Thursday, March 1, 2012

Conor Gets His 1st Sitter

Day 79:

Well Boy'O, as we enter March Mommy and me continue to press back into the lives we knew before you. Things you don't yet know about us, and things that will undoubtedly change as you grow, is our work schedules... Your Mother and I have made our livings working some extraoridnarily long hours over the years; especially your Mother. This approach to our lives served us well for almost 12 years... But now? Well, let's just say there are more important things now...

Anyhow, with all this in mind Mommy took a meeting today with a large and influential would-be partner; something to reacquaint her with her love of work... And Son, I'm pleased to report the meeting went great! Looks like Mommy's going to seal the partnership in the coming days, and just in time for her to go back to work full time in the next week and a half.

Still, that meeting doesn't happen if we can't get a sitter for you, Boy'O. And your great Aunt Helene was all to happy to come and take over duties for a few hours! She came to the house this morning with your little cousin, Tess, and the two of them sat and played with you what seemed like all day! It was very sweet for Aunt Helene to come all the way out to Fairfax from Front Royal... But the Lion Heart is beloved, Son. And for them it was worth the journey.

Thanks Aunt Helene and Tess! We love you guys so much...

And I love you, Boy'O. Always.

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