Friday, June 15, 2012

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Day 184:

As yesterday was your 6 month anniversary of joining us in this mortal coil, it was also time to get a few more shots as well as to gauge your height, weight, and head circumference against your peers... The results are in and you're kicking tail and taking names!!  The Lion Heart will not be denied...

Officially you're 25" long and 14.4 lbs with a 17" melon...  Though unofficially, you're larger than life!  But that's another story all together...   

Yes Conor, you're in the 4th percentile on the growth chart for weight, 7th percentile on the growth chart for length, and 33rd percentile on the growth chart for head size.  As the Doc explained to us, your social maturity is that of a kid out of the womb for 6 months, but your physiology is that of a 4 month old.  So if we were to "correct" your age, per how you've charted against your peers (i.e. were you actually born in February and not December) your head would be in the 90th percentile and the rest of the Lion Heart would be right down the middle - between 40th and 60th percentile.

Net / Net, the Doc who saw you today, Dr. Howell, was quite pleased with your progress; demeanor, behavior, muscle structure, weight, etc.  We're moving you on to a different formula and have been instructed to continue working on getting you to eat solids; rice cereal / oatmeal mixed with fruit or vegetables; even if you're not having ANY of it!

Yes Boy'O... You are on the path.  And what an adventure it'll be.

I love you, Son.

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