Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Day for Dads

Day 186:

Well Son, today was a very special day indeed.  For me it's one I've been waiting for an awfully long time, and in fact, that thought occurred to me today, Son.  The thought that, being 39 years old and at one time wondering if I'd ever be a Dad, every single thing in my life has brought me to this point and it's truly my great honor to be your Dad.  Father to a Son.  Dad of the Lion Heart.  Father to you...
Yes Boy'O, it's easy to say it's all worth it.

This being my first Father's Day, Mommy decided to treat me to brunch at a restaurant in my favorite town in Virginia, the Town of Clifton.  Clifton is where I grew up and so I love to go back there and drive those old roads, relive old memories... The restaurant is called "Trummers on Main" and it's as nice a restaurant as any in Northern Virginia.  The weather today was a perfect as anything you could ask for with temperatures in the mid 70's, sunny skies, a light breeze.  Perfect.

When we walked into Trummers, me carrying you in your carseat and struggling to fit through a door, the moment I set foot in the restaurant, a hostess said to me "Happy Father's Day!"...  I kinda paused...  It would be the first greeting of this kind I'd ever gotten from a total stranger and the exuberance in my response was telling.  In fact, were I a source of light I might have blinded everyone in the room...  Of course, you and Mommy had already both wished me a very Happy Father's Day and in fact, my gift from you, a customized coffee mug, was as cool a gift as anything I've ever gotten!  But hearing it from a complete stranger was as prideful a moment as any I've ever had.   Father to a Son.  Dad of the Lion Heart.  Father to you...

The brunch was very good.  We all sat at a nice outdoor table and, in typical Conor fashion, you were as good as gold, Son.  A quick bottle, a nice long nap, and a peaceful easy meal.  An excellent Father's Day indeed.

Upon returning home it was decided to get you all suited up and head to the pool in your brand new Jeep stroller!  That's right, Son.  Mommy and me got you a three wheeled off-road stroller WITH a stereo, because, well, why wouldn't we?!  You did very well in the cool water enjoying a good 15 minutes before being done with it and ready to rock out in your new Jeep (stroller).  The rest of the afternoon was spent taking it easy on an outdoor lounge chair... Reading a book, playing a game, playing with you.  A very special day indeed.

In all, you were absolutely perfect all day today, Conor.  No fussing, no crying, nothin'... Just a happy baby boy celebrating his Father's Day with a very happy man.  Happy for having you in my life, Son.  And ever proud to be your Father.

I love you more than you could ever possibly know, Conor.

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