Monday, June 4, 2012

Ahead of the Curve

Day 173:

Wow Conor... It's been a whirlwind few days, Son.  While the weekend was beautiful in so far as the weather, it was devastating when taking into account how close we came to losing such a good friend as a result of another person's negligence.  I'm pleased to report Ziggy's doing better in the sense that they were able to stop the internal bleeding, and so his injuries, while less life threatening, are still severe.  The Doctors are planning to perform a surgery on his pelvis tomorrow and try to reattach it in the several areas it's been broken.  The wrists and his ankle will just have to wait.  Though as I said, Conor... Our friend is on the mend, and that's all we can ask for at this point.

The overwhelming support the Zieglers' have received has been nothing short of spectacular, including a visit today from the Lion Heart.  That's right, Boy'O, me, you, and Mommy all went to the hospital today to see Mr. Ziggy and provide our prayers...  This just after your appointment with the Developmental Specialist, Dr. Chris Wallin.

Completely on the other end of the spectrum - while we're hoping and praying for a speedy recovery in putting Ziggy all back together again, there's you.  Not quite 6 months on this Earth, healthy as any baby boy ever could be, and growing and thriving to beat the band.

Dr. Wallin ("Chris" as we call her) was truly impressed in your progress!  You're scoring very high marks in terms of your socialization, temperament, growth, attentiveness, ability to task, hand / eye coordination... You name it!  Though apparently we've dropped the ball in terms of how much time you spend on your tummy... Seems you're supposed to be at a point of fully supporting yourself at this point and even rolling over if need be.  That's on us, though we're working on it!

Otherwise, you're quite the little dude, Conor.  Truly impressive and getting stronger every day.  Impressing the Doctors, impressing your friends, and most of all, impressing your parents.

I love you, Lion Heart.  You're as remarkable as it gets, Son.

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