Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chilly Virginia to Sunny Florida

Day 350:

Well Conor, here I am, back in Florida.  In another life I wouldn't mind it so much. In another life I would have really enjoyed escaping the frosty temperatures of the mid-Atlantic for a few days to the warm and balmy climate of the Sunshine State.  Though now that you're here, yeah, not so much.  Makes me miss home more...

I had a great day of meetings today, Son.  Took a client to lunch and worked with them to exact their vision while smothering any doubts they may have of partnering with my company.  Progress.  If you're gonna be on the road, that's the goal, Boy'O.  Progress.  Though tomorrow is the true test.  Tomorrow I'm in 8 hours of meetings with a prospect I'm working to do business with by the end of the year, and it's time to shine, Son.  This is the deal that makes or breaks my year...  Of course, given your being here, anything else is just cake and pie.  Still, it'd go along way to knock this thing down, and so that's my focus.  To help the customer understand just how valuable I / we are, and to eliminate reasons they would abstain from a progressive software decision.  No easy task.  Especially with software!

As for you, seems you're doing okay, though Mommy's still keeping you on a bland diet for the sake of settling your tummy.  Turns out there's a nasty stomach bug affecting babies everywhere, and so a call from the Pediatrician would confirm our instinct to withhold formula and feed you only the blandest of foods.  And so we will... For a couple days anyhow.  Though I will say, in typical Conor fashion, you're as playful and as full of energy as if you were never even ill at all... And I love that about you, Son.  Ever the optimist.

I love you, Conor.

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