Saturday, June 30, 2012
The Aftermath and the Beginning
Day 199:
The freakish storms of June 2012 were something to behold, Son... Sudden, powerful, frightening, and unrelenting. The Northern Virginia area today was paralyzed in the aftermath of downed power lines, trees lying across roads, stop lights not working, and emergency crews spread so thin they were almost left unable to respond to incoming emergencies... And all this as the temperature was once again rising into triple digits. Yes Boy'O, two million NoVA residents were without power and no relief in site given the sudden impact of the storms...
In last night's post I'd mentioned the exploding table on the back deck as well as the tree falling across our car... Well, it seems we got off easy. Many, many more folks were far worse off, Conor... And after I'd had the opportunity to clean up the debris around our house first thing this morning with a power saw, a dustpan, some garbage cans, and a shop vac, it was off to see what we could salvage of Ziggy's Benefit.
Power was out at the Moose Lodge where we'd be hosting the event, and so when I arrived with all the raffle gifts and auction items at 11:00am, a sense of panic washed over me for the fact that the Lodge had no power which also meant no air-conditioning, no coolers working, no food, no band, no nothing... Leaving the rest of my crew to set out in search of ice, I scoured Northern Virginia, Son. Nothing... NOt only did I not find ice, I nary found and ICE CUBE! Big trouble now... Zig's benefit was on the verge of collapse and my blood pressure rose and rose as I made my way back ti the Lodge around 12:30pm...
Then, something awesome happened... I'd called Dominion Power when I was on my way and spoke with somebody on their help line... Being inundated with calls even 3 minutes of their time would be at a premium! The woman I spoke with was sympathetic to my cause, or maybe even somebody she rides with was also biker... Never the less, she told me she would "see what she could do" in terms of getting a crew to the specific area of Vienna I was talking about... Several hours later we had power! If it was truly her to help in getting the power on at the lodge, then I'd like to send my gratitude for her efforts... Because with the power back on, Boy'O, it was "game on"...
The rest of the event, despite it being a bit of a smaller turnout than I'd anticipated, turned out to be great, Son. At one point we had roughly 200 bikes in the parking lot... Folks were buying up all the 50/50 tickets, Lottery Raffles, and Silent Auction. The food was good. The Alpha Dog Blues Band was good. And the friends and family were fantastic...
You and Mommy showed up for about 90 minutes, but to be sure you didn't want to sit in that smelly old smokey lodge, and so it was decided you would stay outside. Though of course, that was so hot you were only good for so long! Still, you met about 100 Boozefighters today, Son. And they were all quite grateful to finally meet the Lion Heart.
All in all the event was a HUGE success! We raised money for Ziggy and, despite missing him, had a fair bit of fun... Damn the heat and the downed trees. We rally'd together for a cause - a great cause, and we ALL got it done, Son.... So proud of my friends, Conor.
As a result of the downed lines and power outages, the day finished with Uncle's Scotty and Bear, as well as Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Paul, Nathan, and Andrew all spending the night at our place. So of course, what do we do? Make a party of it! Though now everyone's in bed and here I sit... And I gotta tell you, as tired as I am, I'd be dammed if I was going to miss an entry in this blog after almost 200 days!
I love you, Conor.
Friday, June 29, 2012
And the Thunder Rolls...
Day 198:
What. A. Day.
Conor Boy, this was one for the record books. Aside from it being the hottest day ever recorded in the DC area for this day (06.29.12), it seemed things were just getting warmed up - pardon the pun. After an exceptionally slow day at the office I finally got out of there and was able to pick you up from daycare. The temperature gauge in my truck read '107', and it felt every bit of it.
By the time I'd gotten home, the air conditioning in my truck had finally leveled out to a comfortable 71 degrees in the cab, and you were sleeping like a baby boy should. Though as soon as I opened the door of the mighty Tahoe, the wave of heat woke you straight up and you didn't care for it one bit... Aside from a little shock though, and being awoken by what must have felt like being thrown into an oven, all seemed okay...
I got you in the house and immediately got you out of your clothes... It was 80+ degrees in the house! I couldn't wait to get out of my jeans after getting you stripped down, and so I hustled you upstairs to our bedroom where I have the or table air conditioning unit... Cranked that thing up to a cool 67 degrees, and there we both stood, beating the heat. The fussiness died down and we even managed to get in a little play time.
All the while, Mommy was out running errands and so as we're cooling down, I'm anticipating her getting home so I can get on the Harley and ride out to meet the guys at the Moose Lodge for a final walk through the night before Ziggy's benefit...
I've only ever ridden in heat like this once before, Son. It happened to be through the Southern California low desert and on into Arizona where the heat is oppressive and never ending. I've often explained that stretch of six hours on the bike as being akin to holding a hair dryer up to your face - for six hours straight! It felt much like that today, Boy'O, but the Lodge has cold beer and so I hammered down on the throttle down Vale Road to get to it...
The walkthrough went fine and there were no surprises there, though immediately after arriving I get a text from Mommy. '911' was all it said. Considering Mommy's never sent out a text of this nature before now, I knew it was important and so I called home. Seems whatever we're feeding you didn't agree with you... Either that or you simply got more food than you should have, because apparently, you threw up everywhere... In your chair, on your clothes, on Mommy... Everywhere! Now Son, you've spit up plenty of times before, but you'd never thrown up like that. Vomit was escaping through your mouth and nose, and blocking airways so that you couldn't breathe! This is what so upset your mother. She'd never envisioned sucking the obstruction from your mouth and nose, and yet, yhat's exactly what she did... Guess being a Mom can be some pretty tough stuff! When it was all said and done the color returned to your face, Mommy spoke to the pediatrician, and everything seemed to calm down.
After the meeting at the Moose Lodge ended I fired up the bike and headed home with your Uncle Doug and our friend Bryce. We had work to do at the house and Doug and Bryce were going to help me to get it done... Also on deck was Mommy, as she helped in putting all the silent auction items on bid sheets... And here's where things get particularly interesting...
About midways through the work, all four of us sitting around the dining room table and you sleeping soundly and comfortably in your bed, we heard a tremendous noise... This noise was so loud and so brutal, that we couldn't fathom what it was! Mommy shot toward the back deck, which is where the sound came from, only to find the entire outside table in a million little pieces... The umbrella was strewn across the deck with glass shards quite literally everywhere you looked! The wind was HOWLING like nothing I'd ever seen in my 24 years in Virginia, and it came seemingly out of nowhere!
I wrapped the umbrella up as quickly as I could and then yelled to Doug and Bryce to get their motorcycles into our garage. As soon as they made it out front, the giant old plum tree in our front yard split in half and fell across Mommy's new Audi! Thankfully the car seems largely undamaged, though it's going to take me some considerable time to remove it all tomorrow, and time is what I don't really have...
As we huddled in the garage watching the torrential rains come down, the power flickered off and on and left us all hoping for a good outcome... Please please PLEASE don't take the power tonight! "How and I gonna write Conor's Blog?!" I thought! And just like that - POOF! - it was gone... The storms came and went and the drama had ended...
That's a pretty wild day, Boy'O. Certainly uncommon around here! And you slept through it all... Like the Lion Heart you are...
Off to bed, Son. It's 1:00am and I have a TON of work to do tomorrow...
I love you, Boy'O...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Au NaturĂ¢l
Day 197:
The heat's back, Conor. And just in time for your Old Man to spend the weekend on an air cooled Harley Davidson machine that will essentially cook me if I sit in one spot more than 3 minutes. With temperatures reaching a "real feel" of 110 degrees tomorrow and Saturday, hydration will absolutely be the key.
Aside from talking about the weather, Son, let's talk about decisions... In this life you'll be marked by the decisions you make but more than that how the decisions you make effect those you love. Some decisions just make sense. Others, well, you wear them for a lifetime. Maybe more. Some decisions pave your road ahead. Others lay waste to it... You see what I'm getting at? Make wise decisions, Conor. Decisions you can live with the rest of your life. Short of that, you're just wasting opportunities.
To that end, your Mother made a few decisions today, Boy'O! She made the decision that she was going to feed you natural and organic foods... Not only that, but she's following recipes to provide you with a source of food that's long term by way of freezing fresh fruits and vegetables mashed up, individually and together. Tonight's menu called for a an avocado and banana salad with just a touch of formula... And I gotta tell you! It wasn't half bad!
Only trouble is, those foods are packed with stuff to give you energy! Lots and lots of energy! Took some time to wear you out and finally get you to sleep - a good hour past your bed time. But that was okay with me. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing than frolicking on the floor with my Son.
That's all for tonight, Boy'O! Tomorrow's gonna get HOT! We'll dress accordingly!
I love you, Conor...
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Times Like These
Day 196:
It's been a tumultuous Summer thus far, Conor. We've seen record setting temperatures (with more to come) in the East, blazing and uncontainable wild fires in the West, torrential and deadly rain storms in the South, and on top of it all, heartache. Heartache with the news of our friend Ziggy. Heartache in remembering our lost friend, Gretchen. Heartache in learning of ailing loved ones. Heartache.........
Either I'm not recalling a Summer so sour-fully eventful in my 39 years, or this one is just a bit different thus far. Either way, the Summer is early yet, July is only a few days away, and great adventures lie ahead, Boy'O. And for me, no matter how dour the news as it pertains to wacky weather patterns or unexpected and unwanted surprises, there's you. Always you.
I was in need of some time with the Lion Heart this evening, Son. I picked you up from daycare because Mommy was feeling unwell and already home to rest, and when we got home you were, predictably, hungry. As it's all but customary for your Mother to feed you in the morning and the evening, I insisted tonight. And it's in this rare moment when I'm reminded what's important, Conor. While sitting there in the quiet nursery, bottle in hand and you across my arm while pressed firmly against my chest, I felt a calming peace. My otherwise racing mind slowed to a crawl and I could only look on you, those chubby fingers grasping desperately at your bottle, your blue eyes batting and crossing while trying to gain focus, and I smiled...
When you'd finished the bottle we sat enjoying a moment together, Son. It was quiet, peaceful, and innocent. Pure innocence... I started to gaze off for a moment thinking about who knows what, when you broke the silence with a shrill squeak... When I looked down there you were, grinning ear to ear. If I'd never known happiness before that moment, or that's to say not remembered what it was like to be that blissfully happy, there you were, showing me the way.
The lessons I take away from you every day are all things that I've of course always known, but they get lost in the day to day, Son. They get swallowed up by traffic, by bad weather, by cars in untimely need of repair, by other people's ridiculous drama and discourse. But then a smile from a 6 month old baby boy, MY 6 month old baby boy, and I'm reminded that bliss is attainable. And all it took was a smile...
"It's times like these we learn to live again. It's times like these we learn to love again." --Dave Grohl
I love you, Conor. Thanks for showing me the way, Son.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
In Our Prayers...
Day 195:
I'm not a church going man, Conor. Never saw a whole lot of use in it. Certainly I understand the principal, the reason, and the purpose, but I believe in faith above all, Son. My faith. My faith in that there is a higher power. That our fates are preordained and that, if you believe in something greater than yourself, you've already won.
Of course every religion and every faction of every religion would have you believe their way is the "right" way. And when you attend a place of worship, this is what you subscribe to. The way it's done in that place. And I would never suggest it's wrong to do so, Conor. For many, a house of worship is a place where guidance is met with hope and love, and I would certainly never begrudge anybody those. Though for me, I believe the power of prayer radiates from your heart and through you mind. I simply believe that a prayer for your fellow man is as much for you as it is for them. It's an opportunity to search for something greater, to find whatever that may be, and to give it to someone more in need... And should you (or I) be the one in need, it never hurts to say a prayer for yourself! Though I find more power in praying for others... And when I pray, I do it whenever the thought occurs. I personally do not feel the need to structure it.
With all that in mind, I pray, Boy'O. A lot. I pray for my friends and family experiencing physical strife. I pray for my friends and family experiencing difficult decisions and heartache. I pray they all find their pain short lived and free of burden. I pray for these things because it's what's in my heart.
Several years ago I read something that struck me so hard I had it scribed as a tattoo on my right arm, albeit in Gaelic.
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and in rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in the spirit of brotherhood. "
Those two sentences actually make up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And I believe, if every person on Earth heeded those, there'd be no strife at all. But the reality is, that'll never be the case for Mankind. And so the World turns...
The point in any of this is, Conor, when you fall on troubled times prayer is a great place to start. More over, when you realize how strong you are, both in mind and in body, you'll realize that it's your prayers that lift up those in need... And in so doing, you lift yourself up, Son. It's truly the greatest act of selflessness. At least as far as I'm concerned.
It's the man I strive to be and it's the man I feel you'll be. A leader. A pillar of strength. A guiding light. A man strong in body, fierce in spirit, and tender in heart. It's all any of us should hope to be.
Tonight Conor, we're praying for our loved ones. Tonight we're praying for your Great Aunt Maggie - arguably your biggest fan, though she's got some serious competition from both her Sister (your Grandmother) and my Mom (your MomMom)... Tonight Son, we're praying for Ziggy and his family. Tonight Lion Heart, we're praying for those we love who are in need of our prayers. Because that's what we have to give, Son. And they're the greatest gift...
A bit deeper of a piece tonight, Son. Though when there are people in need of love and support, a little philosophy never hurts.
I love you, Conor. And I pray for you every night. You can count on it.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Gotta Eat Your Veggies!
Day 194:
As men go, Conor, I'm not the largest man, but I'm certainly not the smallest either... Though compared to most I'm a pretty sizable guy. Just about 6'3" and around 250 lbs (and I could stand to lose a few of those, by the way). Still, I didn't get to be this size eating beans and lentils, Conor. I like to eat, a LOT. Though I'm not a picky eater and so that has served me in feeding my desire to feed! Meaning, if it's food and it's presented to me, I'll likely eat it! Your Mom isn't a very finicky eater either, Conor. And with that in mind, we're really hoping you're not either... Cuz of this I'm certain, you're gonna be a big kid, Son.
The report from Ms. Zeny's today was good, Boy'O. Turns out you ate an entire serving of vegetables! This is certainly a first for you as neither Mommy or me have been able to get past more than about a half dozen spoonfuls. Impressive! This is news that makes the day, Son. Just another first.
So it would seem the routine has to change yet again and within the next few days we'll be getting up a little bit earlier and, rather than feeding you in the glider in your nursery, we'll be setting up shop at the table in the dining room and going for broke there... I've been waiting for this fun and messy time, Son! Should be a blast.
By the way, Mommy caught you stylin' today, Boy'O... Taking a page right out of the Zoolander school of male modeling... A little move we call "Blue Steel"! Hence tonight's picture...
Ya little showoff...
I love you, Handsome boy.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
The Daddy Monster
Day 193:
As much as anything about being a parent, the learning curve is the biggest adjustment. It's not the lack of sleep or changing diapers or the expense... No, it's quite literally the most intensive course of learning and understanding that any person can take on. And surely, learning the ins and outs of diaper changing and feeding schedules are important but it's learning the queues that make it interesting... And what I mean by queues is, what are YOU doing?! Are you happy and smiling? Rubbing your eyes? Reacting to a certain sound or movement? Are you cranky? Why are you cranky? What makes you laugh? Why do you cry? (Don't know that anybody figures that one out, Son. I don't care how good-a child psychologist they are or how many books they write, each kid is different. Period.)
Yes sir, it's not learning how to parent that's intense, it's learning the child you're parenting. It's quite the journey of course, and as I mentioned each kid is different and thus the approach will vary. Generally speaking, you're a pretty easy little dude, Conor. You primarily fuss when you're hungry or at worst, tired. Either way it's easy to adjust. But more than that, learning what makes you happy is my greatest pleasure in life.
Having the better part of the morning and early afternoon to spend with you, we did a lot of laughing today, you and I. I've learned my schtick with you, the ever fearful Daddy-Monster act, is now anticipated. And not only is it anticipated, it's expected! If you're in just-fed-and-ready-to-burn-energy mode, when you see my face you'll immediately scrunch up that nose, grin ear to ear, and fully expect I say to you "it's the DADDY-MONSTER!" and then charge in on your neck and ears, tickling you madly with my gruff old beard. It's easily the biggest highlight of my day, and surely one of yours as well...
Well, today you and me took Daddy-Monster to the next level, Boy'O. While having you laid out on the bed and hovering over top of you, I sat straight up and down from my knees, spread my arms wide as they would go, and before I could call out "DADDY-MONSTER!" you were already smiling, scrunched up, legs in the air, hands by your face, and laughing hysterically! I thought in that split moment, "I have to change it up!" and so I put my fists on the bed on either side of you and began rocking the bed back and forth! You CRACKED UP like nothing I've seen before! Squealing, giggling, laughing, and I could hardly contain myself... I started laughing hysterically as well! It was the first time we'd ever truly laughed together... And as if I hadn't ever lived a day in my life, I soared with excitement for the opportunity to, for the first time though certainly not the last, rough house with my Son. Soaring........
Later in the afternoon, after a number of chores and tons of play time, I fired up the Harley and headed out to see Ziggy. The news was definitely very good! What a difference a few days makes... Both me and your Uncle Doug were able to speak with Ziggy, laugh with Ziggy, hope with Ziggy... Just be there for him, and for the first time in weeks, he knew we were there! Now THAT'S progress! He's not exactly out of the woods yet, but he's talking, eating, joking... He's getting well and that's all we can hope for.
I love every part of you, Conor the Lion Heart. You're the coolest little guy there ever was.
Always and forever-
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friends in Low Places
Day 192:
You know Conor, what's absolutely true in life is that you'll always reap what you sew... As they say, "Karma is a bitch!"... But if you try, and I mean really try, to stay on the right side of wrong, this life will deal you a Royal Flush, Son. That's to say, you'll be unbeatable... Though get on the wrong side and you end up carrying a lifetime of whoa with you... Trust me, I know a few people you could talk to...
I've always prided myself on my open mindedness, my appreciation of people (in most situations), and my undying will to help people should only they ask. I believe this has served me well and kept me on that "right side" I speak of... In this vein I always try and remember something I read from C.S. Lewis some time ago, "Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody's looking." To be sure, I'm not that sanctimonious, Boy'O. I've made my mistakes. But in general that's as good a rule to follow as any you'll ever know.
With this in mind it's important for you to also know that I will never feel even an ounce of pity for the unjust, the liars, the thieves, and worse. I try like hell to stay on the good side of bad, Boy'O. If others don't, that's not my problem. And if they make it my problem, I'll solve the problem. But to be sure, Conor, if I accomplish only one thing worth being remembered for in this life Son, it'll be that you do the same. That you're just, good, and true. And not just some of the time - all of the time.
God forbid you ever have a close friend who end up seriously injured, or worse. Though logic and common sense tells us that undoubtedly you'll experience the grief associated with anything from helping a friend in dire need, to losing someone you love long before their time. It's perhaps the most unfortunate side of life... I'm talking about heartache, Son. And though it's what makes us human, it's also what makes us vulnerable. Still, the ability to feel that sorrow, that pain and that void, is also what drives us, Conor. As selfish as your fellow man can appear while muddling along in their day to day life, when tragedy befalls a friend, it's the community around him or her that help direct the ship. And though you may forget these lessons, or that's to say become complacent in remembering them, when something happens which requires our help, for example; a good friend being wiped out on his motorcycle by a negligent driver, you're quickly reminded about the core of humanity, Son. And what lies at the core is love.
Since Ziggy's gone down I've been doing all I could to respond with the same positive, upbeat spirit he carries himself. Though what I've found is, by simply putting forth the effort your fellow man will come to your side and hold you up. The response of the motorcycling community, both interpersonally and at large, has been awe inspiring. And with only one week to go before Zig's "Help a Brother Out" benefit, the people on the good side of bad, those who would do the right thing when nobody's looking, they've responded, Son. And they've responded BIG.
The title of the piece being, "Friends in Low Places" is in reference to the community of men and women who rally to a cause. It's in reference to the selfless few who'll do anything and everything they can to help a person they hardly know. Today I met with my friend, Jeff "Joker" Thompson as he's one of those who would rise to the occasion. And though he's not even going to be in town for Ziggy's event next Saturday, he's found a way to donate over a thousand dollars in cash and items to be raffled. And that's the kinda guy I'm talking about, Conor. A guy who, for the sake of simply lending a hand, will throw himself completely into an effort that he believes in... An effort to help his fellow man. And frankly, it's guys like Joker who restore my faith in mankind... If only to again be reminded later.
Be good, Conor. Be really good. If you manage to do that, believe me when I say, it'll come back to you in spades.
I love you, Lion Heart.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Keeping Cool, Growing Strong
Day 191:
Well Conor, today wasn't as hot in temperature as were the previous days, but it was twice as humid and when the air is this thick it makes it hard to breathe... Like walking outside and getting slapped in the face with a hot mop. That said, it may suck for me because I have such thick hair and a full beard, but for you? No sir... This is exactly the kind of weather that helps a growing boy like you. Turns out the humidity helps to keep your lungs clear and develop how well your body manages high temperatures at an early age.
You're breathing well, eating well, smiling often, getting big... I realize this is a recurring theme with you, the whole growth thing, but the purpose of this blog is to remember the details of this first year and what I can tell you is, you're quite literally growing larger each and every day, right before my very eyes.
While sitting with you in the chair today and leaving you up to your own devices in so far as sitting up, playing with a rattle, giggling, whatever, you're growing in size and independence and I can hardly believe the speed in which it's happening...
Anyhow Son, your Aunt Marti (who's 31 weeks pregnant herself) and Uncle Justin are here and enjoying a little Conor time, and so I'm gonna abbreviate this post. But know that you're in a house full of love, growing boy. My ever emerging Lion Heart.
I love you, Son.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Mercury Rising
Day 190:
As they say in the Low Country of South Carolina, Conor, "it dun got close today!" A Gullah reference to the heat of the Summer... The meaning behind the expression that the Sun actually got close to the Earth and thus hotter than usual...
Yes Boy'O, today was a scorcher! Heat index of 105!! That's a wee bit warm for us Irish blooded Americans; especially in June! Just a bit early for the Dog Days of Summer to be upon us... Especially considering The "Dog Days of Summer" being an age old reference to the latter half of the season, specifically late July and all of August. In the modern era it's referred to this for two reasons...
1st - Canis Major is the constellation containing the brightest star in the sky, Sirius. The Sirius star also happens to be considered the nose of Orion the Hunter's lead dog. Of course, 'Canis' is a word from latin to what we today know as 'Canine', or as it's more commonly known, 'Dog'. Hence, the Dog Days of Summer. What's more, we also know the origin of your name, Conor, as meaning "Lover of Hounds"... The Gaelic 'Conor' clearly being taken from the Greek 'Canis'.
See how that all came around, Boy'O?
2nd - Modern day America adopted the term as an exception to an otherwise long standing rule... "No dogs allowed!" is what you would normally hear if you ever tried to bring your furry pal to the old ball game! I'm talking about baseball, of course! Though stadiums began to make exceptions during the hottest Summer days in the hopes of raising attendance at the ball park during the great depression of the 1930s. This privilege is far less extended now-a-days, Conor. Though to be sure, it would be a really great time to head off to the old ball game with you and the mutts in tow...
Tangent, but since I mentioned it I thought maybe I should explain the origin. Never the less, it got HOT today, Son. Hot for Northern Virginia, hot for June, and even if it were the Dog Days of Summer, today's temperatures would STILL be HOT! To keep you cool Mommy and me stripped you down to nothing but a diaper and the relief you experienced was all over your face!
Yes, Boy'O, you went NUTS! Squealing and kicking and laughing and smiling... Just good, good fun to see you feel that sense of relief and that reaction... I'd never seen anything quite like it before. Mommy either. Yet another first in a long list of many...
Tomorrow a few Summer 'thunder bumpers' are all set to roll through here and take the temps down a few notches... And just in time for the weekend. Though it'll still be warm enough to get you into the pool, Son. And if I do anything this weekend, that'll be it.
Stay cool, Lion Heart. For tomorrow holds yet another first... I'm sure of it.
I love you, Son.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Chubba Bubba!
Day 189:
Wow Conor! Getting down onto the floor with you this evening and working with you on some of the tummy-time drills struck me with a big surprise; your belly is now so big, that you can rock back and forth on it! Considering only 6 months ago you weren't four pounds and now you're pushing fifteen, it's truly remarkable to see how much you grow EVERY DAY!
In fact, while observing this I just had to prop you up in a chair to watch your development in front of my eyes. That belly actually works as a support system! It was working close to holding your head up! It's true, Son. You're growing strong, getting big, and laughing often, and it's just so much fun to watch...
Today is officially the first day of Summer, meaning it's the longest day of the year at the peak of the Summer Solstice. Not only that, this year the longest day of the year also happens to coincide with the hottest day of the year with heat indexes of 105 degrees! You know what I like to do when it's 105 degrees outside? The same thing that YOU like to do; take my shirt off! There we were Son; a pair of big ole' Yerkes bellies out there in the open for the ceiling fans to cool... I've never been more proud of this embarrassing gut then to compare it to yours! Though maybe I'll work on losing mine when you start to lose yours as you grow taller and not wider...
That belly is one to behold... Each and ever centimeter of that belly has been earned, Boy'O, and I'm as proud of it as I am of you! Just maybe not so proud of my own...
I love you, Lion Heart.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Beefing Up
Day 188:
Well Boy'O, seems the Lion Heart is ready for the Lion's share... In fact, it would appear that 6 ounce bottles ever 3 hours (during the day) isn't quite enough! After each feeding you appear to be ready for more, and each bottle is being attacked like a hungry Lion on an Impala in the great Serengeti! You're putting it AWAY these days, Son. What's more, we've begun adding a tablespoon or so of rice cereal to the bottles... This both thickens up the food as well as adds much needed calories for a growing boy.
Hopefully the food being thickened up will also provide you a sense of texture to your eating, thus enabling you to better receive some of the solid foods Mommy and me have been pushing on you. Time will tell I suppose. But one thing's for sure, you're growing like a weed, Boy'O! Each day a little bigger... A little stronger.
These days it seems all you want to do is sit up and grab a hold of your small toys and rattles; which is fine by me because I've been waiting for these little interactions for what seems like EVER! And in fact, just this morning one of your caregivers, Mines, showed me a picture of you sitting at the table with all the other kids just patiently awaiting your bottle! I almost hit the floor with surprise, Boy'O! So proud of you!!!
That's it for tonight, Son.
I love you so very much, growing Boy...
Monday, June 18, 2012
Fussy Boy
Day 187:
Not a lot to report today, Boy'O. The morning started out well enough and you seemed to have a good day at daycare, though once home you were borderline inconsolable. With everything happening with Ziggy I had the guys over to the house to discuss the upcoming benefit and so of course they wanted to see you! But you wanted NONE of it...
After Mommy took you upstairs and got you all settled in the night seemed to level out a bit. All anybody's concerned about as it pertains to you right now is your eating, and we anticipate that will come along as well - in so far as your eating solid foods that is. You've still got quite the appetite for the bottle, Son.
Not much more to say, Conor. Just, sleep well, Son. I'll see you in the morning.
I love you.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
A Day for Dads
Day 186:
Well Son, today was a very special day indeed. For me it's one I've been waiting for an awfully long time, and in fact, that thought occurred to me today, Son. The thought that, being 39 years old and at one time wondering if I'd ever be a Dad, every single thing in my life has brought me to this point and it's truly my great honor to be your Dad. Father to a Son. Dad of the Lion Heart. Father to you...
Yes Boy'O, it's easy to say it's all worth it.
This being my first Father's Day, Mommy decided to treat me to brunch at a restaurant in my favorite town in Virginia, the Town of Clifton. Clifton is where I grew up and so I love to go back there and drive those old roads, relive old memories... The restaurant is called "Trummers on Main" and it's as nice a restaurant as any in Northern Virginia. The weather today was a perfect as anything you could ask for with temperatures in the mid 70's, sunny skies, a light breeze. Perfect.
When we walked into Trummers, me carrying you in your carseat and struggling to fit through a door, the moment I set foot in the restaurant, a hostess said to me "Happy Father's Day!"... I kinda paused... It would be the first greeting of this kind I'd ever gotten from a total stranger and the exuberance in my response was telling. In fact, were I a source of light I might have blinded everyone in the room... Of course, you and Mommy had already both wished me a very Happy Father's Day and in fact, my gift from you, a customized coffee mug, was as cool a gift as anything I've ever gotten! But hearing it from a complete stranger was as prideful a moment as any I've ever had. Father to a Son. Dad of the Lion Heart. Father to you...
The brunch was very good. We all sat at a nice outdoor table and, in typical Conor fashion, you were as good as gold, Son. A quick bottle, a nice long nap, and a peaceful easy meal. An excellent Father's Day indeed.
Upon returning home it was decided to get you all suited up and head to the pool in your brand new Jeep stroller! That's right, Son. Mommy and me got you a three wheeled off-road stroller WITH a stereo, because, well, why wouldn't we?! You did very well in the cool water enjoying a good 15 minutes before being done with it and ready to rock out in your new Jeep (stroller). The rest of the afternoon was spent taking it easy on an outdoor lounge chair... Reading a book, playing a game, playing with you. A very special day indeed.
In all, you were absolutely perfect all day today, Conor. No fussing, no crying, nothin'... Just a happy baby boy celebrating his Father's Day with a very happy man. Happy for having you in my life, Son. And ever proud to be your Father.
I love you more than you could ever possibly know, Conor.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Trying New Things
Day 185:
The Lion Heart is ever growing and, despite only wanting what seems to be the easiest thing, in this case a full warm bottle, it's time to start breaking into a bit more in the way of solid foods. That in mind, and recognizing thus far you've not really been all to inclined to get down with anything beyond the bottle, we're trying bananas, pears, sweet potatoes, and rice and oatmeal cereals. Day by day you're taking a bit more, and you really seemed to enjoy the bananas. This was somewhat of a surprise to me as banana was basically the only thing I wouldn't eat when I was an infant, Boy'O. Your Mom-Mom said my reaction to banana baby food was akin to being completely surprised by some arbitrary piece of information while have a long sip of a drink... Meaning, I spit it out all over the place and left my jaw agape as if to signify that baby food bananas were quite simply the nastiest thing that would ever be put in my mouth.
I still don't touch the things to this day, and I'm hardly a picky eater, Conor. I'm pretty much open to all fruits and vegetables! There's just something about bananas...
I digress.
In other news we went to check out our friend, Ziggy. He's healing up after 12 hours of surgery though he's still in a bad way, Conor. And what's worse than the injuries themselves is being stuck in a bed 24 hours a day. In fact, I can't think of anything worse... It's incredibly hard for a guy like Zig - two little ones at home and in the prime of his life. Anyhow, they got his wrists put back together and he's moving closer and closer to full health, Son. That's all we can ask for...
I love you, Son.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Day 184:
As yesterday was your 6 month anniversary of joining us in this mortal coil, it was also time to get a few more shots as well as to gauge your height, weight, and head circumference against your peers... The results are in and you're kicking tail and taking names!! The Lion Heart will not be denied...
Officially you're 25" long and 14.4 lbs with a 17" melon... Though unofficially, you're larger than life! But that's another story all together...
Yes Conor, you're in the 4th percentile on the growth chart for weight, 7th percentile on the growth chart for length, and 33rd percentile on the growth chart for head size. As the Doc explained to us, your social maturity is that of a kid out of the womb for 6 months, but your physiology is that of a 4 month old. So if we were to "correct" your age, per how you've charted against your peers (i.e. were you actually born in February and not December) your head would be in the 90th percentile and the rest of the Lion Heart would be right down the middle - between 40th and 60th percentile.
Net / Net, the Doc who saw you today, Dr. Howell, was quite pleased with your progress; demeanor, behavior, muscle structure, weight, etc. We're moving you on to a different formula and have been instructed to continue working on getting you to eat solids; rice cereal / oatmeal mixed with fruit or vegetables; even if you're not having ANY of it!
Yes Boy'O... You are on the path. And what an adventure it'll be.
I love you, Son.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
6 Months Old
Day 183:
There are milestones, and then there are MILESTONES, Son. Six months... Wow! Really? Unbelievable... Where does the time go? I've mentioned on a few occasions that this blog has become a calling for me. Each and every day, it's something I think about. I think about what to write. I think about what it all means. I think about my elation in providing such a fun memoir of the days and weeks and months watching you grow... But more than what I have to say (because who wants to read their own words?), I LOVE going back through this thing and looking at all the pictures. On average I do it once a week, though often more.
Today was one of those days where a retrospective look was what was needed, and so I started at the beginning... My my my...........
It's so easy to become transfixed in scrolling through 183 days worth of posts, but more than that, pictures... And each day you change just a little bit more. Today you're 6 months old - a milestone indeed. And to see how far you've come, my little 3 lb. 11 oz. baby boy... Now at LEAST three times that size and thriving thriving thriving. It's all I can do to stay humble. For I'd just assume scream to the World that you are the best child this planet's ever seen...
Just keeps getting better, Boy'O.
In other news, turns out there are a lot of really wonderful people in the World, Boy'O. As I've discussed at length, Ziggy's been working through a long and hard recovery that truly, hasn't even begun yet. Until today that is... Seems the local HOG (Harley Owners Group) group raised over $4,700.oo for Ziggy IN A NIGHT! One guy stroked a check for $1,000! Caring a generosity the likes of which I've never seen... Remarkable to say the least...
I went to se our friend at the hospital and for the 1st time in more than 10 days he was able to talk! Not that old Zig was making much sense... They have him so doped up to manage the pain he was basically talking gibberish and in and out of lucidity... However, in the moments he was aware, he was typical Zig... Thinking with his belly and cracking jokes.
The docs were taking him back for surgery on his leg and both wrists this afternoon, Boy'O... So we have to keep Zig in our prayers ever more and wish him a speedy recovery. The sooner he's home, the better.
What a ride, Conor. What a ride.
I love you, Son.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Finally, Some Good News...
Day 182:
The most excellent news we've gotten in a while, Conor! Seems several of the guys went to see Zig tonight - specifically Jimmy 'O, Big Chris, and Superfly... The news was VERY good indeed! Turns out that Ziggy was awake, aware, a little pissed off, and hungry? At one point he even asked Jimmy'O for a bag of chips and a soda! It wouldn't be long 'til he'd just had enough though... Staying awake and lucid is expendig as much energy for Ziggy as anything else, so before long Ziggy requested the guys leave him to get some Z's...
The word is, Doctors are going to operate on his left arm tomorrow and, depending on how well that works out, they're going to then do the right arm. Though otherwise Ziggy's temperature and bloodpressure are under control, and his pain is being managed.
The body is a remarkable thing, Conor. For people big and small, young and old, it's ability to heal, repair, and regenerate is quite awesome. On the one hand I'm watching you, day by day, grow and stretch out. On the other I'm tracking the progress of a close friend who near lost his life not two weeks ago, and today he's asking for junk food.
Now, it's not all sunshine and unicorns, Son. Ziggy still has a very long road until he's completely recovered... And even then he'll never be like he was. But he's alive and his body's doing everything it can to put itself back together... It's sad to see your friend in such a way, but it's also inspiring if you look at it in the right light...
Six months old tomorrow, Son! 6 MONTHS!
I love you, Son...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
My Patient Boy
Day 181:
People always say to me to cherish each of these days with you, Son, because soon I'll look back and they'll have flown by. And no doubt that's a true sentiment. I can't believe I'm pushing 40! Feels like just yesterday when I was skateboarding and eating what I wanted guilt free! I woke up and BOOM, 39 years old!
I wouldn't trade any of it for the world, but it is true - time does fly. Still, in going back and looking at pictures from day one right up to now, and watching you grow before my very eyes, I know that this blog is as wonderful a thing as I could ever be addicted to. Because while it's true that time flies and that these years will go buzzing by, starting from the beginning and working up to present day tells a story of reminders that is almost more than you can remember freely! I mean, where do I make room in my brain?
It's so much fun to think that 2 short months ago you wouldn't even sleep through the night. Now, more often than not, we have to wake you up! But on those days when you wake up on your own, days like today, you're so patient in awaiting your release from the swaddle cloth... Eyes open, talking to yourself, no fussing, just waiting for someone to rescue you. And when I walked into that room and your eyes focussed on mine, you smiled a smile that stopped me cold. Your recognizing me and Mommy and smiling at us in a way only the Lion Heart can is the most wonderful thing I've ever known. And wonderful you are, Son.
Loving every minute with you, Conor. Every one...
I love you,
People always say to me to cherish each of these days with you, Son, because soon I'll look back and they'll have flown by. And no doubt that's a true sentiment. I can't believe I'm pushing 40! Feels like just yesterday when I was skateboarding and eating what I wanted guilt free! I woke up and BOOM, 39 years old!
I wouldn't trade any of it for the world, but it is true - time does fly. Still, in going back and looking at pictures from day one right up to now, and watching you grow before my very eyes, I know that this blog is as wonderful a thing as I could ever be addicted to. Because while it's true that time flies and that these years will go buzzing by, starting from the beginning and working up to present day tells a story of reminders that is almost more than you can remember freely! I mean, where do I make room in my brain?
It's so much fun to think that 2 short months ago you wouldn't even sleep through the night. Now, more often than not, we have to wake you up! But on those days when you wake up on your own, days like today, you're so patient in awaiting your release from the swaddle cloth... Eyes open, talking to yourself, no fussing, just waiting for someone to rescue you. And when I walked into that room and your eyes focussed on mine, you smiled a smile that stopped me cold. Your recognizing me and Mommy and smiling at us in a way only the Lion Heart can is the most wonderful thing I've ever known. And wonderful you are, Son.
Loving every minute with you, Conor. Every one...
I love you,
Monday, June 11, 2012
No Playing with your Food
Day 180:
Conventional wisdom, books on child rearing, advice from our own parents, advice from friends, and advice from strangers tells us you should be all but ready to start chowing down on something other than a warm bottle, Conor... Though each time your Mom throws something together (hard, laborious work, Boy'O - rice cereal mixed with a splash of puree'd pears), you take the first bite or two and then, toxic meltdown!
Seems you're not ready for solids just yet, Conor, but we're getting there! You're 6 months old from the date of your birth in 2 days. On the one hand, social ability and awareness have you at or above those of your peer group! On the other hand, you're still gestation ally only 4 months old, and so the physiology of body hasn't perhaps caught up with the development of your mind - a common trait in preemie kids.
Never the less, you're nothing short of impressive, Conor. You're chatting up a storm these days, seemingly always involved in the conversation... With me and your Mom as parents, I'm afraid that whole "children should be seen but not heard" thing may be a bit tricky, bit I'll work on it!
Otherwise, not a lot to report, Son. Just another day in paradise, as they say.
I love you, Conor.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
A Sweet Return
Day 179:
Today's run back from Nebo, NC was a HOT one, Boy'O. Yesterday a few of the guys had bike trouble and so that took us off our route and added about three hours to an already long motorcycle trip. Today we shaved the three hours, but did it in temperatures that were about 10 degrees warmer! It felt like riding on the surface of the Sun today, Conor!
Though after an otherwise uneventful ride, I walked in the door to a smiling baby boy who was as chatty as any 6 month old could be... In desperate need of a shower, Mommy brought you up stairs and waited for me to clean up, then she went out to run errands and I took a nap, as did you, whilst you lay in the crux of my arm. That's as good as a homecoming gets, Conor.
You were such a hit at the party, Son. About 50 bikers, each one of them salt of the Earth, and all wanting hear about you, talk about Ziggy, share pictures and anecdotes... We're truly blessed to know such good people, Son. Truly.
As you might imagine, after two days of hard riding and a night of good times with the guys, I'm done in, Son. Off to bed with me... But tomorrow is yet another day with you in my life - in all our lives, and we're all a bit better for it. Though especially me...
I love you, Lion Heart. Always.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
A Long Strange Trip
Day 178:
Wow, Son, what a ride... What should have taken 6 hours took 12, due to finicky motorcycles not behaving as they should. The good news in that is though, Boy'O, it really does give you a chance to think... And my mind is surprisingly clear at 80mph. So what do I think about? YOU!
Short post tonight, but I'm keeping my word to you, Son. This blog gets updated every day, no matter what. But now, I need to eat! I'm starving! And friends are waiting on me... Friends who want to hear about you!
More tomorrow, Son. I love you...
Friday, June 8, 2012
It's Your World, Son...
Day 177:
I'm headed out on my first big motorcycle ride of the Summer tomorrow morning, Conor. If all goes well I'll be writing your next blog post from Nebo, NC; about 500 miles from here. Considering the last week, I really think a good long ride to get lost in some tunes and the open highway will do me some good. Though without question I'll miss you. Then, I miss you each and every minute I'm not with you...
It's your World, Boy'O. Either I'm the most delusional, self absorbed, prideful parent on the planet, or you really are an absolute heart throb. I recognize that people gush over babies all the time, but there's something different with you. It seems people notice you and at a glance they think you're cute, then you bat those ridiculously blue eyes at them and flash 'em that crooked smile of yours, and BAM! They're GUSHING over you like it you were the first baby they'd ever seen!
No kidding, Son... I'm proud of my grounded World view. I take most things at face value including most things when they come to you. But people legitimately REACT to you. It's remarkable! You keep this up, Son, while making sure your brains match your good looks and demeanor, and let me tell you, there's nothing in this World you won't have.
I'm tired Boy, and have a long hard ride tomorrow. Time to retire. Wish me well on my voyage and know that I love you, so very very much.
I love you, Conor.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
In Need of Reprieve
Day 176:
Conor, this blog is written for you though it be read by many. I'm all to happy to write it and can't wait to one day go through it all with you. The idea of reliving the day to day events of an entire year is somewhat interesting to me... It's like a time machine, Son! Though at the end of the day it's really simply a blog about the every day happenings with you, me, your Mom, family, and of course, friends...
Today's post is one that is more reflective of me than you, Son. Though I can easily tie this all back to your beautiful blue eyes and bounding smile... Yes Boy'O, I believe the weight of the last 6 months caught up with me today and I had a kind of still moment with myself... That's to say, I feel like I've spent an inordinate amount of time hospitals, Doctor's offices, meetings with specialists, etc. Before you were born Mommy and me spent an awful lot of time between her usual Doctor and a wonderful specialist by the name of Dr Rodney McClaren. Then, once you were born well, you know that story. And please Conor, don't take this is me whining... Not at all the case. I'd do every single bit of it 100 times over for you. More even. But then I've had problems with my knee, some internal problems, extensive blood work for testing I needed done... Just a lot.
Now here we are on day five with our good friend, Ziggy, laid up in the ICU at Fairfax Hospital. I went today at lunch to see Ziggy, knowing full well he can't hear me, can't see me, and would never remember my being there... But I think it's important none the less... I think it's important to keep Ziggy's spirit company. To let him know we're in his corner. To urge him to keep on fighting. To let him know we love him, Boy'O. Seems I was the first person today to come and spend time with him, and so the nurses were happy to tell me of his progress. Lungs clearing, blood pressure leveling out, breathing less labored... She told me it would finally be time for surgery, Son. The doctors want to repair his pelvis and get to work on the rest of him...
As I walked out of the ICU I felt this intense pain in my stomach and in my heart. I never slowed, I just kept walking, and when I found myself outside the ICU ward I caught myself taking a deep breath. I simply needed to breathe.
These last months, almost year at this point, has worn on me in so far as how much time I've spent in and around hospitals, doctors, and nurses... And what's really weird is, I've never given this much thought before. I've ever been one to worry about going to see the doctor or getting a shot or hearing something that perhaps I didn't want to hear as it pertains to some reading having to do with my cholesterol reading in my blood... No Son, those things have never bothered me... But today was different. Today it felt like it all caught up with me at once, and it left me barely able to breathe for a moment.
Later in the evening I received word from a friend that Ziggy's surgery was simply scratching the surface of the damage to be repaired and that much, much more work needs to be done. I suppose for Ziggy's sake I was hoping for better news... Just heavy is all...
The one big blessing of the day was you, Son. It's always you. Mommy got stuck in traffic and so she asked that I swing by and pick you up which of course, I'm all to happy to do. By the time I'd arrived at Ms Zeny's you were all set and in your car seat, and that big huge Conor the Lion Heart smile you flashed at me, if only for a moment, took it all away, Son. As only you can...
Thanks for that, Conor. I love you, Son.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
On Par...
Day 175:
A few days ago I'd discussed your visit to the Developmental Specialist, Dr. Chris. To be sure you don't "need" this attention. Rather, it's a precautionary consultation to see to it that you're on par with your peers born on or around the same time as you. And I'd mentioned your stellar performance in so far as socialization, hand eye coordination, focus, how happy you are... I mean really great marks across the board. Though the one thing we were told to work on was your "tummy time" - er, that's to say, how much time you spend on your belly. The idea being to develop your neck muscles and chest muscles and get you sitting up sooner.
Well, the fact we were told to work at something would only mean one thing - WORK! And, true to form you've not disappointed... Not even a little bit! Seems all the work to do with you on your belly is being taken right in stride along with all the other trivial tasks you've endured in your just-shy of 6 months on this rock. You're simply determined to get into crawling shape! You've taken to your "exercises" like a fish to water and I've every confidence that you'll be right on par with your peer group in that arena in no time as well.
As for other news, well, there's nothing else to report as it pertains to you, Boy'O. Another day at school and another day to learn and grow. As for our friend Ziggy? His blood pressure is FINALLY leveling out, Boy'O! Just one small step toward a long recovery, but maybe the most important one. His temperature is coming down, the treatments to his lungs are taking hold, and before long Ziggy will be back in action. But we'll keep praying anyway, Son.
I love you, Conor. You're the coolest little dude I know...
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Humanity Will Surprise You if You Let It
Day 174:
You know Conor, one of the great misfortunes in growing older is that fewer and fewer things really surprise you. As you grow up, Son, your eyes will be opened to so many wonderful things and so many dasterdly things that you won't be able to help being surprised and just how auspicious and cruel the world can be... But now and again your faith in your fellow man is restored.
Unfortunately however, humanity often only smiles upon the unlucky... Take into account our friend, Ziggy. Here he lies in a hospital bed, fighting for his very life. He's now not only battling this injuries, but those wounds have caused reactive events to take place within the body. Things such as pneumonia like symptoms due to his lungs filling up with blood. A temperature of 102. Unstable blood pressure... The list goes on.
The Doctors know just what to do, and modern medicine is remarkable, though the body still requires time above all else to right itself. In Ziggy's case the internal injuries are so severe that the external and skeletal body will just have to wait until the internal stuff begins to correct itself. With all this in mind, as well as what I just mentioned about humanity smiling upon the unlucky, consider this...
In my 39 years I've never seen a group of people rally in support of a man who quite simply, needs our help. Help is pouring in from close friends, acquaintances, and people Ziggy's never met - not a day in his life. Humanity, Boy'O.
In an effort to raise money for Ziggy and his family, me and my friends are getting creative in coming up with ways to generate cash. Last night I put a "Donate" button on our website. Inside of 24 hours it'd already received $150.00. As well, when my work day was winding down I received a phone call from the Superintendent of the Vienna, Virginia Moose Lodge. Carl was his name. Seems Carl heard through a friend of Ziggy's brother in law about his accident. Knowing another member of my motorcycle club, he placed a call to see if he could help. That friend, Pig Pen we call him, told Carl to call me. By the time he'd reached me he was anxious to not only offer help, but to offer the Moose Lodge building to host our Benefit for Ziggy. Not only that, he told me that he'd already secured the date and told us that if we want it, it's ours. I can't begin to tell you how amazing this is, Son. This building is gigantic! It's got a stage, a kitchen, a bar, plenty of room outdoors, and they're offering it to us FOR FREE!
And that's what I mean, Boy'O. This is a man whom I've never met, nor Ziggy. Yet, he's calling me to make such a generous offer, and all because he wants to help - no other reason. But wait, it doesn't stop there! My motorcycle club is having 200 mens' tee-shirts made and 50 women's' tee shirts made... Again, a gentlemen whom many of us have either never met or only met once, in the name of his recently deceased father, is DONATING all of those tee-shirts for this cause! Every single penny we make on the shirts goes straight to Zig and his family! We don't have ANY cost to incur!
Amazing, Conor. It's truly remarkable to see people rally together for a common cause in helping a fellow man and his family... And let this be a lesson, Son. Because that's exactly the kind of man I'll be raising... You can count on that.
That's all for tonight, Son. Sleep well, Boy'O. I love you.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Ahead of the Curve
Day 173:
Wow Conor... It's been a whirlwind few days, Son. While the weekend was beautiful in so far as the weather, it was devastating when taking into account how close we came to losing such a good friend as a result of another person's negligence. I'm pleased to report Ziggy's doing better in the sense that they were able to stop the internal bleeding, and so his injuries, while less life threatening, are still severe. The Doctors are planning to perform a surgery on his pelvis tomorrow and try to reattach it in the several areas it's been broken. The wrists and his ankle will just have to wait. Though as I said, Conor... Our friend is on the mend, and that's all we can ask for at this point.
The overwhelming support the Zieglers' have received has been nothing short of spectacular, including a visit today from the Lion Heart. That's right, Boy'O, me, you, and Mommy all went to the hospital today to see Mr. Ziggy and provide our prayers... This just after your appointment with the Developmental Specialist, Dr. Chris Wallin.
Completely on the other end of the spectrum - while we're hoping and praying for a speedy recovery in putting Ziggy all back together again, there's you. Not quite 6 months on this Earth, healthy as any baby boy ever could be, and growing and thriving to beat the band.
Dr. Wallin ("Chris" as we call her) was truly impressed in your progress! You're scoring very high marks in terms of your socialization, temperament, growth, attentiveness, ability to task, hand / eye coordination... You name it! Though apparently we've dropped the ball in terms of how much time you spend on your tummy... Seems you're supposed to be at a point of fully supporting yourself at this point and even rolling over if need be. That's on us, though we're working on it!
Otherwise, you're quite the little dude, Conor. Truly impressive and getting stronger every day. Impressing the Doctors, impressing your friends, and most of all, impressing your parents.
I love you, Lion Heart. You're as remarkable as it gets, Son.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
A Day of Needed Rest for the Lion Heart
Day 172:
Yesterday was a long day for all of us, Son... Though especially for you. With all the action outside and being around friends who would pass you around like a hot potato, you really didn't get a whole lot of sleep. That, coupled with you and Mommy getting home so late, certainly put a kink in your schedule...
Today though, it's a wonderfully warm and breezy day. Sunny, airy, and comfortable... All the windows in the house are wide open and everyone save for me is taking a much needed nap. Though as I said, not me, Son. No rest for the weary on this day.
I'd mentioned all that happened to Ziggy yesterday and the condition he was in at the hospital, well today has been a steady stream of information for me to update, pass along, create emails, etc. It's remarkable how well people can rally to a friend in need, Son. Ad that's exactly what me and the boys intend to do for our good friend, Ziggy.
I'm off to see Ziggy at the hospital now, Son. Though I'll let him know you're praying for him. Every little bit helps, though especially from the Lion Heart.
I love you, Boy'O.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
A Great Day and A Bad Night
Day 171:
It was a fine day today, Conor. Starting with your morning swim, which, by the way, you were magnificent in. It's really pretty impressive to see you kicking your strong little legs and splashing those big mitts of yours, Boy'O. Absolutely instinctive when it comes to you and the water... After your swim and a bit of breakfast, we all went to meet a whole gang of friends at a new winery owned and operated by some of Mommy's old friends from school...
The weather was picture perfect, Conor. 75 degrees, sunny, with a light breeze... Good wine, and tons of friends! At one point there was maybe 20 people, all friends of the Lion Heart, hanging out and enjoying the day... As the day wore down and our friends began to head on home we made plans with Uncle Justin and Aunt Marty to meet them out for dinner at Ciros in Louden County, and shortly after arriving, I got some scary news, Son...
My good friend Chris "Ziggy" Ziggler was riding his motorcycle home from work just as he does every day, though on this day something terrible happened. A woman, clearly not paying attention to the road ahead, made an abrupt left turn directly in front of our friend, Son. He never had a chance to hit the brakes on his bike and as a result went straight into the side of her car... Bikers call this getting "Left Turned"...
When I got the call from another friend, Nick "Pickles" Suszczewicz, I left you and Mommy at the restaurant with Uncle Justin and Aunt Marty and quickly made my way home to get changed and get to the hospital. In the moment I walked into the house I thought it only appropriate that I support my friend and his family by showing up to the hospital on my own motorcycle, and so I fired up Willamena and away I went...
It's a terrible situation, Son. One that nobody should endure. The damage and trauma Ziggy suffered / is suffering is extensive and as it stands my dear friend remains in intensive care. With compound fractures to both wrists, a severely broken pelvic bone, two broken legs, a broken ankle, several broken ribs and a punctured lung, Ziggy has lost a lot of blood, Boy'O. What's more, the injuries are causing his blood pressure to be to low to operate right away, and so in order to stabilize him they had to put him on a breathing tube and a ventilator and keep him sedated. After almost 5 hours in the hospital and with little to no change, I decided to come home to get some rest, write your blog post, and say a prayer.
When I left the hospital Ziggy was on his eighth unit of blood and still not responding to the hemoglobin treatments in an effort to stop the bleeding... Ziggy would be surrounded by family however, and have vowed to reach out to us should anything change...
I don't like writing this blogpost, Son. However, the idea of this blog is to talk through the happenings of every day life and on occasion, tragedy befalls us all... Let's say a prayer for our friend, Son. Let's take stock in the beauty that this life holds and help me to send a bit of the Lion Heart's fighting spirit to our friend. He needs our help right now, Son. And if anybody can give Ziggy the strength he needs to survive this ordeal, it's you...
I love you so much, Conor.
Friday, June 1, 2012
The Storms of Summer
Day 170:
What started out as an uneventful day turned into quite the spectacle this evening, Conor. The first big summer storms of 2012 came rolling through Virginia this evening, Boy'O. And just in time for rush hour... Leaving the office a bit early to try and beat the coming rain and otherwise predictable gridlock traffic as a result of the tempests, I had clear sailing until I was just about 3 miles from home... And then it happened.
A torrent of storms came blowing in... Lightning cracked the sky and thunder shook my truck with the veracity of a freight train, Boy'O. The rain came in so hard and so fast that it fell from the sky sideways, and with drops as big as marbles. The dark gray-green sky gave way to almost total darkness and in minutes the road was turned into a babbling stream... Sound dramatic? Imagine sitting in gridlock traffic, no where to go, with piercing blasts of crackling booms banging over head, and being absolutely SURE you're going to see a twister. I'd planned an escape route and everything. Checking my mirrors and looking all around me, I was surprised to not see clouds twisting into a dark black funnel cloud. Intense indeed.
My only splice was that Mommy got off work a bit early to get you home ahead of the coming storms. And by the time they would blow in, you were resting comfortably in the house with Mommy and your dogs. My mission simply became about getting home. It took me a solid 20 minutes to get less than 3 miles, though once home and away from the madness, I breathed a sigh of relief, dropped my bag at the door, and ran to see you. Safe and sound - exactly where you should be.
There are two things in this life to not mess with, Conor. And only two... Karma and Mother Nature. Both can be wicked tarts when taken for granted... My first advice to you would be, never underestimate Mother Nature and to always realize that what comes around, goes around. No exceptions. You'd be wise to remember that, Son.
That's all for tonight, Boy'O. Tomorrow is Saturday and it's back to the pool... Can't wait!
I love you, Son.
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