Thursday, February 2, 2012

40 Weeks Today

Day 51:

Wow Conor... Gestationally speaking this is the day you were 'projected' to be born. Of course you chose to join us almost 8 weeks early. (Thanks for the 2011 tax break, by the way!) Despite your early arrival, stay in the NICU, and whatever other challenges came along with it, the Lion Heart has been as strong as strong could be. My Conor an Chroí Lion. You've overcome each and every challenge presented to you, and you've shown me so much it's incomprehensible. Hard to believe you've been here almost two months already!

To celebrate this no-longer-momentous occasion, me and Mommy decided to pack you full of food, load you into your car carrier, and head off to our favorite little Italian Restaurant. Not only were you sublimely good throughout the meal, but it turned into a true candle light dinner when, after our entrées were served, the whole of Fair Lakes lost power. Of course, this likely only helped you to sleep deeper while Mommy and me enjoyed the rest of our meal via the cheap little candles on the table. Little red wine, little pasta... It's the little things, Conor. You'll see.

Plenty of good times to come, Conor. I intend to bring you a great many places so you can show me a great many things. May as well get started at the local Italian bistro...

Buonanotte, Figlio. Io ti amo.

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