfax County, Son. Me and the boys went out to do a little shooting, and Mommy, Grandma MeMeow, and Aunt Mag took you with them to Old Town Alexandria to seek out a good Irish Christening gown for the Baptism of the Lion Heart.
Everyone had a great time...
Myself, Uncle Paul, and our good friend Rob (or "Roooooooob" as he's known in some circles) had been trying to get out to the range for quite a while now. Both of their interests lie in understanding what's the best gun for them as neither Uncle Paul or Roooooooob own a firearm as yet, while my interests are to fine tune my targeting ability with my own gun; a Smith and Wesson .40 Caliber Sigma I picked up about a year ago. Your Grandpa K9, an expert marksman in his own right, and your Uncle Mike also came along to enjoy a little range time. Interestingly enough I purchased the piece prior to having you in our lives. I believe this to be a very good thing...
My initial effort in purchasing the pistol was to carry it at the Circle L Farm in Highland County, VA (I can't wait to get you to the farm, Boy'O! It's one of my very favorite places on Earth!) All kinds of varmints you can dispatch with a small firearm down there. But now that you're in my life I'm quite thankful to have it. There's an old adage, Conor... "It's better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it." And when it comes to protecting my family, that's certainly the truth. And to be sure Son, as soon as you're able to fully comprehend what I'm saying while also understanding what a handgun is and what it's capable of, you will be the recipient of a very strict education in so far as being anywhere near a firearm, and you will NEVER handle a gun unless I'm standing two feet away from you.
Never the less, like all things, in order to be effective with any tool you must practice with it and that's what the range is for. We all took turns firing on paper targets in a controlled environment, and about 100 rounds later I was dialed in on my target. It's a satisfying feeling on many levels, Conor. And I don't necessarily mean that in the sense of honing my accuracy with handgun, but the more you work at something the better you become in doing it, no matter what it is. That satisfaction of knowing I'm getting better while contented with the knowledge that I have yet another tool available to defend my family in the event of any emergency, is priceless. And you should get used to hearing this, Son. Because I will be harping on it more and more.
Anyhow, it was a good day at the range with wonderful friends and family. You had a fine time running around with the gals (you're just a smidgen to young to be at the range with us yet, Boy'O), and so I believe everybody wins. A good day indeed. For all of us.
I'm wiped out, Conor an Chroí Lion. Time to hit the rack. And as I do every night, I'll dream of keeping you safe, Son...
I love you, Conor.
Friday, February 10, 2012
The Parade of Adoring Family
Day 59:
"An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship." ~Spanish Proverb
This is truth, Conor. In your life you will have a great many friends, and a few of those may even stick around when times get hard; and times will inevitably get hard. And sure, some friends will be exceptional, and you will know they will be there for you no matter what. I have those friends. Guys I've known for better than 20 years to date, and they're as reliable as anything you can possibly imagine. But without question the greatest constant in your life will be your family - even when you think you friends mean more... And you will...
Family is quirky. Family is funny. Family is opinionated. Family is judgmental. Family aggravating. Family is trustworthy. Family is dependable. Family is unwavering. Family is Love.
I don't mean to preach, Son. To be sure I've put other things in my life ahead of my family, as has every member of my family to me and to one another, and yours too. But I know - I KNOW - that when it comes down to it... When there's no where else to turn. When times get their darkest, it's family that will pick you up. It's family that will carry you. It's family that will love you.
I say all of this in the joy it brings me to see those who love you, and Mommy and me, travel from far and wide to see you, Son. Your family knows intimately the legend of the Lion Heart. They believe in you, Conor an Chroí Lion. They bring you gifts and they adore you, truly. It gives me great comfort to know, no matter how far and wide my family is spread, and no matter how far and wide Mommy's family lives from us, we could call on any of them any time and they would do whatever it takes to ensure your safety, health, and well-being.
Today your Great Aunt Maggie and Uncle Mike came to town from New Jersey. They brought you books and toys. And they brought you love. And again, it makes me so confident and so proud to know that no matter what, your family near and far will be there for you... And all that's expected of you in this life is to be there for them, too. If they should ever need you, you'll be there.
They all love you, Son. And I love you. Always.
"An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship." ~Spanish Proverb
This is truth, Conor. In your life you will have a great many friends, and a few of those may even stick around when times get hard; and times will inevitably get hard. And sure, some friends will be exceptional, and you will know they will be there for you no matter what. I have those friends. Guys I've known for better than 20 years to date, and they're as reliable as anything you can possibly imagine. But without question the greatest constant in your life will be your family - even when you think you friends mean more... And you will...
Family is quirky. Family is funny. Family is opinionated. Family is judgmental. Family aggravating. Family is trustworthy. Family is dependable. Family is unwavering. Family is Love.
I don't mean to preach, Son. To be sure I've put other things in my life ahead of my family, as has every member of my family to me and to one another, and yours too. But I know - I KNOW - that when it comes down to it... When there's no where else to turn. When times get their darkest, it's family that will pick you up. It's family that will carry you. It's family that will love you.
I say all of this in the joy it brings me to see those who love you, and Mommy and me, travel from far and wide to see you, Son. Your family knows intimately the legend of the Lion Heart. They believe in you, Conor an Chroí Lion. They bring you gifts and they adore you, truly. It gives me great comfort to know, no matter how far and wide my family is spread, and no matter how far and wide Mommy's family lives from us, we could call on any of them any time and they would do whatever it takes to ensure your safety, health, and well-being.
Today your Great Aunt Maggie and Uncle Mike came to town from New Jersey. They brought you books and toys. And they brought you love. And again, it makes me so confident and so proud to know that no matter what, your family near and far will be there for you... And all that's expected of you in this life is to be there for them, too. If they should ever need you, you'll be there.
They all love you, Son. And I love you. Always.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Getting Out and About
Day 58:
Today was a busy day of the Lion Heart... Of course, I was back to work again today and Mommy was on her own to get a thing or two done... These meaningless little errands we would normally run, either together or individually, were so thoughtless before. Now we're learning, as have every first time parent before us, those quick errands aren't so quick anymore... Getting you out of the house is an effort in and of itself when you're running solo... At least until it's more common.q Now-a-days you can stress yourself out thinking about all the things you need to get before leaving they house, buckling you in to your car seat - all of it... And today was Mommy's first attempt to do all of this with you and run out to the grocery store... Surprisingly, Mommy not only had an easy time of it, but she really enjoyed it!
But that was just the start of the day... Later in the afternoon, low and behold guess who showed up? Your Grandpa K9 and Me-Meow! And tomorrow your Aunt Mag and Uncle Mike will be here... We're just getting warmed up, Son! Gonna be a fun weekend of family... Grandma MeMeow and Grandpa K9, Aunt Mag and Uncle Mike... They're all gonna be passing you around like a football! Gonna be such fun...
Goodnight Conor. I love you, Boy'O...
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Longest Day
Day 57:
As mentioned in yesterday's post, Conor, I was back to work today... And that means I was up and at 'em at 6:30am after getting you to sleep only 5 hours prior. The first day at a new job is filled with a number of different emotions. Curiosity, nervousness, high expectations, stress... All those things combined gave me the opportunity to be sharp early on. Adrenaline kinda takes over and immediately makes up for the lack of sleep - for a time. That eventually wears out and when it does, BLAM!!! I crashed... And then, as if it weren't enough to go through getting set up, filling out paperwork, and 5 hours locked in a conference room for training, we went out to dinner!
In all I was away from you for 15 hours today - which is WAY to long to be away from you!! Mommy helped to keep me going though... She sent me a number of pictures of you throughout the day so I've used those for today's post. Hope you don't mind the short entry, Boy'O. I realize the Lion Heart would power through, but the old Lion needs to get his sleep tonight.
I love you, Son. And I miss you so...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
My Last Day of Sabbatical
Day 56:
Today was my last day of sabbatical, Conor. It's been a wonderful time to take out of work and focus on the Lion Heart; this new start to my life. On the one hand I'm looking forward to it. I do enjoy my work and the camaraderie of colleagues. Though on the other hand, you're far more important to me and I've quite enjoyed spending each and every day with you - watching you grow before my very eyes.
Yes Conor, tomorrow it's back to the grind. Up early, home late, and a slave to my iPhone and the information it brings me for the job that I do. Still, as bittersweet as it is, I will work harder and longer because of you... But I'll play hard, too. I'll play hard for you and with you. I promise. And I'll do it to be sure that you want for nothing (within reason - don't get crazy).
I'm very much enjoying my small projects for you. I love writing to you, I've started writing a new series of books because of you, and I love pairing your pictures with music. It's easy to do and fun to create, so on days when I have a bit of time (I imagine will be getting fewer and fewer), I'll continue to expand upon this blog and include fun little gadgets. As seen in the menu bar on the right...
Anyhow, despite my anxiousness in readying myself to get back on the job, I was all to happy to enjoy some time with family today. Your Great Aunt Helene came for a visit and spent several hours loving on you... Mommy had things to do so she was able to visit for while, but then me and your Great Aunt sat and chatted and laughed...... She fed you twice, burped you bunches, and doted on you and how special you are. It was a fun visit. She has six Grandchildren of her own, and now one more nephew to visit... I imagine you're going to be seeing a good bit of your Great Aunt!
Well Boy'O, I'm due to retire for the night, Son... And so are you. And the Lion Heart needs rest! For you've got a lot of growing to do, and you're going to have to work harder still in being a good boy for Mommy while I'm back to work. And I know you will, Conor. My Conor an Chroí Lion...
Love you, Son.
By the way, here's one of those videos. I hope you love it as much as I do
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Big Cat Loves the Water!
Day 55:
Everybody knows that cats don't like water, right? Not true in the Lion Heart's case... Early on today you were as fussy as you've ever been, Son. And not so much 'fussy' as you were unsettled. Nothing seemed to keep you still! I fed you, burped you, you know the drill by now... Nothing seemed to work.
I had another appointment for my janky old knee in the morning so that took me out of the house for a little better than two hours... By the time I'd returned you'd almost completely ruined your Mommy's good mood... She was so frazzled and just needed a break! So I told Mommy to not worry about it and to go ahead and run some errands she wanted to get done... Part of my plan was to give you a bath after a good couple of ounces of food, then swaddle your flailing little arms into knots and put you down for a nap. I can proudly proclaim that my plan worked! After stuffing you full of food I drew a good warm bath and in you went. Boy'O, I actually watched the tension come out of you... As soon as your little bottom got into that warm water your eyes went wide and you went completely limp...
I stayed there with you a good while allowing you to have a little bit longer a bath than normal; Really sap it all out of you... And afterwards you were right as rain. Completely relaxed and ready for a nap. After a good wrap in a blanket, down you went... And if I hadn't woken you up three and a half hours later you'd have easily slept another 2 hours!
When all was said and done the late afternoon and evening were far better than the morning and afternoon- in terms of how you were feeling anyhow... And now, as I write this post listening to some great tunes and watching huge images of you flash across my television via Apple TV (a device no doubt obsolete by the time you read this), and I too am feeling relaxed... For the Lion Sleeps Tonight, Conor. Conor an Chroí Lion. Conor the Water Lover...
Goodnight, Son. I love you.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Super Sunday!
Day 54:
Another fun and adventurous day for you today, Conor! The morning started out relatively smoothly, and me and you got some work done while Mommy got some extra Z's. Fitting seeing as how she was up half the night with you... Par for the course I suppose. At least you're consistent!
Yes Boy'O, today is the most bittersweet day of the year for me. Bitter in the sense that it's the end of the football season. Sweet in that it culminates on (pro)football's grandest stage- The Super Bowl!
This year's championship game, as mentioned in a previous post, would see the Giants vs. the Patriots; a rematch from 3 years ago. Personally I can't stand either team, but having to pick one team for the sake of having a dog in the fight I had to choose the Patriots... See, the Giants are in our beloved Redskins' Division, the NFC East - home to the most Super Bowl wins in any of the eight divisions. So that means, the Redskins have to play the Giants twice a season. Once at home, and once away. As it turns out, this season the Redskins had the Giants number beating them handily in both meetings! So to see the Giants go on to win the Super Bowl, in my opinion, STUNK! But, the thing about the NFL, Conor, on any given Sunday the best team in the league can meet a team that's piquing at just the right time and it's like walking into a buzz-saw of explosive hard hits and spectacular plays... In this case, that team were the Giants. Final score, Giants 21, Patriots 17. Can't wait 'til next season to knock the Super Bowl Champion Giants back on their ass... But I digress.
Anyhow, as is tradition with Super Bowl Sunday we would need lots of food and plenty of good company, so you and I spent the better part of the morning with you in a sling around my chest while I readied the kitchen for Mommy to tear it apart! And today was a special effort because we had to cook for Aunt Jen, Uncle Paul, and Big Nate! See, your Aunt Jen, who is normally a splendid cook when we visit their home, has been ordered to take it easy with the coming of their second baby, so the Yerkes were all too happy to help! We did a brisket, home made horseradish sauce, a cream cheese jalapeño dip, fresh pizza rolls, zesty guacamole, and iron skillet brownies for desert. Enough food to feed 12 people! But you know what they say, it's better to have it and not need it than it is to need it and not have it... We brought our Super Bowl feast right to their front door, Conor. Cuz that's what family and friends do for one another - they look out for each other.
I've no doubt you'll be every bit as good to the people you love, Son. Conor the Lion Heart not only is beloved, but he loves his people also. A virtue of any great man...
Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Son. I hope you had as much fun as I did...
Love you.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
A Day in the City
Day 53:
With your wild "up all night" lifestyle, Conor, sleep is certainly at a premium. Last night was another one of those nights and once again, Mommy and I found ourselves tag teaming in a game of "who can quell the crying baby?"... Honestly it's not so bad... You're getting better every day, though it was particularly noticeable today because we all had to be up and out of the house at 9:00am in order to make it to church on time... That's right, church!
Specifically we were all attending a Baptismal class at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown. It's one of the Nations oldest Catholic churches and the oldest Catholic Church in the District having been built in 1794.
After our church class let out we decided it was time for your first trip to our favorite restaurant, maybe in the whole country, The Old Ebbitt Grill. See, I worked at this restaurant as a bartender and Mommy and friends used to come up and see me on occasion. It's such a fun place, Conor. Great food, great atmosphere, and a living, breathing piece of Washington DC itself. The restaurant was built in 1856 and has seen it's fair share of National historic figures. The old Ebbitt is a restaurant and a landmark and is known the nation over as one of the busiest restaurants in the country. I've no doubt it'll be there when you're old enough to appreciate it, and certainly we'll share many a meal there. And when we do, I'll tell you about some of the interesting and exciting times the Ebbitt has seen... Even some when I worked there!
It was a great day, Conor. Your first day in the city of Washington D.C.; The city of my birth. A city known as the most powerful city in the World. And now, Conor the Lion Heart's city... For you were born just a stone's throw across the mighty Potomac in Arlington, Virginia. Lot's to talk about there... Tons of history. Can't wait to tell you all about it. Many important people have crossed that river Conor; namely George Washington himself. And now you. Conor the Lion Heart. Conor an Chroí Lion...
Goodnight, Boy'O. I love you.
With your wild "up all night" lifestyle, Conor, sleep is certainly at a premium. Last night was another one of those nights and once again, Mommy and I found ourselves tag teaming in a game of "who can quell the crying baby?"... Honestly it's not so bad... You're getting better every day, though it was particularly noticeable today because we all had to be up and out of the house at 9:00am in order to make it to church on time... That's right, church!
Specifically we were all attending a Baptismal class at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown. It's one of the Nations oldest Catholic churches and the oldest Catholic Church in the District having been built in 1794.
After our church class let out we decided it was time for your first trip to our favorite restaurant, maybe in the whole country, The Old Ebbitt Grill. See, I worked at this restaurant as a bartender and Mommy and friends used to come up and see me on occasion. It's such a fun place, Conor. Great food, great atmosphere, and a living, breathing piece of Washington DC itself. The restaurant was built in 1856 and has seen it's fair share of National historic figures. The old Ebbitt is a restaurant and a landmark and is known the nation over as one of the busiest restaurants in the country. I've no doubt it'll be there when you're old enough to appreciate it, and certainly we'll share many a meal there. And when we do, I'll tell you about some of the interesting and exciting times the Ebbitt has seen... Even some when I worked there!
It was a great day, Conor. Your first day in the city of Washington D.C.; The city of my birth. A city known as the most powerful city in the World. And now, Conor the Lion Heart's city... For you were born just a stone's throw across the mighty Potomac in Arlington, Virginia. Lot's to talk about there... Tons of history. Can't wait to tell you all about it. Many important people have crossed that river Conor; namely George Washington himself. And now you. Conor the Lion Heart. Conor an Chroí Lion...
Goodnight, Boy'O. I love you.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Conor the Lion Heart - Conor the Party Animal
Day 52:
So here we are, seven weeks in, you're better than 6 lbs., and let me tell you, Mommy and me aren't afraid to put you in your car seat and go for a drive, grab some dinner, and show you off to your adoring public. I mean, who doesn't like a cute little baby? But you're different I think... You're the Lion Heart, after all. I think people have the opportunity to look at a baby and simply say "congratulations!" and maybe make a bit of small talk around the child, the parents and whether or not this is a first child, the child's name, etc. Everybody's happy. The onlooker, the parents, maybe even the baby, I don't know...
Then there are those who would look upon the baby's face and immediately note how absolutely adorable the child is... I mention this because I believe the general public, as a rule of thumb, will either absolutely gush - because quite frankly you're worth gushing over - or they'll say nothing at all... In your case, they gush... They ALL gush. This tells me it's not just my overwhelming pride and bias as to how handsome a boy you are... Validation is not something I've always needed... Though when it comes to my Son, I'll take it!
After a margarita and some fajitas at a local Mexican joint called "Uncle Julios's", I dropped you and Mommy off at the house, threw on my jacket and vest, and went out to meet the guys. To be sure, riding a motorcycle in February anywhere North of South Carolina can be tricky. It gets cold, FAST. When I left the house at 7:00pm it was about 52 degrees... When I left the saloon I'd met the guys at it was MAYBE 32 degrees. Let me tell you, 32 degrees at 65 mph feels a little like a searing hot knife is being held against your skin wherever it may be exposed to the wind. Not to mention I was wearing only jeans with no leathers or long underwear. So by the time I got home, I couldn't feel my legs and small parts of my face felt like they were on fire! Still, in my opinion a cold day on a bike beats a warm day in a car... Any day of the week...
Now it's off to sleep, Boy'O... And tomorrow it's off to church!
I love you, Conor.
So here we are, seven weeks in, you're better than 6 lbs., and let me tell you, Mommy and me aren't afraid to put you in your car seat and go for a drive, grab some dinner, and show you off to your adoring public. I mean, who doesn't like a cute little baby? But you're different I think... You're the Lion Heart, after all. I think people have the opportunity to look at a baby and simply say "congratulations!" and maybe make a bit of small talk around the child, the parents and whether or not this is a first child, the child's name, etc. Everybody's happy. The onlooker, the parents, maybe even the baby, I don't know...
Then there are those who would look upon the baby's face and immediately note how absolutely adorable the child is... I mention this because I believe the general public, as a rule of thumb, will either absolutely gush - because quite frankly you're worth gushing over - or they'll say nothing at all... In your case, they gush... They ALL gush. This tells me it's not just my overwhelming pride and bias as to how handsome a boy you are... Validation is not something I've always needed... Though when it comes to my Son, I'll take it!
After a margarita and some fajitas at a local Mexican joint called "Uncle Julios's", I dropped you and Mommy off at the house, threw on my jacket and vest, and went out to meet the guys. To be sure, riding a motorcycle in February anywhere North of South Carolina can be tricky. It gets cold, FAST. When I left the house at 7:00pm it was about 52 degrees... When I left the saloon I'd met the guys at it was MAYBE 32 degrees. Let me tell you, 32 degrees at 65 mph feels a little like a searing hot knife is being held against your skin wherever it may be exposed to the wind. Not to mention I was wearing only jeans with no leathers or long underwear. So by the time I got home, I couldn't feel my legs and small parts of my face felt like they were on fire! Still, in my opinion a cold day on a bike beats a warm day in a car... Any day of the week...
Now it's off to sleep, Boy'O... And tomorrow it's off to church!
I love you, Conor.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
40 Weeks Today
Day 51:
Wow Conor... Gestationally speaking this is the day you were 'projected' to be born. Of course you chose to join us almost 8 weeks early. (Thanks for the 2011 tax break, by the way!) Despite your early arrival, stay in the NICU, and whatever other challenges came along with it, the Lion Heart has been as strong as strong could be. My Conor an Chroí Lion. You've overcome each and every challenge presented to you, and you've shown me so much it's incomprehensible. Hard to believe you've been here almost two months already!
To celebrate this no-longer-momentous occasion, me and Mommy decided to pack you full of food, load you into your car carrier, and head off to our favorite little Italian Restaurant. Not only were you sublimely good throughout the meal, but it turned into a true candle light dinner when, after our entrées were served, the whole of Fair Lakes lost power. Of course, this likely only helped you to sleep deeper while Mommy and me enjoyed the rest of our meal via the cheap little candles on the table. Little red wine, little pasta... It's the little things, Conor. You'll see.
Plenty of good times to come, Conor. I intend to bring you a great many places so you can show me a great many things. May as well get started at the local Italian bistro...
Buonanotte, Figlio. Io ti amo.
Wow Conor... Gestationally speaking this is the day you were 'projected' to be born. Of course you chose to join us almost 8 weeks early. (Thanks for the 2011 tax break, by the way!) Despite your early arrival, stay in the NICU, and whatever other challenges came along with it, the Lion Heart has been as strong as strong could be. My Conor an Chroí Lion. You've overcome each and every challenge presented to you, and you've shown me so much it's incomprehensible. Hard to believe you've been here almost two months already!
To celebrate this no-longer-momentous occasion, me and Mommy decided to pack you full of food, load you into your car carrier, and head off to our favorite little Italian Restaurant. Not only were you sublimely good throughout the meal, but it turned into a true candle light dinner when, after our entrées were served, the whole of Fair Lakes lost power. Of course, this likely only helped you to sleep deeper while Mommy and me enjoyed the rest of our meal via the cheap little candles on the table. Little red wine, little pasta... It's the little things, Conor. You'll see.
Plenty of good times to come, Conor. I intend to bring you a great many places so you can show me a great many things. May as well get started at the local Italian bistro...
Buonanotte, Figlio. Io ti amo.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
I'd Been Told It Was Only a Matter of Time...
Day 50:
You know Conor, in the grand scheme of things 50 days is really an irrelevant amount of time. I mean, it's not even 2 months! But for some reason the number "50" feels significant to me... Hard to believe you've been with us for 50 days... And if I'm lucky - and I mean really lucky, I'll live to see you turn 50 years old! Aww hell, I'll only be 88 years old... How hard can it be?!
Today was a memorable day, Son. Aside from it being almost 70 degrees outside on February 1st - and for all my years in Virginia I can't recall a time it's ever happened before (not as though I memorize the thermostat on any given day, but to be sure it's rare), you had your very first projectile vomit! That's right! After a three ounce feeding and just a few minutes of rest in the cradle of my arms - BLEHHHHHCH!!!! All three ounces... And then some... Because whatever was in your stomach before the feeding came out too...
I gotta say, it was kinda awesome! I had no idea that much 'stuff' could come flying out of something so small, so fast! And with no warning, too! Truly impressive... One second I'm marveling over how absolutely adorable and divine you are, the next I was dripping in a white milky goo. It was like something out of a Mel Brooks movie... (I'll explain who Mel Brooks is down the road, Son. Blazing Saddles, Space Balls - these are must see movies, Boy'O). In any event, now I can brandish the ever common badge of accomplishment in parenthood for Infant Puke. It's a respectable one I think...
Of course, after a quick bath for you and a hot shower for me, you were starving again. Though this time Mommy only gave you a couple ounces in the hopes it would control the Lion Heart's over active belly. The plan worked... And off to sleep you went.
I do love parenthood, Conor. It's a laugh a minute!
I love you, Son. Puke and all...
You know Conor, in the grand scheme of things 50 days is really an irrelevant amount of time. I mean, it's not even 2 months! But for some reason the number "50" feels significant to me... Hard to believe you've been with us for 50 days... And if I'm lucky - and I mean really lucky, I'll live to see you turn 50 years old! Aww hell, I'll only be 88 years old... How hard can it be?!
Today was a memorable day, Son. Aside from it being almost 70 degrees outside on February 1st - and for all my years in Virginia I can't recall a time it's ever happened before (not as though I memorize the thermostat on any given day, but to be sure it's rare), you had your very first projectile vomit! That's right! After a three ounce feeding and just a few minutes of rest in the cradle of my arms - BLEHHHHHCH!!!! All three ounces... And then some... Because whatever was in your stomach before the feeding came out too...
I gotta say, it was kinda awesome! I had no idea that much 'stuff' could come flying out of something so small, so fast! And with no warning, too! Truly impressive... One second I'm marveling over how absolutely adorable and divine you are, the next I was dripping in a white milky goo. It was like something out of a Mel Brooks movie... (I'll explain who Mel Brooks is down the road, Son. Blazing Saddles, Space Balls - these are must see movies, Boy'O). In any event, now I can brandish the ever common badge of accomplishment in parenthood for Infant Puke. It's a respectable one I think...
Of course, after a quick bath for you and a hot shower for me, you were starving again. Though this time Mommy only gave you a couple ounces in the hopes it would control the Lion Heart's over active belly. The plan worked... And off to sleep you went.
I do love parenthood, Conor. It's a laugh a minute!
I love you, Son. Puke and all...
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