Thursday, February 9, 2012

Getting Out and About

Day 58:

Today was a busy day of the Lion Heart... Of course, I was back to work again today and Mommy was on her own to get a thing or two done... These meaningless little errands we would normally run, either together or individually, were so thoughtless before. Now we're learning, as have every first time parent before us, those quick errands aren't so quick anymore... Getting you out of the house is an effort in and of itself when you're running solo... At least until it's more common.q Now-a-days you can stress yourself out thinking about all the things you need to get before leaving they house, buckling you in to your car seat - all of it... And today was Mommy's first attempt to do all of this with you and run out to the grocery store... Surprisingly, Mommy not only had an easy time of it, but she really enjoyed it!

But that was just the start of the day... Later in the afternoon, low and behold guess who showed up? Your Grandpa K9 and Me-Meow! And tomorrow your Aunt Mag and Uncle Mike will be here... We're just getting warmed up, Son! Gonna be a fun weekend of family... Grandma MeMeow and Grandpa K9, Aunt Mag and Uncle Mike... They're all gonna be passing you around like a football! Gonna be such fun...

Goodnight Conor. I love you, Boy'O...

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