Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friends in Low Places

Day 192:

You know Conor, what's absolutely true in life is that you'll always reap what you sew...  As they say, "Karma is a bitch!"...  But if you try, and I mean really try, to stay on the right side of wrong, this life will deal you a Royal Flush, Son.  That's to say, you'll be unbeatable...  Though get on the wrong side and you end up carrying a lifetime of whoa with you...  Trust me, I know a few people you could talk to...

I've always prided myself on my open mindedness, my appreciation of people (in most situations), and my undying will to help people should only they ask.  I believe this has served me well and kept me on that "right side" I speak of...  In this vein I always try and remember something I read from C.S. Lewis some time ago, "Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody's looking."  To be sure, I'm not that sanctimonious, Boy'O.  I've made my mistakes.  But in general that's as good a rule to follow as any you'll ever know.

With this in mind it's important for you to also know that I will never feel even an ounce of pity for the unjust, the liars, the thieves, and worse.  I try like hell to stay on the good side of bad, Boy'O.  If others don't, that's not my problem.  And if they make it my problem, I'll solve the problem.  But to be sure, Conor, if I accomplish only one thing worth being remembered for in this life Son, it'll be that you do the same.  That you're just, good, and true.  And not just some of the time - all of the time.

God forbid you ever have a close friend who end up seriously injured, or worse.  Though logic and common sense tells us that undoubtedly you'll experience the grief associated with anything from helping a friend in dire need, to losing someone you love long before their time.  It's perhaps the most unfortunate side of life...  I'm talking about heartache, Son.  And though it's what makes us human, it's also what makes us vulnerable.  Still, the ability to feel that sorrow, that pain and that void, is also what drives us, Conor.  As selfish as your fellow man can appear while muddling along in their day to day life, when tragedy befalls a friend, it's the community around him or her that help direct the ship.  And though you may forget these lessons, or that's to say become complacent in remembering them, when something happens which requires our help, for example; a good friend being wiped out on his motorcycle by a negligent driver, you're quickly reminded about the core of humanity, Son.  And what lies at the core is love.

Since Ziggy's gone down I've been doing all I could to respond with the same positive, upbeat spirit he carries himself.  Though what I've found is, by simply putting forth the effort your fellow man will come to your side and hold you up.  The response of the motorcycling community, both interpersonally and at large, has been awe inspiring.  And with only one week to go before Zig's "Help a Brother Out" benefit, the people on the good side of bad, those who would do the right thing when nobody's looking, they've responded, Son.  And they've responded BIG.

The title of the piece being, "Friends in Low Places" is in reference to the community of men and women who rally to a cause.  It's in reference to the selfless few who'll do anything and everything they can to help a person they hardly know.  Today I met with my friend, Jeff "Joker" Thompson as he's one of those who would rise to the occasion.  And though he's not even going to be in town for Ziggy's event next Saturday, he's found a way to donate over a thousand dollars in cash and items to be raffled. And that's the kinda guy I'm talking about, Conor.  A guy who, for the sake of simply lending a hand, will throw himself completely into an effort that he believes in... An effort to help his fellow man.  And frankly, it's guys like Joker who restore my faith in mankind...  If only to again be reminded later.

Be good, Conor.  Be really good.  If you manage to do that, believe me when I say, it'll come back to you in spades.

I love you, Lion Heart.

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