Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Bit of a Rough Day

Day 78:

Well Conor, while I was plugging away at the office today you were home screaming your lungs out... Yes Son, today was a bit of a rough day for you. According to your now somewhat frazzled Mother, you were quite the handful today. Not really interested in settling down no matter what she did. I got a couple of phone calls even asking for advice. ME! Your Mother was calling ME asking for advice on how to calm you! You know Son, it's about time she realized I know a little something more than how to change the oil in her car... Still, I'm afraid my advice didn't work much.

Seems you were simply having stomach pains. Of course, by the time I'd gotten home you were right as rain. Though Mommy was NOT. She needed to run an errand or two and so I took over, plugged you with a bottle, burped you, swaddled you, and put you down for a long nap. Looks as though your fussing and discomfort took it out of you, because once tied in, you were out like a light! The Lion Heart finally rested; and you rest still.

Despite the restless day, it was otherwise uneventful. A ton of rain, a bit cool, a hard day's work, and a little fussing. Certainly could have been worse.

That's all for today, Boy'O. And oh yeah, I love you...

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