Sunday, February 12, 2012

Oh no, Son... Daddy got Sick...

Day 61:

Since 4:30am this morning I've been down for the count, Son. I got some kinda bug thats' resulted in a 101 degree fever, cold chills, a head-ache, and some other unmentionable side effects...

To be sure, I can take the illness. A little bug never beat me before and it's not going to beat me now; I'm the Father of the Lion-Heart after all! But in order to keep you well I've not been allowed within 20 feet of you all day. That's harder to take than any illness, I promise you...

So here I sit in bed, in the same place I've been for almost 20 hours, wishing so badly to see you but understanding the reason why I can't... It's a drag. So tonight's post is short, Boy'O. When you spend the entire day in bed recovering from an illness, I suppose there's not much to talk about. Still, I've made a commitment to you and I intend to keep it... I'm going to write to you every day for a year, no matter what. Bug or no bug.

I love you, Son. Stay healthy and I'll hold you as soon as I get well.

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