Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Lion Heart Becomes a Lion!

Day 71:

Mommy found the greatest hat for you, Son. A Lion for the Lion Heart! Once again I was stuck at work all day, but Mommy had a number of errands to run including heading to the Audi dealership to get a quick adjustment for her car and heading to the optometrist to get her eyes checked... And everywhere she went people would just stop and fawn over you! You're quite the celebrity, Son. And so handsome... And then to be dressed up in a hat that was tailor made for you? You achieved rockstar status!

Otherwise it was a pretty stock day, Son. Turns out you're a bit fussy today and Mommy's worried about your small hernia and maybe that's the reason for your being a bit cantankerous... We can only hope that's not the case. Your surgery was scheduled today also... April 2nd. Gotta get you fattened up before then!

I'm wiped out, Son. Gonna hit the rack.
Get your rest tonight, Conor. Tomorrow you have another big day of growing and being handsome! That's a lot of work!

Love you, Boy'O.

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