Thursday, February 23, 2012

Conor the Crab

Day 72:

Growing pains, gas pains, and any other kind of infantile pains, something had you all stirred up today, Son. For the middle of the day, things seemed fine. Mommy had to run a couple errands with you this afternoon and one of those brought her out my way, so you both came by the Tysons Corner Galleria and we had lunch together. At this point, no fuss... Though before then and after then, you were raging, Boy'O! Neither Mommy or me got much sleep last night... As soon as one of our heads would hit the pillow, the other would have to get up to get you settled again. The late morning hours were okay, per what Mommy told me anyway, and through lunch you were a dream, but the late afternoon and evening saw an awful lot of fussing and crying out of you. The young Lion Heart, he roared... and roared... and roared!

It's just now near 11:00pm and you're finally settled in. Perhaps the day of expended energy screaming will see you get some much needed rest tonight - which subsequently would mean that Mommy and me will also get some much needed rest tonight! It's all we can hope for at this point, Son. But one can hope...

In other happenings, finding a child care provider for you is proving far more difficult than we anticipated, Boy'O. And really, it's not as much the expense (child care in the DC area is pricey to say the least) as much as it is the need to get it right. There are a ton of options, and people who've been there or who are there offer wonderful advice, but at the end of the day the decision is ours, and it's not an easy one to make... Anyhow, your Mother is on the case and she's nothing if not both persistent and thorough... We'll get it right, Son. I promise.

That's all for tonight, my Little Lion Heart. I love you, Boy.

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