Friday, February 24, 2012

Conor the Lion Heart - Coming to Light

Day 73:

In my 39 years I've had the pleasure, nay the honor, of raising three dogs from puppies, Conor. Each one was a mere baby, no more than 8 weeks old, when I got them. Of my many wonderful experiences on this Earth, those were my fondest. Until you...

Many people could read this and not understand it. Those people can't comprehend how a dog and a child could be likened in the same context... Though I would argue that both are 100 percent dependent upon you. Both trust you implicitly because quite frankly, they don't have a choice... And both look to you for for everything, their personalities being shaped by your every move.

Again, we can start splitting hairs in terms of a human baby's personality vs. that of a dog, but at the end of the day, both have a personality. Both human and canine bring a different flavor of joy into the world of those who would love them. Both are an absolute gift to those who would let them in.

Day by day I see your personality starting to pop, and so it's our job to feed it positively and watch it grow... Each day you become more and more inquisitive. The moments you're awake you spend looking at everything and to be sure lights and sounds intrigue you. Certainly Son, I realize I'm not unlocking any great mystery here. I understand there are millions of parents who have seen something similar in their child or children... But I do recognize those small developmental traits. I know what those look like having had the honor of raising three fine dogs... And now I'm able to use at least part of those experiences in how we nourish your inquisitive and developing mind. Each day is a treat, Conor. My Conor the Lion Heart. And I can't wait for the next...

You're sleeping better these last few days and storing up energy for longer periods of time to stay awake. Everyone told me you would grow fast but I swear I'm actually watching you grow as I hold you in my hands seeing you take in each new discovery... Truly remarkable.

Without question, Conor, you're my greatest honor, my highest calling, and my truest duty, and each day with you is better than the last... Thanks, Boy'O.

I love you so much, Son. Always...

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