Monday, June 11, 2012

No Playing with your Food

Day 180:

Conventional wisdom, books on child rearing, advice from our own parents, advice from friends, and advice from strangers tells us you should be all but ready to start chowing down on something other than a warm bottle, Conor...  Though each time your Mom throws something together (hard, laborious work, Boy'O - rice cereal mixed with a splash of puree'd pears), you take the first bite or two and then, toxic meltdown!

Seems you're not ready for solids just yet, Conor, but we're getting there!  You're 6 months old from the date of your birth in 2 days.  On the one hand, social ability and awareness have you at or above those of your peer group!  On the other hand, you're still gestation ally only 4 months old, and so the physiology of body hasn't perhaps caught up with the development of your mind - a common trait in preemie kids.

Never the less, you're nothing short of impressive, Conor.  You're chatting up a storm these days, seemingly always involved in the conversation... With me and your Mom as parents, I'm afraid that whole "children should be seen but not heard" thing may be a bit tricky, bit I'll work on it!

Otherwise, not a lot to report, Son.  Just another day in paradise, as they say.

I love you, Conor.

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